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Okay kid stop crying now.

Oh I didn't know that u have some problem with English like that AAP TARDY ashutosh btw how do you measure a person's age, by his no of posts !!! my god what kind of person are der in dis thread now
Oh I didn't know that u have some problem with English like that AAP TARDY ashutosh btw how do you measure a person's age, by his no of posts !!! my god what kind of are der in dis thread now

I said kid because you are acting like a kid. I had a word with one of the mod and he told me that you have one more handle call zakhir bhai in pdf :P Is it true kid ?

Hey @Roybot @kaykay @jha @Dillinegar @SUDIP @jbond197 @INDIC @JanjaWeed @arp2041 @WAR-rior @Sidak @Star Wars @NKVD @GreenFoe @Soumitra @paranoiarocks and everybody else what are your Tukka numbers for NDA and BJP separately ??

253 for BJP and 292 for NDA
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I said kid because you are acting like a kid. I had a word with one of the mod and he told me that you have one more handle call zakhir bhai in pdf :P Is it true kid ?

Okay here it comes great frnd u made it clear really politics bring us to such a level dat u can look anyone in any sort of cynical ways . Plz if u can go and check each and every of my post and read it carefully den come to a conclusion and kindly Plz tell me who is dat mod may be dat s why it showing me dup ID . Oh fk man u guys r may confusing with dat jiki with zakhir . Oh god look I m giving u my personal email I'd and address den only u can be confirmed but don't compare a peacharak like me with dat so called secular zakhir .
look Bro if u really gonna help me to find out dat mod to clear this confusion den help me but do not troll any more. I can manage with dis new one also.
Bhagwant Mann relesed his new song.

If he didnt win tommarow ...............Badals wont let him live in Punjab ...........lol.............or may be he will be in jail or hospital..

What made you think they will not do it even if he wins??

isnt this dynasty ????

Badals got mentioned in Wall st journal .............lol........ Ruined punjab ...........progressive family

What made you think they will not do it even if he wins??

touching a Member of Parliament wont be a quiet job mate........

isnt this dynasty ????

Badals got mentioned in Wall st journal .............lol........ Ruined punjab ...........progressive family
And thats why they are gonna loose in Punjab. Any issues with that?

Its an anti dynasty wave and u gotta accept it as mandate of 1.25 billion.Period.
Okay here it comes great frnd u made it clear really politics bring us to such a level dat u can look anyone in any sort of cynical ways . Plz if u can go and check each and every of my post and read it carefully den come to a conclusion and kindly Plz tell me who is dat mod may be dat s why it showing me dup ID . Oh fk man u guys r may confusing with dat jiki with zakhir . Oh god look I m giving u my personal email I'd and address den only u can be confirmed but don't compare a peacharak like me with dat so called secular zakhir .
look Bro if u really gonna help me to find out dat mod to clear this confusion den help me but do not troll any more. I can manage with dis new one also.

I am kidding. Why dont you open a thread in GHQ ?

Bhagwant Mann relesed his new song.

If he didnt win tommarow ...............Badals wont let him live in Punjab ...........lol.............or may be he will be in jail or hospital.

I really want this guy to win.

isnt this dynasty ????

Badals got mentioned in Wall st journal .............lol........ Ruined punjab ...........progressive family

touching a Member of Parliament wont be a quiet job mate........
Go sleep there will be very bad day ahead of you tomorrow
And thats why they are gonna loose in Punjab. Any issues with that?

Its an anti dynasty wave and u gotta accept it as mandate of 1.25 billion.Period.

dont say like that ..............u will upset Modi Bhakts ,,,,,,,,,,,,Badals are buddies of Modi .
Prometheus said:
touching a Member of Parliament wont be a quiet job mate........
Touching a popular singer and public figure is not easy as well. Don't be cynical about Badals!!
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