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Yes because there is no legislation as such which regulates NSG cover. An act of the parliament is not a guideline, have you taken leave of your senses? There is no guiding point, no ambiguity, an act which has been passed is THE LAW under the mandate provided by the constitution. It seems I am dealing with a true dullard here.

I would have considered you a dullard to...but you're turning out to be too wierd to be one. If there is no legislation that regulates NSG cover, why would you have a problem with Vrada getting NSG cover?
I would have considered you a dullard to...but you're turning out to be too wierd to be one. If there is no legislation that regulates NSG cover, why would you have a problem with Vrada getting NSG cover?

Because he doesn't have NSG cover but rather SPG cover. SPG is not the same as NSG and there is a regulating act for the SPG, does comprehension finally alight upon you?
Then why didn't you put it that way right at the start? :super:

Because that it the minimum amount of information you should have, not to mention that I did clearly mention the act's name and provided the link which furnishes its exact details. I have so far not met one rabid party line toeing poster who ever bothers to look at the details, perhaps comprehension and cogency is a scarcity among our populace. Now leave me be and carry on with the rest.
Shame on the congress and their Character Assassins who seeks to destroy a poor womens life to defame Narendra Modi unjustly. It is outright Disgusting.

Snooping row: BJP defends Narendra Modi, Amit Shah; launches counter attack

.....the father of the woman told the National Commission of Women (NCW) that his daughter does not want any probe into the issue as there was no encroachment on her privacy.

"It is an earnest wish of my daughter that no further probe (in snooping issue) is necessary as being politically demanded," he said today in a letter to NCW and Gujarat State Commission for Women.

"I, on behalf of my daughter, urge that whatever help was rendered upon my request was within her knowledge and in her own interest, safety and security, and there has been no encroachment on her privacy as sought to be made out," he said in the two-page letter.

"My daughter is an architect and educated person. She is married and deeply perturbed by the intrusion upon her personal life and privacy. With a view to ensure that her anonymity and whereabouts remain out of public gaze, she has requested me to write this letter to the honourable Commission (NCW) on her behalf and at her request," he said.

"In 2009, due to personal and family reasons, I had made a request to the Chief Minister, Gujarat to take steps in my daughter's interest. Considering the fact that the issues bothering me and my family were personal in nature, I deemed it fit to make an oral request to the Chief Minister (Modi) as political head of the state of Gujarat with whom I have long standing relations spread over two decades", he said.

"My daughter is fully aware of all types of help that was rendered by the State machinery considering a genuine request of a father for his daughter. She is fully conscious that the said help was absolutely necessary and was in her own interest, safety and security," the father said.

"Inspite of above facts, issues concerning my married daughter, her personal life and of my family are being publicly raised by certain vested interest groups in the media ostensibly on grounds that her right of privacy is violated," the letter said.

Congress and their chamchas are destroying their poor girl and her family just for political vendetta.
Actually no. Security levels are determined by the authority that is assessing them. Any act may be only a guiding point on this. Jayalalitha was given Black Cat/ NSG protection because of the threat level from LTTE though she was only a CM. Modi is asking for the same/maybe given the same after Patna Blasts.

BJP is asking for SPG protection for Modi not NSG as he already has three layer security cover consisting of 36 NSG/Black Cat Commandos.
Published in The New Indian Express dt.17.04.04

“Your Prime Minister`s wife does not trust you, gets her security from Italians`

This is what this investigation reveals. Sonia arranges a clandestine meeting between the RAW, Indian spy network, and Italian spies. This was when she was just a housewife and Rajiv was just the general secretary of the Congress.

When Sonia was still an Italian and had not applied yet to become an Indian citizen. Are you surprised? Go further.

Her brother-in-law, that is Sonia’s sister’s husband, Walter Winci, arranges bullet-proofing of Indira Gandhi’s car in a German factory. Are you shocked? Wait. Later the same Winci arranges the training of SPG commandos by Italian security personnel who even slap the SPG trainees. Are you embarrassed? Go further.

When Sonia travels to France with Rajiv in 1985, without the knowledge of the Indian security agency, SPG, she gets the security of Rahul and Priyanka arranged by Italian and Spanish officials. Are you ashamed? It is not over yet. In 1986 when Rahul and Priyanka go to Geneva and Italy, Sonia directly gets their security organised through the Italian foreign office.

The Swiss police official taunts the Indian RAW officer in Geneva, ‘‘Your Prime Minister’s wife does not trust you; she trusts only the Italians.’’ You feel humiliated?

Whether you feel humiliated or not, the RAW official did feel extremely humiliated. Italian officials are the ones she trusts. Italian embassy is her official embassy. Italian security is her security.

This is the Sonia who now shouts from election platforms day in and day out that she will die for her motherland. The only issue is which is her that motherland. That she does not trust India is known to the whole western world, but not India. Read this humiliating story.
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(The expose is based on oral testimony of retired officials, including the RAW officials.)

Let us go straight to the heart of the issue. The Indian spy agency RAW, formed in the year 1968, had established clandestine network with its counterparts in different countries. With the USA, UK, Israel, France, West Germany and other countries, which possessed the capability for exchange of information on terrorism, insurgency, China and similar subjects. RAW did not consider Italian spy agencies as worthy of such association, as they did not have any capability. So India did not bother about them. Rajiv Gandhi entered active politics after Sanjay’s death in 1980. He began to participate in the classified briefings of RAW even though he held no position in the government. Not just he, he wanted Arun Nehru and Arun Singh too to participate in such briefings. The agency protested saying that they had no official position. But Indira Gandhi stepped in, asked the RAW to allow them to be present. The agency agreed reluctantly, but told the Indira that their names would remain unrecorded in the briefing. This was when Rajiv was not in the government, was just general secretary of the Congress Party.

Soon, even though he had nothing to do with the Government or the RAW, Rajiv began insisting that RAW should liaise with the Italian spy agencies. Why Rajiv should have insisted on Italy? Did he study the importance of Italian assistance to India? Nothing of that sort. The reason is Obvious. Sonia. Rajiv had married her in 1968. The RAW felt that it would be waste of time and money. But Rajiv would not relent. The agency finally gave in. So after more than a decade and more the RAW was forced into accepting liaison with Italian spy agencies whom they considered not worthy of association. Want to know who acted as the go between for RAW with the Italian spy agencies and arranged the first clandestine meeting between RAW spies and Italian spies. Believe it. Sonia! Obviously she was in touch with Italian spies. An innocent and devout housewife, unconcerned about politics and state, was deep in her contact with Italian spy agencies. This was when she was still an Italian national, had not yet accepted the Indian nationality which she reluctantly did much later. Being in the Prime Ministers household, she was in touch with the spies in Italy. So even when she was just a housewife and Rajiv was not yet in the government, she was linking the Italian spies to India. An aside. One of the reasons why the RAW would not touch the Italian agencies could be the presence of Sonia in the PM’s house. If they officialised the liaison with the Italian agencies, their reach would not be limited to the RAW, but may extend to the PM’s house.

Next, when after terrorism broke out in Punjab and the security agencies advised Indira Gandhi to travel in bullet proof car, she wanted the Ambassador car made bullet-proofed. As India developed this capability only much later in 1985, a German company was chosen for the job. Want to know who brokered the contract with the German company. Walter Winci, the husband of one of Sonia’s sisters, Anushka! The RAW suspected that he got a small commission out of it. But the more critical was that a sensitive security work was given through Sonia’s brother. Look at the Italian influence Sonia had brought in even when Indira was alive.

It is the same Walter Winci who, two years later, in 1986, insisted and received cash payment made by the Indian government. This was for arranging training by Italian security for SPG, which had been established in 1984 for the protection of the Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi. The cash payment was first attempted through the RAW official posted at Geneva. Walter Winci refused to come to Geneva to receive that cash and wanted the RAW official to send it to Milan in Italy. Winci ‘assured’ the RAW official that that he had ‘good contacts’ in ‘Swiss’ and ‘Italian’ customs and he would not be checked. The RAW official would not budge. The recalcitrant official was finally told to tell Winci that the operation had been cancelled. But the money was delivered to Winci through the Indian Embassy in Rome. Want to know what for the cash was to be sent. For funding the traveling expenses of the Italian security officials to come to India and train Indian SPG commandos. This is the payment B.G Deshmukh, who was then the cabinet secretary, has mentioned in his latest book. But this training ended in a fiasco. The Italian trainers treated the SPG trainees rudely, and even slapped one of them. The RAW brought this to the notice of Rajiv and told him such ill-treatment may develop a grudge in the minds of the SPG against Rajiv which might be a security risk. Panicked Rajiv forthwith called off the training by Italians arranged by Walter Winci.

After Rajiv was assassinated Sonia began openly relying on Italian and Western security for Rahul and Priyanka when they travelled to Europe. When Rajiv went to Paris in the year 1985 along with Sonia a RAW official proficient in French was asked to go to France to liaise with the French security agencies. At Leon in France, the SPG officials panicked as Rahul and Priyanka were missing. But Winci told them not to worry. He told them that they were in the safe care of Jose Valdemaro, the husband of another sister of Sonia, Nadia. Winci told them that the two had been taken to Madrid in Spain, where Valdemaro hails from, by train and the Spanish authorities were taking care of them. The Indian security officials were stunned that, not they, but the Spanish and Italian security agencies were aware of the Madrid visit of Rahul and Priyanka. It is not just that Sonia did not want to trouble the Indian security system. It was simply that he did not trust them. You want more clear evidence of her distrust of India, here it is.

In the year 1986 the RAW official stationed at Geneva was told by Jack Kunzi, the Commissioner of Police at Geneva that the VIP children had returned safely to Italy after their visit to Geneva. Who were the VIP children? The RAW official had no clue. He knew nothing about their visit. The Swiss police official who was the RAW official’s good friend told him their names. You have any doubt who they could be? They were Rahul and Priyanka. They had come to Geneva by car with Walter Winci, said the Swiss official. He also informed the RAW official that he was in the picture and the RAW official was not. He said that the Italian foreign office was the co-ordinator. It had informed the Swiss foreign office, who in turn informed the Swiss police. Jack Kunzi taunted the RAW official who was his friend, ‘your Prime Minister’s wife does not seem to trust you or your embassy. She gets the security for her children co-ordinated by Italians”. Humiliated, the RAW official makes the usual complaint to his boss. The boss files the complaint. There ends the story of humiliation of India in Switzerland and Italy. Remember this kind of information spreads like wildfire in geo-politics through global spy network. That Sonia did not trust the Indian officials, or the Indian embassies, or the Indian security is now a matter of global geo-political information. Want to know more on this, read on.

After Rajiv’s assassination, the RAW official who was in charge of security arrangements abroad for SPG protectees which included Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka, knew less about her and her children’s travel plans than western intelligence and security agencies. The Indian agencies knew nothing or very little. George, her secretary used to directly communicate to western agencies through Italian Embassy in Delhi and the Italian foreign office in Rome. The upright officer informed the RAW chief before he retired that the western agencies were better informed of Sonia’s and her children’s travel plans than the Indian agencies. He charged that this had created the unfortunate impression that Sonia did not trust the Indian agencies. The complaint went to Narasimha Rao who was the Prime Minister then. He felt unhappy that George, that is Sonia, was informing the Italian embassy, not the Indian agencies, but he could do nothing about it. You ask him now. Even now he will not tell the truth. But the RAW official would.

So she was linked to the Italian spies and was familiar with bringing about spy connections, a highly skilled and scary business, as early as the early 1980s. Yet she pretended, even now does, to be an innocent house wife. She brought in her family into the security matters of India even when Indira was alive. She forced Italian security on India even when Rajiv Gandhi was alive. She openly distrusted Indian security and diplomatic system and privately liaised with the Italian diplomatic system for her security. If she did this when Indira was alive; if she went as far when Rajiv was alive; if she did this when she was out of the congress and out of power, what will she do when put in power? Or what she will not. Yet she pretends to die for India. This is not real Sonia. The whole western world, not exactly the friends of India, knows about her. But not we, in India. We do not know the real Sonia.
Ok. Am I supposed to be surprised at the shenanigans of our political class? They are a shameless bunch of circus clowns.
Crap propaganda by Modi's cyber force. :coffee:

This one is definitely a modified cyber bot. Watch how he does not even post links.

Are you an Indian ? if yes, do you have any shame ?

If this news is wrong why is it that nobody in the congress has Sued the Indian Express for publishing this article ?

He has to prove to you whether he is an indian or not? Do you not have any shame?
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