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Indian RAW's Kulbhushan S Jadhav sentenced to death for espionage & sabotage against Pakistan

I agree with you what ever you said 100% just one thing confession are of no value in such cases other than propaganda :)
Well dude I am sorry to say but once you are arrested for the claims of spy and that too of terrorist spy. Your fate is almost sealed . Their is very little rights available to them. They can be tortured for information without having any international restrictions or retribution . Same used to be done against spies and their Network during cold war.
That's the reason why he confessed so easily in front of camera. And about his family all spies specially deep intelligence operatives know what will happen to them and their families before they sign up to this kind of job
The poor PA officer was entraped by RAW in an attempt to gain a barter, but it seems the PA is serious about knocking out Yadav.

RAW tried to one up them by kidnapping an average retired guy and threatening to trump him up as a spy for their local maliced population if Yadav was not released- this is just a harsh response to it.
Very long list. Mainly terrorism in Baluchistan and Karachi. Lots of agents been arrested , which he pointed out. Later they were brought in court and admit they been in contact with Indian spy all those years.

Where is this list?
Everything has been done in secret courts. How do you know of this "list" and no one else?
You are right , this assymetric warfare hurt the comman man the most be it a Pakistani or an Indian comman man :( , this is harsh but reality
This is happening already.. No matter how much we deny, Pakistan and India are at war. The war is not conventional, but whoever is denying it lives in a fools paradise.
Different act? Which act? I think he has the right to appeal.. Anyway, lets see.

I am not sure, but maybe spies are treated differently? Because it was told in the reporters prog tht he will have a chance to appeal in military appellate courts, which is not the case in normal military court cases.. People go to high courts and then supreme court, against verdict given by military courts normally...
Where is this list?
Everything has been done in secret courts. How do you know of this "list" and no one else?
Well, these high level proceeding always shared with opponent. May be not all proceeding publish in media. But, Indian govts knows well. Indian govt only issue is death penalty, they haven't challenge the accusations .
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