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Do u have reading problems or short memory syndrome??

Just go back to the previous page and read again ur own post. Where u were talking about 98-99 and i have replied accordingly now u are saying he was not populare before 1996. :woot:

1.) Who said that??? AB Vajpayee and LK Advani was the most popular opposition leader across India for last 2 decades how can u even doubt that???

2.) Name me any other opposition leader (with two conditions) who was popular 1.) across many states 2.) for last 2 decades.

3.) As for pre poll surveys how many times i have to remind u about the fate of these survey in 2004 and 2009. 2009 because u will say in 2004 NDA was in power but in 2009 even when UPA was in power and BJP in opposition BJP's MP seats got shrinked. :woot::woot:

Zakir Bhai...I think what ever you are saying correct partially...If you see the issue in larger context...The way Vajpayee is praised as a liberal face of BJP, the image was not there at that point of time...Even during Vajpayee time, Muslims community did not vote the way they vote for Congress or others....It is after Vajpayee came to power that people started appreciating him...In the same vein, BJP does not have any choice to go for rather than Modi...Because even if BJP project any one except Modi, will you vote for BJP?...Of course not...Here you means i am referring symbollically to minority groups.... So it is a startergic move by BJP that in any way, Muslim and other so called secular Hindu people will not vote to BJP even if there is Sushma or Advani..so why not at least make Modi as PM so that they can consolidate their core vote base..

This is nothing to do with idelogy as it is presented....BJP is in downturn since 2004...There is a huge disspointment of the leadership skill of Central BJP leaders...No one will vote for Sushma and Advani...So BJP take a gamble....

So we like it or not....as long as minority vote does not come in a big way to BJP, Modi in present version will play a big role in BJP in future....In case minority accomodte BJP in future then either Modi needs to change his approch pr else BJP may place Shivraj or Manohar Parikar as a new leader in place of Modi....
LOL! Here comes the "Politically Correct" kid .

Have you seen their economic indicators? Being Politically Correct helps you because it doesn't effect you or you think so.

I'm not telling him to vote for a certain party but they always expect handouts from governments even though they can get education and jobs.They are still stuck in the bygone era.
look mate i am a whole hearted B.J.P. supporter and a big fan of Mr.Narendra Modi but that doesn't mean that i should bring in the religion of a person just because he supports Rahul Gandhi.rather we should remember the fact that a large no. of Muslim voters also voted for Mr.Modi in the Gujarat election and two of the top leaders of B.J.P. are Mulsim themselves(Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and Sahanawaz Hussian).
peramuna(front)???in janatha vimukthi peramuna.
vidyukth is a pure Sanskrit word.
just compare some simple Sinhala words with other Dravidian languages.
poosa(s) is poonai(t),poocha(mal),
kaludaava(s) is kaluthai(tamil),kazhutha(malayalam),kaththe(kannada).look the similarities with Dravidian languages.Sinhala is a mixture of Tamil,Sanskrit and pali,like in janatha vimukthi(both from Sanskrit)peramuna(from Tamil).

lol so you'r trying to say Sinhala is a mixed language but other languages are pure or something?
@kurup @Nair saab @Marxist

how is Oomen Chandy seen in Kerala?

in a positive or negative light ?

its difficult to tell Solar scam and Salim raj's issues tarnished his image ,There are many allegations against his family members also ...but on other hand his "janasambarka paripadi" is a huge success ,people are participating it in huge numbers and many are happy with it ....in my view he got a negative image with middle and upper middle class ...
look mate i am a whole hearted B.J.P. supporter and a big fan of Mr.Narendra Modi but that doesn't mean that i should bring in the religion of a person just because he supports Rahul Gandhi.rather we should remember the fact that a large no. of Muslim voters also voted for Mr.Modi in the Gujarat election and two of the top leaders of B.J.P. are Mulsim themselves(Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and Sahanawaz Hussian).
Don't get touchy.Go read some reports on Indian Muslims and their prosperity.I bet Sayed and co. are happy with the adhi roti that they get through Food Security.

Religion plays a important role and if you read his post he himself is pretty clear on this issue.
Zakir Bhai...I think what ever you are saying correct partially...If you see the issue in larger context...The way Vajpayee is praised as a liberal face of BJP, the image was not there at that point of time...Even during Vajpayee time, Muslims community did not vote the way they vote for Congress or others....It is after Vajpayee came to power that people started appreciating him...In the same vein, BJP does not have any choice to go for rather than Modi...Because even if BJP project any one except Modi, will you vote for BJP?...Of course not...Here you means i am referring symbollically to minority groups.... So it is a startergic move by BJP that in any way, Muslim and other so called secular Hindu people will not vote to BJP even if there is Sushma or Advani..so why not at least make Modi as PM so that they can consolidate their core vote base..

This is nothing to do with idelogy as it is presented....BJP is in downturn since 2004...There is a huge disspointment of the leadership skill of Central BJP leaders...No one will vote for Sushma and Advani...So BJP take a gamble....

So we like it or not....as long as minority vote does not come in a big way to BJP, Modi in present version will play a big role in BJP in future....In case minority accomodte BJP in future then either Modi needs to change his approch pr else BJP may place Shivraj or Manohar Parikar as a new leader in place of Modi....

Conclusion of ur long argument is that minorities don't vote for bjp that's why they install some one with "hardcore Hindu image" because its the vote bank of bjp and they have to cater to it.

Now tell me:

1.) Is it anyone's fault or minority's fault if they don't vote for BJP???

2.) Name the party who have slogan Hindi, Hindu, Hindustan????

3.) Its BJP when you talk about the African people only u then u will get their votes but others will shy away u can't blame non Africans for not voting for u. (Its just a example its nothing to do with Africans)

or if u talk about football fans only they will vote for u. But in this case, u can't blame cricket fans or hockey fans or tannins fans for not voting for u.

4.) Those who blame minorities are having myopic views or have forgotten history.

5.) Those who accuse Muslims forgets that those who were religious fanatics and don't believe in Hindu-Muslim brotherhood or happy coexistence, they have already migrated to pakistan/Bangladesh.

6.) Those bjp fans who accuses Muslims or minorities forget that Congress in not a party or minorities if Muslims wanted their own party on religious ground Muslims League was the obvious choice But Muslims are not fanatics as BJP fans claims that's why they have chosen Congress which believe in coexistence be it North-South or Dalit-Brahmin or Hindi-Tamil or Hindu-Muslim.

7.) Congress is the party for all Indians they have never confined to themselves as Hindu party or Muslim party or Dravidian party or Akali party or Dalit party etc. etc.

BJP always posed as a party or Hindu + Hindi that's why other shy away and its BJP to blame for it. (Now, i know that u will say for last 10-15 years bjp is saying its secular party but its because of the fact that they have seen at the time of NDA formation every party have reservation about their image and slogans. It takes time to change image. If LeT's Haffez Saeed becomes Gandhian and claims that he now believe in non violence it will take decades to believe him.)

8.) And last but not the least Modi is all fake he is not even a Hardcore Hindu but poses as one, just Google pravin togadia's statement that he have demolished more temples then Gaznavi or just ask ur self who is responsible for the death of 58 Hindus in Godhara?

So obviously when we know that he is all fake be it development or Hindu why should one vote for him?
Ignore Modi haters and their posts.

Let us focus on main issue of FACTS.

Thank you all.

Jayalalithaa will be prosecuted in income tax case, rules Supreme Court

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa will stand trial in her home state for failing to file her income tax returns 20 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled today.

The top court ordered that the trial must be completed within four months.

Income tax officials had filed criminal cases in 1996 and 1997 against the politician and her close aide N Sasikala after they did not file returns for the financial year 1993-94.

The chief minister had claimed that she had no taxable income for that year, and therefore there was no question of tax evasion, as alleged by some officials.

However, the income tax department retaliated that it's obligatory to file returns.
BJP will get 300+ seats after Rahul's interview :lol:

Rahul is a game changer. If congress has any chance, He can change the game.

Mitro Bhaiyo,ye suar mujh se accha hai.
Mitro Bhaiyo ye mera bade bhai ki tarah hai.


Feku's lies nailed








Faku is batter than Gang Rapist and thieves who have looted country to collected Huge Sum in swiss bank to become richest people in the world.
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Will Modi deliver? Ratan Tata says YES.

In an interview to ET, Ratan Tata, said Modi is a man who can deliver. For Tata, Modi’s Chinese characteristics are what make him stand out. “One really has a sense of faith in Mr Modi that if he says it will be done, it will be done,” FT quotes him as saying. The FT interview has the usual rants and raves about Modi being a “polarising” figure to his enemies and a “savior-in-waiting” to his fans. It also warns against presuming that Modi is a shoo-in for the prime minister’s job.

The interesting questions raised in the ET article pertain to three things: whether Modi can deliver even if he is prime minister; whether the markets have already “priced in” his victory and thus may have less headroom to grow: and whether Modi will have problems with Reserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan, who FT labels as “hawkish and independent-minded.” To begin with the last one first, Rajan has labeled himself an “owl” rather than a hawk, and Modinomics is about business-friendly policies, not easy money. No Gujarati bets on easy money as the norm.

The interest rate cycle is anyway near to peaking, and so Modi will shake hands with Rajan when the rates will begin falling. So no confrontation is likely to emerge. As Rajan himself says, there is no conflict between growth and inflation – the latter has to fall before growth can take off. The second point – whether the stock market has priced in Modi’s impending arrival at 7, Race Course Road – is fairly easier to answer. It hasn’t. Let’s remember, the Sensex’s level today is exactly where it was five years ago – at a time when the economy, despite the recent slowdown, has grown at an average of 7 per cent or more. Stocks are yet to price in this growth.

A Modi victory will thus give the bulls more tailwind. Which brings us to the first question: will Modi be able to do all that people expect him to do? Will the Indian economy soar once he enters the picture? The answer is maybe, maybe not: the laws created to trip the economy – the Food Bill, the NREGA schemes, the Land Bill – will be impossible to reverse in any political outcome that does not give the BJP a majority or near-majority of its own.

Also, given his personality, Modi may find that opposition to him is stronger right from the start. He will have no honeymoon period at all. In this scenario, his best bet will be to undo the UPA damage by smart administrative moves – using the cover of public-private partnerships to get projects going, change regulatory regimes for coal and mining companies , and shifting more investment powers to the states (which all states would support).

We still don’t know what May 2014 will bring. But we have been wrong all along on Modi: in 2012, we said he may not win big in Gujarat, but he did; later we said he will not be able to overcome the internal party feuds to grab the party’s nomination, but he did; we said that he will not get allies – but he has. To his eternal allies – Shiv Sena and Akali Dal - he has now added two in Tamil Nadu and got back one BJP dropout Karnataka. Andhra, Haryana and Assam could be next. Whether these allies will add to BJP’s power, of course, is another question.
Feku's Propaganda machinery using black money


What future holds is in the womb of future don't :blah::blah: :crazy:

Is it not true that BJP don't have even a single MP in 18 states of India?? :woot:
Therefor BJP has a chance to open its account in 18 states and wipe out Gang Rapist's party from so many states.
You have every right to have your own opinion...I respect that but i have different views...Your points are good..but i do not agree to your point that Muslim voted for Congress for unity...Rather there is a choice that Muslim vote for Congress which is anti Hindu party and rather which is a better evil than the rest for some section of Muslims in India....But the scenario will change when India and its demographic population will have more Muslim population....The examples are evident in places like Kashmir and Kerala...That does not mean that there is no fanatics from Hindu groups too..

You will hardly see any Hindu leader getting prominence from a Muslim dominated areas...This is a very unfortunate and crucial debate which is pending to be discussed in our post independence India....

Conclusion of ur long argument is that minorities don't vote for bjp that's why they install some one with "hardcore Hindu image" because its the vote bank of bjp and they have to cater to it.

Now tell me:

1.) Is it anyone's fault or minority's fault if they don't vote for BJP???

2.) Name the party who have slogan Hindi, Hindu, Hindustan????

3.) Its BJP when you talk about the African people only u then u will get their votes but others will shy away u can't blame non Africans for not voting for u. (Its just a example its nothing to do with Africans)

or if u talk about football fans only they will vote for u. But in this case, u can't blame cricket fans or hockey fans or tannins fans for not voting for u.

4.) Those who blame minorities are having myopic views or have forgotten history.

5.) Those who accuse Muslims forgets that those who were religious fanatics and don't believe in Hindu-Muslim brotherhood or happy coexistence, they have already migrated to pakistan/Bangladesh.

6.) Those bjp fans who accuses Muslims or minorities forget that Congress in not a party or minorities if Muslims wanted their own party on religious ground Muslims League was the obvious choice But Muslims are not fanatics as BJP fans claims that's why they have chosen Congress which believe in coexistence be it North-South or Dalit-Brahmin or Hindi-Tamil or Hindu-Muslim.

7.) Congress is the party for all Indians they have never confined to themselves as Hindu party or Muslim party or Dravidian party or Akali party or Dalit party etc. etc.

BJP always posed as a party or Hindu + Hindi that's why other shy away and its BJP to blame for it. (Now, i know that u will say for last 10-15 years bjp is saying its secular party but its because of the fact that they have seen at the time of NDA formation every party have reservation about their image and slogans. It takes time to change image. If LeT's Haffez Saeed becomes Gandhian and claims that he now believe in non violence it will take decades to believe him.)

8.) And last but not the least Modi is all fake he is not even a Hardcore Hindu but poses as one, just Google pravin togadia's statement that he have demolished more temples then Gaznavi or just ask ur self who is responsible for the death of 58 Hindus in Godhara?

So obviously when we know that he is all fake be it development or Hindu why should one vote for him?
And why all of them are in BJP :smokin:

Kyonki BJP wala Sochata hai aur Congress wala karata hai. like Pappu.

Wow, 4 people huge crowd opposes Modi. Modi is going to loose!!!!!!!!!

Are you out of your mind?
Who posts Fb pics on discussion thread? Sometimes it's fine, but with every post, you come up with more pathetic pics. Don't post if you can't contribute to the discussion in civilian manner. This thread will do just fine without you.

It seems that as popularity of Modi increase and Opinion poll gives him more and more seats, person like him get more and more frustrated. Do not worry. Ignore him and move ahead.

how many countries still have visa ban on him [modi]

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