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Major minority as$ kicking is on its way, after disastrous outcome of muzaffarnagar riots and muslims willing to support Mod else where.

I think Hindu Missionaries should visit these camps ... try to bring these Scums back to Dharma ... ISCON and Art Of Living can do a lot of help...

by this we can also neutralize the threat of Terrorism...
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I think Hindu Missionaries whould visit these camps ... try to bring these Scums back to Dharma ... ISCON and Art Of Living can do a lot of help...
by this we can also neutralize the threat of Terrorism...
Totally agree with that but it has to be in a systematic and subtle way.
Was watching NDTV news, there was an advertisement from some Ministry of Agriculture, free seed and fertilizer scheme.

The details of the scheme were written in Urdu :confused: Not Hindu/English and Urdu, just Urdu. Like where is this country headed, even the Muslims of India can barely read Urdu, who are these Congressi scum trying to impress?
Even I saw that ADD... But only in NDTV ... and NDTV is giving showering praises for RG as his previous assumption on ISI visiting Muzzafarabad camps ...

Did u see NDTV's FB and Twitter cover photos are of Mr. Patlu arvind Kejriwal and AAP since the election results ...



Rajasthan's new chief minister Raje finds SIX MILLION abandoned bulbs ordered by last government to help woo voters... And they all have Gehlot's face on the box!

Rajasthan's new chief minister Raje finds SIX MILLION abandoned bulbs ordered by last government to help woo voters... And they all have Gehlot's face on the box! | Mail Online

AAP taking lessons from Ashok Gehlot :rofl:
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Conversation Between a BJP supporter and a AAPtard...

Me :- So if you support Kejriwal then you must be supporting his views on Batla house encounter, on autonomy to Kashmir , on Indian armed force, on vote bank politics ?

AAPtard:- No, I have supported him only for fighting this menace of corruption.

Me. So the above issues which I listed are of less importance to you than Corruption ?

AAPtard : No ,it must be their personal opinion about these issues, they have not mentioned any such thing in their manifesto.

Me. Are you saying a government is only empowered to do what it has written on their manifesto and not beyond that ? Or do you know the term "hidden agenda" ?

AAPtard:- No my support to them is restricted to fight corruption , that's it.

Me: you hire a driver for your car, and as a side business he is involved in small time robberies, would you care just for his driving skills or full BG check ?

AAPtard : come on yar, don't get personal

Me : exactly my point, you are being hypocrite in your personal and national thought process

AAPtard : I don't get all this politics yar, let's talk something else

Me : ( Sigh , need some divine intervention for this country )

AAP to seek more quota for lower castes, women: Yogendra Yadav - Economic Times
Cost of Mission to
Mars-450 cr Money fr
Rahul's PR-500 cr Easier to
go to Mars than enhance
dis ******'s image
Cost of Mission to
Mars-450 cr Money fr
Rahul's PR-500 cr Easier to
go to Mars than enhance
dis ******'s image

Rahul gandi the Superman soon to be on TV...

Japanese company Dentsu won 500 crore Congress contract for print and digital media and on television campaign for RG ...

This apart a another contract won by a American PR Burson-Marstelle to boost the image of rahul gandi on social media...

New PR ninjas hired to bolster Rahul Gandhi's image - Hindustan Times
From next month, you will see more of Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi in the print and digital media and on television.

In the run-up to the Lok Sabha elections due in April-May, Dentsu India, the Japanese advertising and public relations company, is preparing a massive campaign around the
concept of “empowering the common man”, which will focus on portraying Gandhi as a young, vibrant leader who will deliver on the aspirations of the common Indian.

And Burson-Marsteller, a public relations firm, has been hired by the Congress to create a buzz around Gandhi on social media.

Gandhi, who took the final decision to go ahead with Dentsu India (and JWT) to handle the Congress party’s Rs. 500-crore advertising contract for the elections, is taking a personal interest in the campaign’s design.

“A team of select professionals is working on the project and Rahul Gandhi is closely involved with the creation of the short films and print ads based on him,” said a Dentsu executive on condition of anonymity as he is not authorised to speak to the media.

“Apart from economic issues such as GDP growth, inflation and job creation, the campaign will speak about the menace of corruption and actively highlight Gandhi’s strong stand on the issue,” the source added.

The agency has been told to be careful with the phrase “aam aadmi”, originally coined by the Congress, as it is now closely associated with the Aam Aadmi Party.

Officially, Dentsu remained tight-lipped about the contract. “We just cannot comment on this subject,” said Rohit Ohri, executive chairman, Dentsu India.

Burson-Marsteller, which has been hired by the Congress to revamp Gandhi’s image, is likely to handle Gandhi’s Twitter account and Facebook page. It will upload pictures of his rallies, update status messages to create interesting debates and tweet on daily developments to ensure greater visibility on social media.

“We confirm that Burson-Marsteller has been engaged to provide counsel to senior leaders of the Congress Party as part of an exercise that also involves other communications and research companies,” said Prema Sagar, founder, Genesis Burson-Marsteller, India.

When contacted, a senior Congress leader declined to comment.

New PR ninjas hired to bolster Rahul Gandhi's image - Hindustan Times
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