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Saffron March in Kolkata ...

A much Needed one...

Rahul gandi the Superman soon to be on TV...

Japanese company Dentsu won 500 crore Congress contract for print and digital media and on television campaign for RG ...

This apart a another contract won by a American PR Burson-Marstelle to boost the image of rahul gandi on social media...

New PR ninjas hired to bolster Rahul Gandhi's image - Hindustan Times

Image makeover has already started. Congress will go to any length to make Rahul look good & true!

We had the first taste of it today when Muzaffarnagar riot victims endorsing RG's statement about LET!
And also you should have seen Yesterdays News hour with Arnab Goswami...

AAP has literally bashed by a Army Major and arnab for Prashant Bushan's comment on Kashmir... Later of even the callers said they no more practicing what they are preaching ...

AAP is loosing its sheen with in 10 days of coming in power... age age dekho kya hota haii...

AND Breaking News...



film star NANA PATEKAR joined BJP today and fight election NORTH EAST MUMBAI Seet. | Frrole Mobile

One of the best Indian film actors
Image makeover has already started. Congress will go to any length to make Rahul look good & true!

We had the first taste of it today when Muzaffarnagar riot victims endorsing RG's statement about LET!
Jokes already trending on FB and Tweeter on this issue ...

Cost of mission to Mars- 450 Cr INR
Money spent on Rahul's PR- 500 Cr INR

Moral: it's easier to go to Mars than enhance pappu's image!!!

7 steps Dentsu will take to improve Rahul Gandhi’s image | Faking News

7 steps Dentsu will take to improve Rahul Gandhi’s image.

These Faking news are so hilarious they are saying Alok nath will marry his daughter to Rahul gandi to show that he is very Sanskari... :rofl:
Jokes already trending on FB and Tweeter on this issue ...

Cost of mission to Mars- 450 Cr INR
Money spent on Rahul's PR- 500 Cr INR

Moral: it's easier to go to Mars than enhance pappu's image!!!
7 steps Dentsu will take to improve Rahul Gandhi’s image | Faking News

7 steps Dentsu will take to improve Rahul Gandhi’s image.

These Faking news are so hilarious they are saying Alok nath will marry his daughter to Rahul gandi to show that he is very Sanskari... :rofl:

Wohi baat hai na @Nair saab .. Kutte ki poonch kabhi seedi hui hai kya? No matter what they do, how much they spend... Pappu will remain a Pappu! :lol:
Image makeover has already started. Congress will go to any length to make Rahul look good & true!

We had the first taste of it today when Muzaffarnagar riot victims endorsing RG's statement about LET!
Nah Delhi Police press conference differed from RG's statement. People contacted weren't riot victims.
I hope that Shashi Taroor loses his seat this time from Thiruvananthapuram. Whenever I put on CNN-IBN...I hear this guy sh!tting through his throat by saying 'we do not want a hindu Pakistan'! What a moron...

Modi has all the wind back of him now. People know that. To win in a state like kerala. Choose specific seats with cadre and then get some good candidates. Retired IAS, IPS, civil servants, officers with a clean record and go aggressively, that should take care of chinese and cong morons!
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