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[MENTION=148509][Bregs][/MENTION] @Soumitra

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Management is supporting MODI :smart:

Lol you are bang on target :P

All the attention but can Modi get BJP votes?

On Wednesday, the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate, Narendra Modi, stole MP CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan’s thunder in the latter’s own backyard. On Thursday, he made his southern debut in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, drawing crowds comparable to the ones Jayalalithaa attracted for her campaign in the 2011 polls. On Sunday, he is supposed to take on Delhi.

The numbers, the response, the fanfare, the cheering…the Modi-effect is palpable. But the question on everyone’s minds — supporters and rivals alike — is: Can this help the BJP win elections?


“The voters are concerned about local issues during the assembly elections. They are least bothered about Modi’s elevation,” says Raipur-based political analyst Shashank Sharma.

Even the Opposition Congress, which is troubled by its own problems, is not losing sleep over Modi. “He remains an absolute stranger for the large tribal and scheduled caste population. There will be no impact on the electoral prospects of the Congress,” says state Congress general secretary Ramesh Varlyani.

The scenario in Madhya Pradesh is similar. “The BJP government in the state has not adopted any Hindutva agenda on its part so far. The BJP workers may be enthused after Modi’s new role, but it is not going to impact the polls,” says political analyst Girijashankar.


BJP leaders feel Modi will consolidate the party’s conventional Hindutva vote, and garner greater support from the urban middle class, particularly youth.

Modi’s rally in Jaipur in the beginning of the month saw a huge turnout, drawing the youth. “Young people think he is a doer,” says the BJP youth wing’s Rajasthan president, Deendayal Kumawat.

A few believe even the Northeast, especially poll-bound Mizoram, maybe warming up to Modi. But this may mean little as the BJP doesn’t have a presence in the northeast.

“Many in Mizoram are likely to be ignorant about Modi, but those in the know feel he can do better for India. The admiration is for his ability to do and not his religious affiliation. People know whoever becomes PM cannot afford to adhere to this ideology or that in a diverse, multi-ethnic country,” says Aizawl-based political analyst Vanlalruata.

In Assam, where the indigenous communities fear being outnumbered by Bangladeshis aka Bengali Muslims, the Modi fan base has widened. Some fans have floated pro-Modi groups on social media for a ‘better, safer Assam’. “Assam needs a leader like him to check the demographic invasion,” says RK Sarma, a member of one such Modi fan group.


However, Modi comes with problems too, for the BJP. Muslims across the country are expected to polarise to defeat the BJP under him. And this means gains for the Congress — which has otherwise been faced with massive corruption charges and flak due to inflation — wherever it has a chance.

A key concern of a section of the BJP is whether Modi would be acceptable to potential NDA allies. His elevation led to the rupture in the alliance with the Janata Dal (United). These leaders argue that since regional parties have a Muslim constituency to address, they would be loath to accept Modi as the BJP’s PM-candidate. However, pro-Modi party leaders have begun to counter this logic, saying that allies are attracted to power, not secularism. “If we end up with 120 seats, we’ll have no allies even if we put up the most secular face. But if we get 180-odd seats, you’ll find many parties shedding their inhibitions and flocking to the NDA to form the next government,” a BJP leader said.

(inputs: Bhopal, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan) and Mizoram)

Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/specials/coverage/MyIndia-MyVote/Chunk-HT-UI-MyIndiaMyVote-LeadingStories/All-the-attention-but-can-Modi-get-BJP-votes/SP-Article10-1128010.aspx

New Delhi. In a shocking turn of events, Rahul Gandhi has now slammed his letter to the PM, in which he had mentioned he had the greatest respect for Manmohan. He called the letter “Nonsense” and that it needs to be “Torn up”.

Rahul Gandhi went on to say, “The internal thinking in my brain was, I have to write this letter due to political considerations. I have to appear to be a person who respects the PM and our democratic process. But, let me state it now, its my personal opinion, that I need to stop making such small compromises”

He said that Nonsense is everywhere, “In people’s shirt, in their Turbans, in their pants, in their Lungis/Veshtis”. He further said “Congress is like a Computer in a Poisonous Beehive, without RAM, but only with ROMe”

When asked by a media person, how he was planning to get rid of all this nonsense, he replied, “Let me ask you one thing, how will You clear this nonsense? As a Citizen, not as a media reporter.”

The PM, who is in USA now, quickly responded with a carefully worded statement, “Mr Rahul Gandhi has expressed his lack of respect for me at many private occasions before. We will have a Cabinet meeting soon and learn how to gain Rahul ji’s respect.”

Such insults won’t deter me from digesting further insults: Manmohan Singh


New York, USA. After Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi publicly humiliated Dr. Manmohan Singh by calling an ordinance cleared by his government as “complete nonsense”, Dr. Singh has said that such insults won’t hamper his spirit.

“Although I live in Delhi, I have the Mumbai spirit,” the putative Prime Minister of India told Faking News, “This indeed is an insult, but I can sustain and survive millions of such insults.”

When asked how did he summon so much courage and fortitude to keep up with such level of public humiliation, the alleged Prime Minister of India credited the Vice President of Congress for his indomitable spirit.

“When Rahul ji said that ‘power is poison’, I knew that I’ve to be ready to swallow poison. I am doing it and I thank the leadership of Rahul Gandhi ji for giving me this courage,” the Chairman of the Planning Commission said.

The person whose picture is displayed along with Sonia Gandhi’s pictures in most of the government advertisements further insisted that Rahul Gandhi’s act didn’t undermine the sanctity or authority of the post of the Prime Minister of India.

“See, Rahul ji could have said that ‘shame that a bunch of idiots led by a nincompoop have come up with such piece of crap’, but he didn’t say anything like that,” he claimed.

“But one thing more,” Dr. Singh said as Faking News tried to end the interview, “The sanctity and authority of the post will increase manifold if Rahul Gandhi ji graces it.”
Money forcibly collected for Modi’s Delhi rally

New Delhi: Delhi Congress MLA and Parliamentary Secretary to the Chief Minister Mukesh Sharma today alleged that municipal corporations had forcibly collected crores of rupees for Narendra Modi‘s rally.

He said he would meet Delhi Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung and demand a CBI inquiry into the matter. Sharma said that the money was collected from builders, parking mafia, illegal hoardings magnets and contractors.

“The three municipal corporations have directed their staff to be present at the rally venue to be the part of the crowds. They have been threatened of action if they failed to remain present there,” Sharma said, adding BJP was scared of the popularity of Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit.

Attacking the BJP, he said that during its rule between 1993 and 1998, the party had installed the three chief ministers whereas the Congress party gave stability and progress during the 15 years when Dikshit was at the helm.

The CM’s Parliamentary Secretary said that his party would be organising a motorcycle rally to support Dikshit, in which 5,000 motorcyclists and others would join and take a vow to ensure victory of Dikshit for the fourth term.

Asked about Sharma’s allegation, former Delhi BJP President Vijender Gupta termed it a baseless allegation and said “we don’t even react to such wild allegations. Congress is actually very nervous about the rally, so they are making such allegations.”

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/politics/m...-congress-1139977.html?utm_source=ref_article
Celebrate Narendra Modi's birthday as global 'Feku' day, says Congress

Gujarat Congress held a two-hour sit-in on the occassion of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's birthday today to remind him of his tall promises which are yet to be fulfilled.

"People should celebrate September 17 which is Modi's birthday, as international 'Feku' day," Gujarat Congress president Arjun Modhvadia said after the sit-in.

The Gujarat Congress also passed a resolution listing tall promises made by Modi, which the opposition party claimed, he never fulfilled.

"Narendra Modi promised that farmers in Gujarat would soon be riding Maruti cars. In Mehsana, he had said that if taps are opened, crude oil would flow instead of water," Modhvadia said.

During his "sadbhavana" fast held in 2011, Modi had promised that he would build 50 lakh houses for the poor in five years.

"All his tall promises are never going to be fulfilled. We passed a resolution reminding him of all the tall promises made by him which have not yet been fulfilled," Modhvadia said.

Leader of the Opposition in the Gujarat assembly Shankarsinh Vaghela charged the law and order situation in the state had collapsed.

Feku No. 1 , Narendra Modi ke Gujrat Vikas ki hawa nikal gayee

Read more at: http://topic.ibnlive.in.com/ishrat-jahan/videos/feku-no-1-narendra-modi-ke-gujrat-vikas-ki-hawa-nikal-gayee-hlJe6YGkN3o-1871485.html?utm_source=ref_article
Narendra Modi attacks Nawaz Sharif for 'insulting' PM

NEW DELHI: BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Sunday hit out at Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for his reported 'dehati aurat' barb at Manmohan Singh.

Nawaz Sharif had reportedly made the comment during a breakfast meeting with reporters upset over frequent complaints by India to the US against Pakistan.

Pakistani prime minister has no right to insult the Prime Minister of India, Modi said while addressing a well-attended rally here.

"We may have political differences, we may fight over policies, but that does not mean we will allow any other country to insult our Prime Minister," Modi said.

The Gujarat chief minister mentioned Rahul Gandhi's recent 'nonsense' comment on the ordinance on convicted politicians and accused him of Modi accused him of undermining the authority of the Prime Minister.

"When you are treated like this at home, how will other countries respect you?" Modi asked.

Targeting Rahul Gandhi's objection to the ordinance, Modi said, there is a fight between democracy and dynasty in the country.

The country has to decide if it wants to be ruled as per Constitution or as per the whims of 'prince' referring to Rahul Gandhi, the BJP prime ministerial candidate said.

Modi went on to take a dig at Manmohan Singh and wondered if he would be able to take a tough position when he meets Pakistani prime minister later in the day.

Please don't let down the kin of soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for the country, Modi said.

Exhorting people to vote for the BJP, Modi said, "In 2014, India needs a dream team and not a dirty team."

Poking the UPA allies, Modi questioned, " Are you ready to work under the 'prince', like the PM who has already made an announcement to this effect."

Earlier, Modi started his speech taking a dig at the Congress for running governments within governments, both at Delhi and at the Centre.

In Delhi, there is a government of the mother and the government of the son, Modi said to cheers from the crowd.

At the national level there are even more governments within the government, he said, adding, each department had become a government in itself.

The UPA government is an alliance, but the allies are not together, Modi said and claimed that the coalition under Atal and Advani functioned smoothly.

Targeting Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit, Narendra Modi said she is the most comfortably placed chief minister in the country.

For every failure Delhi CM blames some one else, Narendra Modi said.

He spoke of the CWG corruption scam and attacked the Delhi government.

Modi claimed that the gathering for party's Delhi rally was unprecedented and thanked the party workers for the show of strength.

He thanked the rain God for respite from the heat that people normally face during this time of the year.

Earlier Modi arrived at the venue in a helicopter, according to TV reports.

There was a fairly good turnout for Narendra Modi's rally in Delhi despite heavy showers in the city.
Narendra Modi attacks Nawaz Sharif for 'insulting' PM - The Times of India
Delhi rally: Modi brings us hope of jobs, say Muslim youth

Strategically placed behind the line of TV crews positioned in front of the three-level stage set up for PM aspirant Narendra Modi‘s debut Delhi rally, the sprinkling of heads sporting skull caps stood out in a sea of people gathered to catch a glimpse of BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate and Gujarat chief minister. While there were no definite answers to questions on how many of targeted 25000 Muslims the BJP state unit had succeeded in bringing to the mega rally, the attempt to showcase the minority presence at the rally was obvious. “Every leader who aspires to be a national leader needs the Muslim vote. The purpose of such rallies is bring out the truth and expose the propaganda,” said Jyoti Vardan Sahni, a BJP party worker. ‘Voting for Modi will bring the development of Gujarat to Delhi’ appears to be the BJP’s pitch to the minority community in the Capital.


Says Khurshid Ahmad, long time BJP worker and member of the minority cell Modi, “Youth want the opportunity to work. They are educated but don’t have jobs. The Congress party is not giving youth economic opportunities. Our hope from Modi is jobs for the youth, lower prices, a better life.” Asked what he admired about Modi, Rahman, who runs a photo-stat shop, said, “He inspires trust. He will reform the economic situation. He, like us, comes from a small village.” Brushing away the 2002 communal riots in Gujarat under Modi’s watch and the recent developments in the Ishtrat Jehan encounter case, Ahmad, a resident of Delhi’s Ashok Nagar, said “Look at what happened in Muzzaffarnagar. When Modi is given a national role, he will take responsibility for all.”

But there are also voices among those who believe that Modi represents hope of a brighter economic future that he should explain what happened in 2002. Says Nemat Ali, a BA first year student from Delhi University, “The youth wants to see a strong leader and we want to give Modi a chance. But he should take all religions together. We don’t want to be treated as outsiders in our own country. We want to hear from Modi what went wrong in 2002 and we want him to say that there will not be a repeat of 2002.” Ali shows off his placard that reads “Welcome Modi, Lion’s Roar, to the maha-rally in Delhi.” He says he managed to sneak it in despite lathis from the police. Corruption and price rise come up repeatedly when asked about reasons for disenchantment with the Congress Party.

Says Mohammad Ezaz, a vegetable vendor and resident of Wazirpur JJ (slum) colony, “The Congress has looted us. We don’t have jobs. Modi is known as the Vikas purush. We would like to see how he fares as a leader. We want to see what he can achieve.” His appeal to Modi, said Ezaz, was to improve their standard of living, to give them jobs and employment. Clasping a Modi mask in his hand, he says, “Why doesn’t the Congress government do anything to provide us a clean sewage system. Our children our falling ill. Malaria, Dengue are spreading. We don’t have health facilities. The Congress has no time for the poor.

Read more at: Delhi rally: Modi brings us hope of jobs, say Muslim youth | Firstpost
Clearly ironical in a thread wherein one thinks on who should be the PM and who cant.

Bhai..allow the coolies to earn their daily bread..why throwing water onto them..? Its better to ignore them than engage with them..and after a timee they fizzle out..the more attention you give, the more they get publicity.

Technically you earn more than the other stooges.

Consiidering BJP has a social media budget waayyyy above that of congress.
Just a bit from my side on the political situation developing in Bihar. Though Biahr does not send 80 MPs like UP, It still has very significant role to play in coming election.

There are talks in JD-U in Bihar that more leaders are willing to "meet" Narendra Modi . Evidently the trio of Chhedi Paswan + Purnmasi Ram + Capt. Jai Narayan Nishad ( 2 are seating MP and 1 is MLA ) were well "received" . Not to forget that two congress leaders from state including Sadhu Yadav have already " met " Modi. There are chances that some more seating MPs from JD-U will defect and join BJP.

Another Nitish baiter - Upendra Kushwaha has already announced his support for Modi. He has significant voters with him and will probably merge his party with BJP.

With Lalu set to loose his seat and his plans to make a Rajput/ Muslim the next leader of his party, BJP has a chance to garner some Yadav votes if Sadhu Yadav joins BJP.

JD-U leaders are claiming that there will be secret understanding between BJP and Lalu in next general election. We have seen the result of that understanding in the by-election when Prabhunath singh won by more than a lakh votes even though Nitish did everything he could to defeat him. This fear of secret understanding has made them more scared than the Modi wave.

So in my humble opinion, Nitish has bitten more than he can chew. His leaning towards Congress has already created suspicion among his cadres as JD is inherently anti-congress. Next general election is going to be a very interesting one.
Jagan Mohan Reddy's praise for Narendra Modi suggests he's keeping options open

Jagan Mohan Reddy's praise for Narendra Modi suggests he's keeping options open | NDTV.com

Now.. this will be very interesting. Looks like Jagan will wait & see how the events unfold soon after 2014 elections. For his immediate political survival it's necessary that he keeps his options open, & tilt his loyalty towards a party which is more likely to form Govt at center post 2014 elections.
Jagan Mohan Reddy's praise for Narendra Modi suggests he's keeping options open

Jagan Mohan Reddy's praise for Narendra Modi suggests he's keeping options open | NDTV.com

Now.. this will be very interesting. Looks like Jagan will wait & see how the events unfold soon after 2014 elections. For his immediate political survival it's necessary that he keeps his options open, & tilt his loyalty towards a party which is more likely to form Govt at center post 2014 elections.

Who is he good news for NAMO ?
Who is he good news for NAMO ?

Well... the day he came out of the prison media was ranting that he will not support NDA & that there was deal between himself & congress. However for his political survival it's necessary he goes with the party which is most likely to come to power in 2014. 'cause he will have a lot of legal hurdles to clear. & it's always better to be on the winning side than losing if you are tackling CBI. Political ideology will go for toss when it comes to one's own survival. So.. if Modi comes out on top, Reddy will go with Modi, despite what political pundits or paid media has to say. Atleast that's what I believe.
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