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Indian police order Muslim man to prove his patriotism by leading partition celebrations


Sep 20, 2014
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police in India have ordered a 22-year-old Muslim to prove he is not a traitor by leading Tuesday's celebrations of the split from Pakistan in 1947.

Dilnawaz Alam was accused by neighbours in Sheohar District, northeast India, of posting pro-Pakistan content on his Facebook page, including pictures of the former prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, ahead of the 70th anniversary of partition.

In order to show his repentance, “he has undertaken to participate in the Independence day function with suitable fervor”, an official said, “by putting up the national flag on the mast, salut[ing] it during its unfurling and join[ing] others in singing the national anthem.”

Over the weekend Mr Alam, a member of India’s 172m-strong Muslim minority, also washed the walls of the local police station and cleared its grounds of litter.

The district superintendent said Mr Alam had agreed voluntarily to “mend his ways and thoughts”, rather than face worse punishment.

His case is the latest in a growing number relying on hazy laws that forbid the expression of ‘anti-nationalist’ sentiment, which critics say has created an atmosphere of suspicion and hostility towards minorities.

In June, 15 Muslim men were arrested for “shouting pro-Pakistan slogans” after the country’s victory over India in the final of the cricket world cup.

The 70th anniversary of partition, an event that led to rampant sectarian violence between Sikhs, Hindus and Mulism and an estimated 1 to 2 million deaths, comes in a particularly frosty period for relations between India, which is led by the Hindu-nationalist, Bharatiya Janata Party, and Pakistan, where persecution of Hindus has risen steadily in recent years

Doing public service is better than going to jail. It gives him an opportunity to demonstrate a bit of gratitude to the society he lives in.

Maybe he learned to respect fellow Indians on this day. A lessons a few people in pdf can learn.
Doing public service is better than going to jail. It gives him an opportunity to demonstrate a bit of gratitude to the society he lives in.

Maybe he learned to respect fellow Indians on this day. A lessons a few people in pdf can learn.

For someone advocating democratic right of a human to commit suicide is saying this in this thread.

You sir are a masterpiece
For someone advocating democratic right of a human to commit suicide is saying this in this thread.

You sir are a masterpiece

He has the right to express his views, but free speech is subject to reasonable restrictions in India.

If the cops have moved against him, then its reasonable to assume he must have posted some rather provocative posts.

Any post that is against the sovereignty and integrity of India, incitement to an offense, against public decency and morality, or public order is not permitted in India.

Knowing the law helps, and it has nothing to do with democracy which is purely a political system of governance.
He has the right to express his views, but free speech is subject to reasonable restrictions in India.

If the cops have moved against him, then its reasonable to assume he must have posted some rather provocative posts.

Any post that is against the sovereignty and integrity of India, incitement to an offense, against public decency and morality, or public order is not permitted in India.

Knowing the law helps, and it has nothing to do with democracy which is purely a political system of governance.

Dude you are on a Pakistani Defence Forum.

If your ill witted neighbor reports that you are here how will that go down?

You guys are becoming more and more used to being in a police state.

Incredible India.
Doing public service is better than going to jail. It gives him an opportunity to demonstrate a bit of gratitude to the society he lives in.

Maybe he learned to respect fellow Indians on this day. A lessons a few people in pdf can learn.

Is this how a so called free democratic society acts?
Dude you are on a Pakistani Defence Forum.

If your ill witted neighbor reports that you are here how will that go down?

You guys are becoming more and more used to being in a police state.

Incredible India.

It would not matter since all my posts here is in defense of India.

Unlike the other chump which was AGAINST India.

A more stricter society is a natural response to islamic terrorism and anti Hindu sentiments. That is the natural order of things. No surprise here.

Is this how a so called free democratic society acts?

You mean implement the law but choose a milder form of punishment taking his youth into consideration ? I sure hope so.
Dude you are on a Pakistani Defence Forum.

If your ill witted neighbor reports that you are here how will that go down?

You guys are becoming more and more used to being in a police state.

Incredible India.

Kudos young man.

Cheers, Doc
It would not matter since all my posts here is in defense of India.

Unlike the other chump which was AGAINST India.

A more stricter society is a natural response to islamic terrorism and anti Hindu sentiments. That is the natural order of things. No surprise here.

That is still your opinion that they are not against India.

I am baffled that how did India become a Hindu country after 70 years of boasting that it is a secular country.

Culture above Religion was always India's selling point.

Quite confusing indeed.
That is still your opinion that they are not against India.

I am baffled that how did India become a Hindu country after 70 years of boasting that it is a secular country.

Culture above Religion was always India's selling point.

Quite confusing indeed.

Its the opinion of his neighbor and the cops that his posts were Anti India and against the Law.

He got off easy.

The public work will build his character , something he clearly lacks.

I will leave you to chew on your confusion. Not my problem.
hail to indian style secularism and democracy:lol::lol:

u know desi democracy funny thing is the shameless indian will also justify this stupidity and ignorance.:tup:

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