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So much wishing to see the faces of those evangelists and leftist loonies who campaingned for Modi's visa refusal in US when the man arrives in Washington aboard Indian Air Force 1 like a boss and red carpet is rolled out to him.

Muthafucking burn, if there was one.
On a lighter note : Gujjus do anything for American Visa even become Prime Ministers...!! :lol:
Adressing 437 rallies since September... No Doubt the compaign was excellent...

Yeah. But now the hardest job is to govern.

If Modi isn't up to par, he will get a drubbing in return.

As far as the results show, I think the Indian electorate was just sick of all the scams and corruption.

This is just a thumping on an unprecedented scale.

But let's see how he does in office, then I will be sold on the guy. Governing a state is one thing, governing a country is quite another.
Malaylam is not allowed here.... only allowed in members column..... one of 2 warnings where given for speaking malayalam in a thread
sorry....i don't know...but many are speaking in hindi and telegu here??
The most surprising result is from Karnataka nobody could had imagine BJP will make such a spectacular comeback after their disastrous show in Assembly Elections last year. All thanks to one man.

True. If ever there needs to be proof of a Modi wave in the South, this was it. Similar to the Vajpayee wave in 2004. Then it was for something untried, now for something rejected and being given a choice for rebirth. Without Modi, the BJP would have been finished.
Adressing 437 rallies since September... No Doubt the compaign was excellent...

Hopefully he can bring that amount of drive to get the infrastructure projects done.

India has many great challenges ahead. We cannot afford to muck it up. At least for our less forunate of our brethren, who can't vent their frustrations on twitter.
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