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Indian presence in Afghanistan starts to unravel. Consulates in Jalalabad and Herat are no more.

Don't be too happy.
In Jalalabad, only the civilian diplomatic section has been shut in Apr 2020. RAW's operations desk in Jalalabad is very much active.

Infact Pakistan admitted that RAW paid TTP millions in August 2020 in Jalalabad for merger of various groups.

As for Herat consulate it will open soon.

We are also waiting for the Indian presence in Afghanistan more than ever when ISAF protection is gone.
Don't be too happy.
In Jalalabad, only the civilian diplomatic section has been shut in Apr 2020. RAW's operations desk in Jalalabad is very much active.

Infact Pakistan admitted that RAW paid TTP millions in August 2020 in Jalalabad for merger of various groups.

As for Herat consulate it will open soon.


LMAO dude, what world are you living in? We are coming. We won. You lost. Suck it up.
The Indian consulates will soon be converted into communal toilets for the Taliban.
Some Indian posters wrote about how they’ll (RAW) be back in action, the part they missed is as toilet attendants.
I think you must read the article first before you post it to make yourself look fool.
India shuts these consulates even before US announced withdrawal. And reason was not what you have mentioned.
All this cheering and whistling for Taliban gains and Indian diplomatic retreat aside--I pray, and urge all of Pakistanis to pray, that Allah SWT helps us in managing the situation with vision, sincerity and common sense.

Situation right now is like a fire has started in our neighbor's house and our enemy's dog got burnt. While we are cheering for it right now but it won't be long before the wind changes direction and flames start reaching our side of the fence. Time to be humble and remember the mess we were in when this happened in Afghanistan last time.

We have to remind ourselves that the Taliban are not under our absolute control, as much as we like to think. Taliban Gov of late 90s refused to accept the Durand line. As soon as they get some level of security in Afghanistan they'll start treating us as an adversary because after all we are a democratic country that doesn't sit well with their ideology and, like it or not, our establishment has deep entrenched ties with the West. We will be viewed as just another Western puppet in the region.

IK has been very careful so far in his approach and statements towards the Taliban and this is what needs to continue.
Unfortunately most Pakistanis are unaware of these facts.

Once taliban becomes independent and no longer needs Pakistan's support , watch them turn their guns towards us. Taliban do not recognize durand line , that itself is an existential threat to us.

Besides , if anyone is aware of geopolitics .. There are no permanent friends . Afghans for decades , especially Pashtuns have been the biggest threat against Pakistan.
Don't be too happy.
In Jalalabad, only the civilian diplomatic section has been shut in Apr 2020. RAW's operations desk in Jalalabad is very much active.

Infact Pakistan admitted that RAW paid TTP millions in August 2020 in Jalalabad for merger of various groups.

As for Herat consulate it will open soon.


so your saying it should be considered a legitimate military target? No civilian activity what so ever anymore, only a foreign military base conducting terrorist attacks? Got it. Message received. :agree:
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Pakistani cheering for Afghan Taliban never gets old.

Why were you guys begging for relations with Talibans if they are bad???

You people always opposed them and now liking their feet for help in Afghanistan.
itna delusion atta kahan say hai mitrrrun??

My theory is if you drink cow urine, eat cow dung, watch hindutva channels , you are full of hatred towards muslims and minorities, you become delusional and exactly like desh bakhts, the one we see here very frequently.
Why were you guys begging for relations with Talibans if they are bad???

You people always opposed them and now liking their feet for help in Afghanistan.

Their can be no relations between an Radically Islamic Terrorist group and a democratic Republic.

We don't need no help in Afghanistan.

You guys will find out what happens when you pet snakes in your backyard and we will just sit back and relax.
Their can be no relations between an Radically Islamic Terrorist group and a democratic Republic.

We don't need no help in Afghanistan.

You guys will find out what happens when you pet snakes in your backyard and we will just sit back and relax.

I expect Indian intel to continue terrorism campaign in Pakistan, even with fall of kabul. Indians have plenty of money to undermine Pakistan, but less soo for its people.
August 2020

We are living in June 2021, to be precise. This is a latest development.
I think you must read the article first before you post it to make yourself look fool.
India shuts these consulates even before US announced withdrawal. And reason was not what you have mentioned. View attachment 757705

LOL, Indian rat, did you actually READ it yourself?

India itself is the epicenter of Corona so no need to worry about it elsewhere, its just a excuse. The devil is in the details. Read and weep.

The Jalalabad consulate was like four men being surrounded by 40 adversaries. So, why to take a chance when the situation is so volatile there right now?” the source said.
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We are living in June 2021, to be precise. This is a latest development.
Wrong. This is an old news as consulate closed in April 2020 itself as clearly mentioned in article.
The IFS civilian officials posted there were pulled out because of safety reasons.

But RAW desk in Jalalabad is fully operational as RAW officials unlike IFS have to work in hostile environments , infact in August 2020, four months after consulate closed RAW officials in Jalalabad paid TTP 1 million dollars and successfuly merged several groups into it as per Pakistan's own admission.
Proving RAW fully ops in Jalalabad.
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