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:lol: :lol: :lol:
It takes a lot of courage to stand up and ask your followers to stop chanting so that a guy who might have conspired against yourself can speak...I reckon.
Hats off Modi!!

When Nitish came to speak people first shouted "Nitish Kumar Murdabad" later they started shouting "Modi Modi"- It was absoutely shameful booing their CM infront of PM with whole country watching should've never happened-
However I think we need to see why people did this- The two Bridges which Modi enaugrated has lots of emotional attachment of people of the respective regions- I know about the struggle which took place for Munger-Khagaria Rail cum Road Bridge inaugrated by ABV on his birthday back in 2002 so let me summarize It for you-
People of that region were victim of regular floods which the Ganges brought every year- there was a thriving river island with lots of people living there very fertile and agricultural paradise- However the farmers couldn't get their products to the market and suffered a lot- Some leader gave them a solution- "a Bridge that would connect both sides with solid rock embankment of several Km to stop the regular floods and changing river course"- There was massive agitations and demands and every political party used them for their benefits cheating them every time- by the year 1990 there was a massive flood and the river swallowed the whole island and changed its course somewhat similar to what happened with Kosi recently- people were left homeless and landless- no compensation came and noting was done for them- The demand however didn't die people Begged Lalu- nothing happened then came Nitish as RailMinister and they finally got what they wanted- However It was painful to see the Bridge which was promised to be completed by 2007 and then 2010 and then 2014 all painly due to step motherly attitude of UPA It appeared as If congress was taking revenge from people who refused to vote them- People lost their investments and precious time- the North remained in dirt while the south prospered- Now that they see their dreams come true many of them jumped on the trailers of goods train which was flagged ceremoniously by Modi- not worried how will they return back because passenger train has not yet started and the road part is still incomplete- so Its a 200km loop journey which they would have to take or walk 10-15km on hot sand If they cross river by boat- It was a war these poor people fought for the last 50 years they won that war today- Nitish was one of their commanders who changed side Just before their victory- and sat in the lap of those who made them suffer for all these years- So It was natural outrage- I hope they learn to be gracious and remember that Its all politics- Most people of that generation who started the struggle are no more today- Their sons and their grandsons remember the lathicharge and mass arrests their elders were subjected to for honest demands- They are clebrating especially those in North Bihar- now their grains can be sold and they would not need to walk 10-15km in hot sand to reach Government Hospital, Court, Collectorate etc- Their sons can now get better schools and collages without being forced to stay in rented house- Today has been a new dawn in their lives-
This got to be a joke right? can anyone of you can shed more light on this?

@Abingdonboy @PARIKRAMA @anant_s @JanjaWeed @magudi @Levina
What??? Someone okayed a purchase of 7.62x51mm belt ammunition for a state police force? The kind of ammunition that is used for belt-fed machine guns?? Naturally a state police force is unlikely to possess such heavy weaponary and not only was this absurd decsion made but they ordered $10 million USD worth? I mean just .........:suicide:

Not to mention the entire red consists of Christians, Muslims and Liberals showing just how completely India is communally charged. Muslims overwhelming against the Modi government as it is blamed for Gujrat.

Riiiiiight, cool story :enjoy:
Poll data shows large number of Muslims voted for Modi : Highlights, News - India Today

We muslims no matter what happens will not vote for Modi and his communal politics.
"We"? There is no "we" about it, you are not Indian, cannot speak on behalf of Indians nor can you vote in India. Unlike you, Muslims in India do not let their relgion cloud their judgement or allow it to dictate their entire life.
What??? Someone okayed a purchase of 7.62x51mm belt ammunition for a state police force? The kind of ammunition is used for belt-fed machine guns?? Naturally a state police force is unlikely to possess such heavy weaponary and not only was this absurd decsion made but they ordered $10 million USD worth? I mean just .........:suicide:
I am appalled at criminal negligence by the bureaucrats. And our presstitutes are busy dissing BJP over some random loud mouths instead of bringing such issues.
I am appalled at criminal negligence by the bureaucrats. And our presstitutes are busy dissing BJP over some random loud mouths instead of bringing such issues.
Imagine the scale of the wastage going on across all states across all sectors, it's a most depressig thought.
Today there was another hitjob, this time on the ayush ministry:

Ayush ministry debunks report of not hiring Mislim yoga trainers with point by point rebuttal | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

Read that the guy who did this was someone called Pushp Sharma, ex tehelka, someone who previously blackmailed officers using fake stings (and was arrested for it).
Milligazzete,started peddling this (a site that posts this type of stuff: Headley Saga: Mumbai attack was a joint IB-CIA-Mossad-RSS project :lol: ), later congi and aap media outlets, and even huffpost, quint etc.

Disgusting. Hope there will be payback.
Imagine the scale of the wastage going on across all states across all sectors, it's a most depressig thought.
Today Modi inaugurated a bridge in Bihar. Total cost of the project was around 600 crores but delays over the years raised the cost over 3000 crores. The rot is sunk in to the roots. complete reboot of bureaucracy is much needed.

Today there was another hitjob, this time on the ayush ministry:

Ayush ministry debunks report of not hiring Mislim yoga trainers with point by point rebuttal | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

Read that the guy who did this was someone called Pushp Sharma, ex tehelka, someone who previously blackmailed officers using fake stings (and arrested for it).
Milligazzete,started peddling this (a site that posts this type of stuff: Headley Saga: Mumbai attack was a joint IB-CIA-Mossad-RSS project :lol: ), later congi and aap media outlets, and even huffpost, quint etc.

Disgusting. Hope there will be payback.
Payback? BJP doesn't know what that is. Prithviraj syndrome will undo this government.
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