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Indian PM Modi on Pakistan Day

Never ever trust the baniyas , i repeat never. We will regret in future as we did in the past
Nobody trusts them, nobody here. We can simply make it look we trust them, without trusting them.

The news of India attending the anti terror drills in Pakistan at the SCO platform has a different dimension to it.

This is China arm twisting India to do it.

And about this letter and India Pakistan raaproachment it is US pressure behind it.

Seems China and US both vying for the power slot.
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Nobody trusts them, nobody here. We can simply make it look we trust them, without trusting them.

The news of India attending the anti terror drills in Pakistan at the SCO platform has a different dimension to it.

This is China arm twisting India to do it.

And about this letter and India Pakistan raaproachment it is US pressure behind it.

Seems China and US both vying for the power slot.

Whatever softens the blow.

Cheers, Doc
Probably fake, modi have different signature..
phake newj hai ye bhi

phake newj hai ye bhi

So Imran not coming? No meeting happening?

Cheers, Doc
lol .................sneaked in then expelled with humiliation in front of whole world . :rofl:

This is your own saying Pakistan controls it

Today, Point 5353 remains in Pakistani military possession. However, the Indian Army captured the peaks in its surroundings on either side, with the purpose of neutralizing Pakistani activity on 5353, in the years following the Kargil war. The peak became a subject of controversy after the Kargil War.

i wish no meeting with fascists

Actually Pakistan meeting with Modi and fascists damages them more.

Didn't M. Gandhi was killed by nathuram godse for him being friendly with Jinnah and supporting the idea of Pakistan.

So RSS don't want any sort of relations. The animosity is their lifeline.
Since last one year Imran Khan is parroting the same one sentence that Pakistan's future lies with China. What happened now? Why suddenly we are back in 90s taking f*cking US dictation. It seams when it comes to America, our establishment is psychologically damaged and has a defeatist mentality. Whatever happens, no matter how much humiliation and loss we suffer at the hands of Americans, we can't say no to them.

in this same video Mueed answer your questions why it is not like that what you said above. he gave those five reasons. sometimes one has to play accordingly to get the week point addressed and those things that Pakistan can or must get from this new development (which was actually cooking since sometime now) is very necessary to be addressed and which would effect the foreign policy to be more independent.

Pakistan knows what Biden administration is up to but what are the options we have? when we need FATF go, IMF looming threats, CPEC propaganda and afghan peace, we need to get out of this situation particularly FATF and IMF and this is like a wall infront of us for anything good to happen, it must go.

Kashmir issue will for long be a contention between India and Pakistan, since US is not interested in it. it is interesting to see how Pakistan take this matter with India as the talks proceed because PM IK had a very strong stance and repeatedly he expressed it about article 370, the curfew and the social independence to Kashmiri people.

everybody knows we cannot trust Modi regime, he is there to deceive and this is the representation of whole India in other words true face of India who is our neighbor to live with.
If Imran Khan ever cordially replies to these diplomatic overtures by Modi after all the rants of Fascist Nazi Modi, the replies below his tweet would be :pop:

It is more of an issue with Modi than Imran. Imran is upright and good and Modi not so.
Posted on NDTV under comment!

Why cordial relationship now? What has changed in last 30 days? Is Biden pulling strings and asking Khan-Modi to resolve their differences so they can focus on China?
It’s not same Pakistan of 2018, lots of changed in last two and half years. There is a shift in Pakistan’s foreign policy and it has moved it’s focus on Pakistan-China relationship/Friendship/Partnership and CPEC & BRI. Uncle SAM can’t no longer use Saudi and UAE to pressure Pakistan. It was clear sign to western puppet masters when Pakistan refused to be part of Saudi war against Houthi movement.

Pakistan certainly want to improve relationship with India but at the same time Pakistan doesn’t trust Modi’s India. Pakistan want India to stop RAW sponsor Terrorists activities in Balochistan through likes of Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav alias Hussain Mubarak Patel, stop supporting terrorist groups like BLA and TTP, close all terrorist training camp in Afghanistan and don’t orchestrated Pulwama type attack as a falls flag to win support in local election. If India try to attack Pakistan again, Fantastic TEA will be waiting for them on this side of the border.

India cannot dictate the peace agreement on it’s terms. Kashmir has to be resolved through UN resolutions.
What will we do with change of heart?
Will it solve kashmir problems?
Will it solve water problems?
Or india will stop propaganda machine against Pakistan?
Pakistan india will be always enemy of each other.
We should focus on making Pakistan more strong against india economically and militarily.
Other than Kashmir everything will be resolved and Kashmir will also be resolved when we accept it as it is.
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