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850 million eligible voter the is baar. time to lagega hi :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Bhai eik month ! :o:

Apnaaa 86 million eligible voter thaa iss dafaaa, even if we exclude the enormity of resources that comes with a large size, it would've taken 10 times the time it took us - So 10 days - Its taking more than a month ! :unsure:
Morning all...this is it. Most of the channels have started beaming their election results programme live. Me watching NDTV. Which one guys are watching?
As for Rahul not attending, perhaps he is not a partier... he may not be in a party mood. And it's perfectly fine.
I'm rather sure he is actually a known "partier" or at least that's what I've heard. Additionally what bad form from Rahul. Not attending the leaving do of the man who has lead his country for the past 9 years and for all the work before that? I mean show some bloody respect! What else could be more important than attending this dinner?

I mean first you have Priyanka being a little brat to her SPG security team and now Rahul showing 2 fingers to MMS and skipping this event.
What self-entitled, self-centred lowlifes.
Well I don't see why MMS was obliged to do a damn thing. He is not a politician. He is standing down from office and is not seeking re-election. His priorities are doing his job as PM for his last few days/weeks and good for him. F**k the Gandhis, they are the ones who have tied his hands. Why is he at all obligated to serve them? His job is over know and he knows that he has done what he can with what he had. Time to move on.

UPA's stated policy is to insulate Rahul and the Parivar, again not hyperbole, they've openly stated as much in the past 24 hours.

They are declaring that the projected loss in the election is the fault of the incumbent government rather than Rahul who was not part of said government, he gets projected as the new age leader and martyr dealing with the baggage of the old and decrepit MMS (since they do now finally accept that their rule was "marred by some mistakes").

SOBs the lot of them. The same MMS who's silence was golden, that much respected attribute of the dignified and solemn man who lent his dignity to the party and was praised for the same "silence" is now to be blamed for having been "silent".
I'm rather sure he is actually a known "partier" or at least that's what I've heard. Additionally what bad form from Rahul. Not attending the leaving do of the man who has lead his country for the past 9 years and for all the work before that? I mean show some bloody respect! What else could be more important than attending this dinner?

I mean first you have Priyanka being a little brat to her SPG security team and now Rahul showing 2 fingers to MMS and skipping this event.
What self-entitled, self-centred lowlifes.

Hopefully some ladyboy will yank his balls in Bangkok.
UPA's stated policy is to insulate Rahul and the Parivar, again not hyperbole, they've openly stated as much in the past 24 hours.
They're treating them as fragile 2 year olds not the middle-aged adult they are! It's pathetic. How can any self-respecting person be in the Congress party when the entire focus is on this one family??
MMS and the party didn't do enough to project the good they did, or some variation thereof.

Rahul is at worst a reluctant politician, who failed due to the mismanagement of this election by the party as a whole ("collective responsibility") and due to the possible/alleged mistakes of the incumbent government of which he was not a part (and therefore cannot be blamed for said alleged mistakes).


Oh well...MMS is going be the favourite whipping boy for congress henceforth.PVN all over again. I still think MMS of UPA 1 would have given a stiff fight to NDA. It's the UPA2 de-facto govt of Mom & Son sealed the deal for congress in this election.
Bhai eik month ! :o:

Apnaaa 86 million eligible voter thaa iss dafaaa, even if we exclude the enormity of resources that comes with a large size, it would've taken 10 times the time it took us - So 10 days - Its taking more than a month ! :unsure:

Because we split it between phases of polling, makes it easier to manage and harder to muck with.
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