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Indian presence in Afghanistan starts to unravel. Consulates in Jalalabad and Herat are no more.

All this cheering and whistling for Taliban gains and Indian diplomatic retreat aside--I pray, and urge all of Pakistanis to pray, that Allah SWT helps us in managing the situation with vision, sincerity and common sense.

Situation right now is like a fire has started in our neighbor's house and our enemy's dog got burnt. While we are cheering for it right now but it won't be long before the wind changes direction and flames start reaching our side of the fence. Time to be humble and remember the mess we were in when this happened in Afghanistan last time.

We have to remind ourselves that the Taliban are not under our absolute control, as much as we like to think. Taliban Gov of late 90s refused to accept the Durand line. As soon as they get some level of security in Afghanistan they'll start treating us as an adversary because after all we are a democratic country that doesn't sit well with their ideology and, like it or not, our establishment has deep entrenched ties with the West. We will be viewed as just another Western puppet in the region.

IK has been very careful so far in his approach and statements towards the Taliban and this is what needs to continue.
the amount of venom lies coming out of this Indian woman is astonishing
No one should pay attention to those cheap and crude people ,a sorry excuse for journalist,running the mouth in crass, low IQ ,unimaginative manner with limited vocabulary ,it deserve no attention,there's a reason India is never on the mind of ASEAN,west,Europe or east Asia,India is only remembered when the west think they need an useful clod to hedge against China.
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forget these cowards, they will do what they are born with, their tail is always between their legs.

Pakistan must concentrate on what is necessary for us to do. the way US is leaving Afghanistan, it wouldn't be very pleasant, bloody path ahead and we have to do a lot.
The Indians even dropped the rhetoric of sharing a border with Afghanistan, on their official foreign-directed propaganda “news” channel.

the presenter says right at the start of the clip.

TERROR TAKEOVER Moment 350 Afghan troops ‘surrender to Taliban’ & tanks captured as group seize third of country weeks before Nato exit

Watch the video in the link.
THIS is the moment 350 Afghan troops reportedly surrendered to the Taliban as the terror group continues to accelerate its campaign to gain ultimate control over the war-torn country.
Another video appears to show a line of captured tanks as militants seized territory and overran checkpoints across the north as US and Nato forces withdraw, with Jihadists already taking over a third of Afghanistan.
Video footage reportedly shows 350 Afghan soldiers surrendering to the Taliban
Video footage reportedly shows 350 Afghan soldiers surrendering to the TalibanCredit: Twitter
An unverified clip appears to show militants seizing tanks and other vehicles
An unverified clip appears to show militants seizing tanks and other vehiclesCredit: Twitter

Unverified footage reportedly shows 350 Afghan soldiers surrender to the Taliban near Kabul as they seized weapons and ammunition after capturing a strategic base in the Ghazni province.
The Muqur district fell to the Taliban after months of being under siege, according to a member of the provincial council and a security source.
Officials said on Monday that Taliban militants have taken over another district, launching attacks on checkpoints and cementing control over a border trade crossing as clashes intensify in Afghanistan's central and northern provinces.
A health centre in the Muqur district was bombed on Monday morning, according to provincial health director Zaher Shah Nekmal, injuring five health workers.

Another unconfirmed clip allegedly shows dozens of the Kabul regime's tanks being seized in the Faryab province.
Violence has risen sharply around the country as foreign forces work towards withdrawing by September 11 and peace talks in Qatar have failed to make significant progress.
The Taliban have launched a wave of offensives around the country, particularly in the north, outside of their southern strongholds.
Footage reportedly shows the Taliban taking over another district
Footage reportedly shows the Taliban taking over another districtCredit: Twitter


In central Bamiyan province, Taliban fighters attacked several security checkpoints, resulting in heavy clashes overnight, according to Humayoon Elkhani, spokesman for Bamiyan's provincial police.
In northern Badakhshan province, the Taliban launched coordinated attacks on five districts overnight but were fought back by Afghan security forces, according to a spokesperson for the provincial government.
The Taliban also still has maintained control of Shir Khan Bandar, a significant border crossing town with Tajikistan, after seizing it last week.
Shafiqullah Atayi, chairman of Afghanistan's Chamber of Commerce and Investment, said the Taliban had appointed their own members to run the administration offices but that trade had stopped.

A Taliban spokesman said they had appointed officials to run the transit point and it was open for people to cross.
Meanwhile, Afghanistan's capital Kabul suffered severe power outages in recent days after a power pylon in central Parwan province was blown up on the weekend by unknown attackers.
A spokesperson for national power utility Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat said around 35 power pylons had been blown up in the last six months, but they were not clear on who was behind the explosions.
The Taliban now have control of a third of Afghanistan and are set to conquer more
The Taliban now have control of a third of Afghanistan and are set to conquer moreCredit: Reuters
The Taliban have been on tenterhooks to forge ahead with their scheme since President Joe Biden announced the withdrawal of troops back in April and have since continued at “lightning speed”.

Jihadist forces have now advanced across rural areas, putting them in reaching distance of major cities such as Herat and Kabul.
A recent US intelligence report warned they could take the capital, Kabul, within six months.
They have now seized hold in almost twice as much of Afghanistan as they had two months ago – sparking concerns they are planning an explosive offensive this summer.
The US President’s plans to withdraw all forces by September 11 have been called into question as the Taliban continue to taunt the Western power with “significant pressures”.

Since May, the Taliban have captured at least 69 of 407 Afghan districts, including some that were considered government strongholds.
It is feared they will launch an explosive summer offensive that will exceed the US government’s worst fears
It is feared they will launch an explosive summer offensive that will exceed the US government’s worst fearsCredit: AP
Missions were expected to focus on territory in the south and east, traditional Taliban strongholds, but they have alarmingly focused their offensives in the north.
With 142 districts under their control, the terror group has their sights firmly set on the 170 they don’t yet have – but amid their mounting success, they have changed tactics.
Their victorious streak threatens to reverse the efforts of the US and NATO’s two decades of service and waste the colossal costs of fighting the “long war”.

The Defense Department’s latest report from 2020 revealed they had spent $815.7billion (£586.7billion) – nearly $1TRILLION – on war-fighting.
US Congress found that around $19billion (£13.6billion) had been lost to waste, fraud and abuse between May 2009 and December 31, 2019.
Not to mention the human costs – as it is estimated 66,000 to 69,000 Afghan troops have perished, while UN Watchdogs said 72 journalists and 444 aid workers had lost their lives.
The UN estimate nearly 11,000 civilians have been killed or injured since they began recording casualties in 2009.

Rockets blast US base in Syria after Biden's airstrikes on Iranian militias

Almost 2.7 million Afghans have been forced to flee the conflict, while another 4 million are now displaced within their home country.
It has exhausted Afghan forces, seeing troops complain they are outnumbered, outgunned, under-paid and weary from 20 years of fighting.
The jihadists have taken advantage of their fatigued opponents – seeing some government units surrender and reportedly negotiate agreements with them instead of risking further bloodshed.
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All these years Indians said they care about Afghanistan and even went on to say that Afghans and Indians have cultural bond and Afghans are our brothers. So now when your brothers are in need of help, you guys are running with tail between your legs. Your claims were so ridiculous that even Trump thought that you will send your army there but guess what you guys ran.
Indians even call the roadside paanwala "Bhaiya" or brother. so what ? Afghans are our brothers as long as they are useful to us. Now that the Ghani and Co is probably going to be beaten, we will try to make new allies in Taliban. After all, these dudes also need money and international recognization..

But for the time being, its the show time in Afghanistan and we will wait till dust settles.. there will be new ties, new friendships and new brotherhood with whoever sits in kabul. Pakistan puts in the hard efforts in terms of blood and self destruction to support Taliban. Now its time for others to harvest the fruits and make afghanistan great again ...

India will be back as soon as due amount of blood is shred by Afghanistan and Pakistan for their madness. We are like the Kashmiri Pashmina Shawl sellers, who comes back just before every winter..
Indians even call the roadside paanwala "Bhaiya" or brother. so what ? Afghans are our brothers as long as they are useful to us. Now that the Ghani and Co is probably going to be beaten, we will try to make new allies in Taliban. After all, these dudes also need money and international recognization..

But for the time being, its the show time in Afghanistan and we will wait till dust settles.. there will be new ties, new friendships and new brotherhood with whoever sits in kabul. Pakistan puts in the hard efforts in terms of blood and self destruction to support Taliban. Now its time for others to harvest the fruits and make afghanistan great again ...

India will be back as soon as due amount of blood is shred by Afghanistan and Pakistan for their madness. We are like the Kashmiri Pashmina Shawl sellers, who comes back just before every winter..
itna delusion atta kahan say hai mitrrrun??
Indians even call the roadside paanwala "Bhaiya" or brother. so what ? Afghans are our brothers as long as they are useful to us. Now that the Ghani and Co is probably going to be beaten, we will try to make new allies in Taliban. After all, these dudes also need money and international recognization..

But for the time being, its the show time in Afghanistan and we will wait till dust settles.. there will be new ties, new friendships and new brotherhood with whoever sits in kabul. Pakistan puts in the hard efforts in terms of blood and self destruction to support Taliban. Now its time for others to harvest the fruits and make afghanistan great again ...

India will be back as soon as due amount of blood is shred by Afghanistan and Pakistan for their madness. We are like the Kashmiri Pashmina Shawl sellers, who comes back just before every winter..
Of course only time can tell...
After failure of India Taliban talks in Qatar, India is now forced to pack its bag from two counultates in Jalalabad and Herat. With American security gone, Indian presence was becoming untenable. This is excatly what likes of me have been saying for donkey years. India was firing its gun towards Pakistan using American shoulders. Kabul regime is there, northern alliance is there so why shupa powa is leaving its notorious consulates?


Barely noticed story of why India shut key Jalalabad, Herat missions & why they may stay shut

“The Jalalabad consulate was like four men being surrounded by 40 adversaries. So, why to take a chance when the situation is so volatile there right now?” the source said.

hasta la vista..baby. :butcher::drag:

There is no rhyme, reason or rational argument for india to have any presence in Afghanistan. If anything, india is a destabilizing player in the region. The fact that the hinduvta govt has been brutally oppressing Muslims and Christians, is more than enough reason for no Muslim country, that has a genuinely Muslim leadership, to have any relations with hinduvta ruled india.
After failure of India Taliban talks in Qatar, India is now forced to pack its bag from two counultates in Jalalabad and Herat. With American security gone, Indian presence was becoming untenable. This is excatly what likes of me have been saying for donkey years. India was firing its gun towards Pakistan using American shoulders. Kabul regime is there, northern alliance is there so why shupa powa is leaving its notorious consulates?


Barely noticed story of why India shut key Jalalabad, Herat missions & why they may stay shut

“The Jalalabad consulate was like four men being surrounded by 40 adversaries. So, why to take a chance when the situation is so volatile there right now?” the source said.

hasta la vista..baby. :butcher::drag:
The Indian media and government have always boasted that India is important in Afghanistan, but reality shows that India is not important at all.
lol 😂 .. kyon laitay rehtay ho supa pawa kee, abh to raphael bhee a gia hay..
Last time we saw Indians packing their baggages was during the last fall of Kabul. That time they were using the Russian shoulder.
All these years Indians said they care about Afghanistan and even went on to say that Afghans and Indians have cultural bond and Afghans are our brothers. So now when your brothers are in need of help, you guys are running with tail between your legs. Your claims were so ridiculous that even Trump thought that you will send your army there but guess what you guys ran.

Anyone who hunts our enemies will be cheered. The people who waged the war against us in our infancy and people who continue to kill our children deserve nothing less than Taliban.
The Indians even dropped the rhetoric of sharing a border with Afghanistan, on their official foreign-directed propaganda “news” channel.

the presenter says right at the start of the clip.

she used to call them terorist.. @ 1:31 today she took a pause and called them "fighters"
You can hear the hesitation in her voice, as she has to switch gears to the new approved term her government script writers have given her.

at 1:32 you can see she can’t believe what’s written on her teleprompter.:o:
Not just that in the beginning she said ".Afghanistan..a country that does not share border with border India .." i was like :thank_you2:
ya iv edited my comment with the timestamp..funny stuff
Indians are a joke.
All this cheering and whistling for Taliban gains and Indian diplomatic retreat aside--I pray, and urge all of Pakistanis to pray, that Allah SWT helps us in managing the situation with vision, sincerity and common sense.

Situation right now is like a fire has started in our neighbor's house and our enemy's dog got burnt. While we are cheering for it right now but it won't be long before the wind changes direction and flames start reaching our side of the fence. Time to be humble and remember the mess we were in when this happened in Afghanistan last time.

We have to remind ourselves that the Taliban are not under our absolute control, as much as we like to think. Taliban Gov of late 90s refused to accept the Durand line. As soon as they get some level of security in Afghanistan they'll start treating us as an adversary because after all we are a democratic country that doesn't sit well with their ideology and, like it or not, our establishment has deep entrenched ties with the West. We will be viewed as just another Western puppet in the region.

IK has been very careful so far in his approach and statements towards the Taliban and this is what needs to continue.
No one should pay attention tho cheap and crude people running their mouth,their crass, low IQ ,unimaginative and limited vocabulary talks, deserve no attention,there's a reason India is never on the mind of asean,west,europe or east asia,India is only remember when the west think they need an useful clod to hedge against China.

Don't be too happy.
In Jalalabad, only the civilian diplomatic section has been shut in Apr 2020. RAW's operations desk in Jalalabad is very much active.

Infact Pakistan admitted that RAW paid TTP millions in August 2020 in Jalalabad for merger of various groups.

Moeed Yusuf further said that India recently spent $1 million to merge the Tehreek-e-Taliban-Pakistan (TTP) and four other terrorist organisations in Afghanistan under the supervision of RAW officials in Jalalabad.

As for Herat consulate it will open soon.

Don't be too happy.
In Jalalabad, only the civilian diplomatic section has been shut in Apr 2020. RAW's operations desk in Jalalabad is very much active.

Infact Pakistan admitted that RAW paid TTP millions in August 2020 in Jalalabad for merger of various groups.

As for Herat consulate it will open soon.


India has been funding Baloch and TTP terrorists for decades. But they then cry about Mumbai attacks. If India doesn't stop then something worse is on the cards again in Bombay.
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