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would be interesting to see if Modi gives time to John Kerry, due to visit India soon. I would rather Modi snubs him & let Kerry meet his equivalent in India. That will send a strong message to US. Afteral there should be some sort of remorse or expression regret by US govt for the treatment meted out Modi all this while!

you don't know this guy............Modi tweeted thanks to all the world leaders who wished him & IGNORED Mr. Sharif :D

He knows what to say, what to do & most importantly what NOT TO DO.
@arp2041 @Star Wars @Sidak @KS @wolfschanzze @Android @NKVD @chak de INDIA @Jason bourne @HariPrasad @GreenFoe @jha @AugenBlick @Dem!god @JanjaWeed @jbond197 @Soumitra @Indischer
@SarthakGanguly @Butchcassidy @indiatester @halupridol @he-man @jiki @Proud Hindu @kbd-raaf @Dillinger @Ravi Nair @jha @MST @Indischer @ExtraOdinary and anyone else.

Now that the compulsory drama of Sonia-Rahul offering resignation and CWC rejecting it after a tearjerker is over, i have a pertinent question as to Would Congress survive till 2019?

This does not originate from some form of wishful thinking but out of alignment in various states.

Congress is in power in Himachal, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, Haryana, Assam, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala. Out of these Congress is a sure goner in Maharashtra where election would take place in few months and in Uttarakhand they are running an unpopular minority government with help of BSP and independents where it could and would fall in couple of months. Jharkhand government is so incompetent and unpopular that BJP is not even looking forward to topple it as it's stay in power adds to prospects of BJP.

Now if we go by Lok sabha results, Himachal where BJP has done clean sweep would most probably vote BJP government and in Haryana also, NDA this time has got it's alliance correct and anyway Hooda is most likely to fall due to cyclic nature of polls in Haryana. Assam and Karnataka has shown signs of resurgence of BJP.

Congress would most probably win Punjab unless AAP performs extremely well in Punjab assembly election or cuts enough vote that SAD-BJP combine wins.

So in best case scenario Congress in 2019 would have Haryana, Assam, Karnataka, Punjab, Kerala and Karnatka and in worst case scenario Nothing!!

While BJP may have been out of power for 10 years but it was in power in enough number of states to remain relevant and able to extort political rent Oops " Donations " for running the party and i have read somewhere that a both Congress and BJP needs to be in power in at lest 5 medium to large size states in order to extort enough money to run it's day to day activity at national level.

So the question arise as to can Congress have resources to be a Pan-Indian party if it is in power in zero states ( optimally it would be in power in 3 , Punjab, Assam and Kerala ) ?

Congress as a brand could not die. What i am talking about is death of 1969 Congress ( Indira ) as we know it . After all if Dynasty fails to provide livelihood to Dynasty sychophants, some Congressi ( Scindhia, Gogoi, Pilot ) could kick out Maino family back to Italy.
Hmm,as arun shourie today pointed out in barkha dutt interview, if congress drops the dynasty and lets new faces in and let grass root workers be promoted then it might stand a chance.Otherwise in these 5 years Modi will gain more ground in congress turf, already he sent a message to MP's in Karnataka to poach the congress ministers to BJP side,Expect someone like Amit shah to be let loose upon some Congress ruled states.
I too have the same opinion if the Gandhis are dropped ( which they will not as its the gandhis which keep the congress glued together) or if gandhis take a backseat they might improve, All in all with Gandhis still being President and Vice president,expect some minor reforms and no major changes, if Namo does things as he promised next time congress will lose more cadres,Right now i am trying my best to convince nicely the Congress,AAP and secular people on Social Media to switch sides to BJP,some of them the newbie seculars replied if Namo does even half of what he promised they will join.So far i see many of my friends becoming PRO-BJP nowadays.Give it sometime, Namo knows how to be in News and will deliver things.Then see the seculars becoming Communals:devil:

So all set for 2019 from now on,In war there is no rest and sleep ;):yay:
Effect of AAP in this general election (facts and figures no rhetoric

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Lok Sabha 2014 Performance — Medium
All these analysis are futile coz they arent natural comprehension of any party's true capabilities. This was an election of TsuNaMo. All figures will look negligible in front of NaMo.

you don't know this guy............Modi tweeted thanks to all the world leaders who wished him & IGNORED Mr. Sharif :D

He knows what to say, what to do & most importantly what NOT TO DO.
Indeed. We will see many more unwanted invitations from Pakistan and then setting of terms and conditions for talks from Pakistan and India wud be like.............'We dont give a F***'. Then Pakistani says India is not interested in friendship. Ha Ha.

Sometimes Pakistanis really act strange. U wanna talk and U wanna set the terms of talks. Who does that?
Babus ki lagne wali hai, achhe din bas unke liye nahi hain ab :D:D:D

Modi will give them a chance, but yes now that they will have a certain quantum of autonomy it will also mean actual accountability in a clear and cut defined manner, in that sense those who are pathologically incapable of working hard will eventually get the ax.
Modi will give them a chance, but yes now that they will have a certain quantum of autonomy it will also mean actual accountability in a clear and cut defined manner, in that sense those who are pathologically incapable of working hard will eventually get the ax.

I honestly think the IAS system needs to be completely revamped. Seems so archaic to me.
Modi will give them a chance, but yes now that they will have a certain quantum of autonomy it will also mean actual accountability in a clear and cut defined manner, in that sense those who are pathologically incapable of working hard will eventually get the ax.

Let's hope so.

Anyway the Swearing in ceremony has been pushed from the 21st (Today) to some time in the future, any ideas why?

Is Modi not keen to get to work ASAP and start delivering on his bold promises?
Let's hope so.

Anyway the Swearing in ceremony has been pushed from the 21st (Today) to some time in the future, any ideas why?

Is Modi not keen to get to work ASAP and start delivering on his bold promises?

What? It's not like you to make random unsubstantiated comments.

Modi received his appointment letter from the President yesterday, who asked him to provide a date for his swearing in ceremony, which was stated to be the 26th at 6pm.

Since when was it the 21st?
What? It's not like you to make random unsubstantiated comments.

Modi received his appointment letter from the President yesterday, who asked him to provide a date for his swearing in ceremony, which was stated to be the 26th at 6pm.

Since when was it the 21st?
Sorry bro, last week after Modi was made PM-elect I had discussed when Modi would be sworn-in specifically as to when Modi would be given full SPG security and at that time the 21st was being given as his swearing-in date, must be a case of crossed wires.

I am just very eager for him to take office and get the ball rolling, although I appreciate he is taking the time to sort out his cabinet and get the right people in the right positions which is also very important so I don't want things to be rushed either.

@chak de INDIA @JanjaWeed @ranjeet @arp2041 Remember my comment on Delhi me bahg dod machi hai from all secys for reports to the new admin, and not the usual sort of reports either (in Bimaru).

Sign of Narendra Modi’s style: Officers asked for view on big projects | The Indian Express
Wow, almost got a tear in my eye! :cray:

You know, I'm warming to this Modi fellow......
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Sorry bro, last week after Modi was made PM-elect I had discussed when Modi would be sworn-in specifically as to when Modi would be given full SPG security and at that time the 21st was being given as his swearing-in date, must be a case of crossed wires.

I am just very eager for him to take office and get the ball rolling, although I appreciate he is taking the time to sort out his cabinet and get the right people in the right positions which is also very important so I don't want things to be rushed either.

Wow, almost got a tear in my eye! :cray:

You know, I'm warming to this Modi fellow......

Exactly. He's not even sworn in yet and he's already setting the wheels in motion for serious execution.

These stalled projects are the low hanging fruit to kickstart economic activity in India, IIP had neg growth last month amongst other worrying indicators. Policy reform will take longer, my estimate is four quarters before we see the big reforms coming through.

Morgan Stanley said that India could grow at 6.8% by FY2015-16, that number will undoubtedly be revised as their director himself was surprised at the size and quality of the mandate.
These stalled projects are the low hanging fruit to kickstart economic activity in India, IIP had neg growth last month amongst other worrying indicators. Policy reform will take longer, my estimate is four quarters before we see the big reforms coming through.

The sad thing is that a LOT of the major projects that are stalled are stalled by such petty things and if MMS had had the authority could have addressed quite easily.The projects in the pipeline are worth considerable tenths of a percent in GDP alone.

Morgan Stanley said that India could grow at 6.8% by FY2015-16, that number will undoubtedly be revised as their director himself was surprised at the size and quality of the mandate.
No doubt about this. Who knows what envisaged political environment Morgan Stanley were using for this projection but there is no way they saw the "Modi wave" coming, even the top political scientists in India were stunned at Modi's mandate. I mean it is all there, Modi should be able to do this and if he wants to make this a multiple-term bid then he's going to have to get things moving in the right direction very quickly. He is no fool, he knows the ground realties and he knows the current euphoria surrounding him won't last very long at all and that he's going to have to work for his legacy.

I am pretty hopeful though, if ever there was a moment in India's history to alter not only India's economic path but also social and political it is here and now.

Anyway, I read somewhere Modi was targeting 7.2% growth for 2015-16 and 8.4% for the year after, this was a few days back and I can't find that article right now. Seems pretty fair I guess.
Still Home Ministry is an important part and Vajpayee tried to handle external affairs ministry along with PMO and it didn't went well.. Shivraj Patil showed us how a failure of Home Ministry can affect us.. Modi will have his handsfull as Prime Minister of India and ruling a country is different than ruling a state..

External affairs is a different kettle of fish & needs a dedicated person handling it. Btw, Vajpayee kept it so that Jaswant Singh (who was not allowed to be inducted by the RSS) could do the job without the designation till he was later named to the post. Home Ministry must be split up regardless of who takes charge. The internal security component must be a separate ministry and needs someone super competent handling it. Rajnath Singh is probably good but he is no Chidambaram (the best minister for internal security ever). Better to have dedicated professionals at the MoS level handling it & reporting directly to the PM.

would be interesting to see if Modi gives time to John Kerry, due to visit India soon. I would rather Modi snubs him & let Kerry meet his equivalent in India. That will send a strong message to US. Afteral there should be some sort of remorse or expression regret by US govt for the treatment meted out Modi all this while!

Pointless. That wasn't the Obama administration's doing (they did continue it but that's probably laziness than anything else), so Mr. Modi must move on. He's been very classy about it & should keep it that way. No visit to the U.S. anytime soon though.
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