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This is so irritating. Posting FB pics with zero credebility.

Lagta hai after the exit polls anti Modi logon ki G@nd phat gaye hai
I just wonder what will happen after the polls :rofl:

It was never going to be easy, you just gotto fight fire with fire. And trust me there is no dearth of fire when we have dimwit like Rahul Gandhi heading the opposition. Bring it!:lol:
Atleast he had the benefit of doubt on his side! Not anymore, am afraid.

He had no idea what he was talking about. He is obviously not used to such 1 on 1 interviews. He should be thankful Arnab didnt push him much.
look mate,there's absolutely no need to bring in their religion in this thread.they may have some different political views than the rest of us but then again our Democracy gives us the freedom to support any party(btw i am not a congi lover)...
LOL! Here comes the "Politically Correct" kid .

Have you seen their economic indicators? Being Politically Correct helps you because it doesn't effect you or you think so.

I'm not telling him to vote for a certain party but they always expect handouts from governments even though they can get education and jobs.They are still stuck in the bygone era.
It will be very ASTONISHING for you guys that after all these HULLABALOO the Fact remains that congress is NOT LOOSING more than 1%(Actually just 0.4%) Votes even in the recent conduct assembly elections in 4 northern states.

In 2008

Congress Voteshare in 2008
= Total votes INC got/Total votes polled *100
=23678966/66234257 *100

BJP Voteshare in 2008
= Total votes BJP got/Total votes polled *100
=24329838/66234257 *100

In 2013

Congress Voteshare in 2013
= Total votes INC got/Total votes polled *100
=29719608/83974107 * 100

BJP Voteshare in 2013
= Total votes BJP got/Total votes polled *100
=37098272/83974107 *100

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