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how did this happen yaar ? Thought TRS will support anyone who forms government ? What is happening behind the scenes ?

Pre election rhetoric,secondly depends on whether they depend on MIM support in assembly or not ,but YES they will need funds .
how did this happen yaar ? Thought TRS will support anyone who forms government ? What is happening behind the scenes ?

They have a deal with MIM. Owaisi will be deputy CM. BJP should not have allied with TDP in Telangana. Has caused them a good number of votes and in turn has helped TRS. Not to forget all the parties in Telangana are afraid of rising BJP. BJP should poach TRS MPs if need be.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>On 24th April got msg from satta market giving 273 seats to <a href="http://t.co/fo4y775usi">http://t.co/fo4y775usi</a> same &#39;agency&#39; corrected figure to 231.</p>&mdash; narendra nath (@iamnarendranath) <a href=" ">May 3, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Conflicting reports , not sure what is happening ?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>On 24th April got msg from satta market giving 273 seats to <a href="http://t.co/fo4y775usi">http://t.co/fo4y775usi</a> same &#39;agency&#39; corrected figure to 231.</p>&mdash; narendra nath (@iamnarendranath) <a href=" ">May 3, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Conflicting reports , not sure what is happening ?

Just drama,wait 9 more day ,12th ko 5-6 exit poll ayenge :|
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