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Switch off TVs till April 24: Congress` CP Joshi to voters

With 117 constituencies set to go to vote in the sixth phase on April 24, the Congress has come up with a bizarre appeal, asking voters to keep their televisions switched off till Thursday.
Addressing a rally in Karauli in Rajasthan, yesterday, Congress general secretary CP Joshi said, “There is no wave of BJP. It is better you all keep your televisions switched off for next three days and vote for Congress.” :haha:
In Mumbai I would have wanted AAP to have at least little effect as it would eaten into Muslim vote bank of INC/NCP they did put up some craze after Delhi election but now they have lost it. Quite contrarily to their name they now exist only in some elite or celebrity circles. Now minority section is back to their regular choice Muslim and Christians with Congress/NCP, Sikhs, Jains and Pars is with Shivsena/BJP/MNS.

Exactly right. this is what I have been advocating for quite some time.
Switch off TVs till April 24: Congress` CP Joshi to voters

With 117 constituencies set to go to vote in the sixth phase on April 24, the Congress has come up with a bizarre appeal, asking voters to keep their televisions switched off till Thursday.
Addressing a rally in Karauli in Rajasthan, yesterday, Congress general secretary CP Joshi said, “There is no wave of BJP. It is better you all keep your televisions switched off for next three days and vote for Congress.” :haha:

Poor fellow worried about loosing of remaining few votes.
Maybe you need to become a bit wiser to the workings of the world.

Obama quietly reverses Hillary’s ‘get Modi’ policy

British govt being US govt's poodle does everything it can to destabilize India.

Actually, here Obama is reversing Hillary clinton's policy of demonising Modi and is embracing him. US ambassador to India was recently replaced because last ambassador was close to Sonia Gandhi.Similarly UK has become pro-Modi in past years.

As long as a leader in not threatening US or UK, they are cool to work with any disposition.They are rational actors, not some ranting madman of JNU.


You are underestimating the motivation of fascist left. They consider Marxism as their religion and they treat their detractors with same hatred as Al-qaida treat kaffir's.

The slander going on in Guardian ( on cue of Indian Marxists ) is akin to caliph giving degree of investiture to Ghaznavi for being an iconoclast.

Guardian is supporting their ideological brothers in The Hindu.
No point in Modi apologising for Gujarat riots, says Madani
Mail Today Bureau | Mail Today | New Delhi, April 21, 2014 | UPDATED 10:19 IST

Maulana Mehmood Madani (L) and Narendra Modi
After drawing flak from many sections over refusal to wear a skull cap, BJP's PM candidate Narendra Modi finally has someone from the Muslim community who sided with him.

Muslim cleric Maulana Mehmood Madani said that Modi should not wear the cap for symbolic purposes as many politicians have been using the symbolic act to make a fool of Muslims.

"If you ask me to put a tilak , I won't agree, not at all. And that doesn't make me a bad person. I can be bad on accounts my action only. It has been our bad experience that symbolic acts have been done but real problems have not been solved. I don't find not wearing skullcap as bad. I say that those who wear the cap fool Muslims. I want to tell them with folded hands not to make a fool of us. He should not wear the skullcap. Nobody should. It is only a symbolic thing and I don't want symbolism. I want work," Madani said at Aaj Tak 's Seedhi Baat programme.

Describing riots as national issues, Madani said that looking at loss from the prism of communities is unfortunate. "If he ( Modi) is guilty then he should be punished," he said. "What good is an apology? Loss of life in the riots and the shame it caused, was it only for Muslims? It was shame for all."

Madani said: "We have doubts on his abilities. If people make him the PM even after opposition then responsibility will be on him to treat everyone as equal. He would see everyone as equal and won't destroy the country on the basis of religion and caste," he said.

Madani maintained that people have an image of Modi not being secular. "There is a view about him that he is not secular. It may be wrong but that is the view and I also agree with the view. The identity attached to him is that of destruction. If he talks about development and succeeds in implementing then he will be worthy of praise. It is good that he is appearing secular and not saying a single communal word but that is the strength of this country. Khuda kare ki dil badal gaya ho. It will be a good thing," he said.

Madani said that the idea of India is strong and no matter who comes to power and who goes out, nobody can break India as majority of Indians are secular.

"Whether he becomes PM or not will be decided after elections but if attempts are being made to create a fear perception then it is not right. I don't agree that there is a fear perception. People may be trying to do so but this country is powerful and it has the strength of non-violence. It has brotherhood and large heartedness," he said.

Reacting to Bharatiya Janata Party leader Giriraj Singh's statement that critics of Modi should go to Pakistan, Madani said that Singh is best suited for Pakistan and Afghanistan. "He should be sent to Pakistan. India will not accept such leaders," he said.

Madani also made light of the comments by Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan and said that there can be a good side to it.

"There is a conspiracy under which Muslims are being disconnected with the land by enemies from inside and outside. There can be a good side to that comment. If anyone looks at our country with bad eyes Muslims will remove the eyes," he said.

Read more at: No point in Modi apologising for Gujarat riots, says Madani : India, News - India Today
Actually, here Obama is reversing Hillary clinton's policy of demonising Modi and is embracing him. US ambassador to India was recently replaced because last ambassador was close to Sonia Gandhi.Similarly UK has become pro-Modi in past years.

As long as a leader in not threatening US or UK, they are cool to work with any disposition.They are rational actors, not some ranting madman of JNU.


You are underestimating the motivation of fascist left. They consider Marxism as their religion and they treat their detractors with same hatred as Al-qaida treat kaffir's.

The slander going on in Guardian ( on cue of Indian Marxists ) is akin to caliph giving degree of investiture to Ghaznavi for being an iconoclast.

Guardian is supporting their ideological brothers in The Hindu.

They replaced the US ambassador to India because the relationship was threatened to a dysfunctional level, does not mean they have stopped their mischief making. Does not mean all those entities they have funded in India to create havoc have been withdrawn.

Next Guardian and the other major Western newspapers are the mouthpieces of their respective governments. They do not take the cue from Indian marxists, rather they set the tone for the Indian marxists.
The replaced the US ambassador to India because the relationship was threatened to a dysfunctional level, does not mean they have stopped their mischief making. Does not mean all those entities they have funded in India to create havoc have been withdrawn.

Next Guardian and the other major Western newspapers are the mouthpieces of their respective governments. They do not take the cue from Indian marxists, rather they set the tone for the Indian marxists.

This guy has a divine power. Who so ever has mess with him, have to backtrack. Be they the members of BJP or Opposition or countries opposing him. There are many examples. Vajpayee, Advani, Yashwant sinha, Britain, Nitish, Germany and many other countries. Now US is falling in line.
this something that u are asking to sacrifice is "Punjab"

LOL....don't be so dramatic. Punjabi MP's sitting in parliment are not going to do anything for Punjab either, but will be passing laws for the whole of India. They are either part of the govt. or part of the opposition, there is no third role in the parliament. What is a better choice ?

There really is no 'sacrifice' here, but I hear punjabi's like to exaggerate things :P

blame NDA for that

Sure...... let us blame the NDA for every ill in India.....the UPA and congress gets away scott free :lol:

Is this RAW officer also an RSS agent ? You are as retarded as those folks supporting Akali's .
Countless evidence have been given to prove that AAP is clearly Anti national. From supporting criminals , to supporting the Rapist law minister , to having a complete Gunda Raj in Delhi and supporting Village panchayats who end up being Judge jury and executionor , often ending up with women being Raped as punishment. But Hey its the Akali's who are evil and not Kujliwala and his retarded gang who believe Bhagat SIngh is a terrorist , who has taken 5,00,000 from ford foundation which is a CIA front and not to mention is a chamcha of Sonia Gandu

Are you retarded ??, DO you want to see third front in the entire country just to satisfy your ego ? You hate what punjab have become but have no qualms pushing the entire country to be run by Rapists and criminals ? This is a National election, not a state election , if you don't like Akali's go vote them out in the state elections ..
All I have to say is.....**** off,piece of turd.

I agree that national outlook is more important, but India is still a parliamentary democracy. Ultimately it will be these MP's that will hold substantial power and they can even decide not to support Modi. Since such a scenario is possible, it is better to have a sensible MP represent you rather than vote in a criminal.

I feel @Prometheus and @cloud_9 are right it trying to vote a better MP to represent them.
Apparently people think MP's have no role in highlighting local problems at the central level.They were either skipping their civics lesson or went to shit schools.
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Just found out Medha Patkar is AAP candidate from my constituency :/
People should stop dreaming.BJP has little presence in Punjab and It happens their partners:hang3: are corrupt and loonies.So stop blaming the people :tsk:
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