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Cops on election duty; EC cannot provide them basics but expects good security for polls


This is SPG act link and there is nothing which stipulates that Gandhies can't be stripped of SPG cover if Government at center wants to do so.

Yes, MMS can enjoy the SPG cover as he would be ex-PM.

I am not too well versed in the SPG act so if what you say is true I very much hope the Gandhis are stripped of their SPG cover when and if the BJP come to power, there is simply no justification for it.

I wonder how likely this is though......

As for MMS, there is no question of him not having it, he is an ex-PM of India and is fully entitled to it as every other former PM of India has had it.

@JanjaWeed do you get the feeling if AAP is actually a stroke (wheather master or not) played by Modi himself? if yes, than exactly what for??
Na.. basically Kejriwal himself played into Modi's hands & ended being Modi's b!tch!
Basically Kejri overestimated himself after his Delhi fluke. He took on Shiela Dikshit & won against her. He failed realise the fact that Congress & Shiela Dikshit was a sinking ship already at the time of state elections. & all he did was to be there at the right place at the right time.
& he thought he can do no wrong.. & tried to take Modi on by using the same tactic. But he failed to realise that public opinion about Modi is not the same as the one against Shiela Dikshit.. Kejri will regret his bravado & will learn a valuable lesson come 16th May. To beat the man... you got to be the man!

both NCP & NC are "POTENTIAL" NDA supporters/constituents :D

I can see NC providing outside support to NDA, They always like to be on the right side of the ruling party at center! Ideology, ethics & morality are just a negotiable commodity for these guys. As far as NCP is concerned.. I don't see them supporting NDA... not that they don't want to.. but Shiv Sena will oppose that. But Sharad Pawar will play the role of friendly opposition... there is a lot of skeletons in his cupboard. Long arm of law is the last thing he wants to deal with at this stage of his political career.
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@JanjaWeed @jha NDTV giving 23 out of 33 seats remaining to go to polls in UP to BJP!!!
Yup.. Have been watching the programme before the outdoor set got washed off by sacred Ganga:lol: Looks like Ganga mata is not too pleased with sickular NDTV :sarcastic: I still think either NDTV is inflating BJP's figure or in a process of reinvention to cope with future events:D btw I would have liked if they had revealed the fate of Pappu's seat?:cheesy:
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