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how did this happen yaar ? Thought TRS will support anyone who forms government ? What is happening behind the scenes ?

in an interview to ndtv kcr said that he will support rahul gandhi to be p.m and join upa, but would stay away from bjp.....
I don't think it will work like that. Even during the last NDA time in office the Gandhis had SPG cover, AFAIK they are covered under the SPG act so it would take a change of this act to remove this cover which- i hope to God happens. IF there is any threat to their lives (big if ) they can either hire personal security or have NSG cover Z+ but ONLY those actually in senior positions in the constitutional framework of India i.e. opposition leader, the need for Priyanka Gandhi to have SPG cover is utterly beyond me and look how she treats these highly trained professionals.

I really, really hope the BJP address this although I've not heard any one from the BJP or any other party even question the Gandhi's right to SPG cover when it is meant to be for the PMs, their families and former PMs- Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka are none of these. It is an utter joke.

@arp2041 what do you think about this? How likely is it they'll be stripped of this cover? And also i've seen that figure but Im 99% sure she was accompanying the PM every time, there's NO WAY she gets to use the IAF helos at her whim.

This is SPG act link and there is nothing which stipulates that Gandhies can't be stripped of SPG cover if Government at center wants to do so.

Yes, MMS can enjoy the SPG cover as he would be ex-PM.

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