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Indian Officials Had A Quiet Rendezvous With The Taliban, Says Qatari Spl Envoy

Meanwhile Indian media:

Hope the taliban know the, baniyan politics. Maum me ram ram baghail me chura...
The Comment from a so called Senior Moderator will put the hardcore trolls into shame
Is it really trolling though? He is using hyperbole to show the hypocrisy. Was it not the case that up until recently(before US pull out) all Indians used to shout from the top of their lungs and teach us Pakistanis things like "no good Taliban or bad Taliban"...and Indian government supported the opposing factions(that formed the government in Kabul) of Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan. Why the sudden change of heart? Why not continue the holier than thou attitude and continue saying "no good Taliban or bad Taliban"?

The reason u are saying that the moderator is trolling..is bcuz that's an excuse u can use to try to downplay the point he is making...bcuz facing reality hurts. It doesn't matter if he is a mod or not...the title is irrelevant...look at the point he is making and address that.
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Or are they trying to outbid Pakistan?
A new tactic(or rather an old tactic...as we have seen this kind of changing sides in Sri Lanka before) they are trying to now be on the good side of Afghan Taliban since the horse they were backing this whole time has got its days numbered. So now they will try to throw money at Afghan Taliban(as opposed to the Northern Alliance remnants)...so they can continue their covert games against Pak through Afghanistan.
Or are they trying to outbid Pakistan?
There was an article 2-3 years ago that quoted Gen Rawat who said Pakistan did everything in her national interest even when that meant to shake hands with evil (Taliban). We all know that he is right about it and it was expected that India, or any country for that matter, will do everything and anything to protect their interests however India side has been making bold statements that they will not talk to Taliban. It is only natural that their tall statements are being called out now.
Is it really trolling though? He is using hyperbole to show the hypocrisy. Was it not the case that up until recently(before US pull out) all Indians used to shout from the top of their lungs and teach us Pakistanis things like "no good Taliban or bad Taliban"...and Indian government supported the opposing factions(that formed the government in Kabul) of Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan. Why the sudden change of heart? Why not continue the holier than thou attitude and continue saying "no good Taliban or bad Taliban"?

The reason u are saying that the moderator is trolling..is bcuz that's an excuse u can use to try to downplay the point he is making...bcuz facing reality hurts. It doesn't matter if he is a mod or not...the title is irrelevant...look at the point he is making and address that.
this is the beauty of the platform like PDF. you can be as self-righteous and unprejudiced as you want when it comes to censoring others who have the same level of "Hyperbole" ...

None the less, this is a feel good forum for some, as it gives advantage to those who would otherwise will not stand a chance in real world
There was an article 2-3 years ago that quoted Gen Rawat who said Pakistan did everything in her national interest even when that meant to shake hands with evil (Taliban). We all know that he is right about it and it was expected that India, or any country for that matter, will do everything and anything to protect their interests however India side has been making bold statements that they will not talk to Taliban. It is only natural that their tall statements are being called out now.

Just as Pakistan does everything in its own national interests by right, so does India.
A new tactic(or rather an old tactic...as we have seen this kind of changing sides in Sri Lanka before) they are trying to now be on the good side of Afghan Taliban since the horse they were backing this whole time has got its days numbered. So now they will try to throw money at Afghan Taliban(as opposed to the Northern Alliance remnants)...so they can continue their covert games against Pak through Afghanistan.

Please see the above.
this is the beauty of the platform like PDF. you can be as self-righteous and unprejudiced as you want when it comes to censoring others who have the same level of "Hyperbole" ...

None the less, this is a feel good forum for some, as it gives advantage to those who would otherwise will not stand a chance in real world
Sure ...I accept that every such platform(where ppl express their views) can have a bias...

What u r not understanding is that nobody is censoring anyone for using "hyperbole"...so long as it is rooted in reality. Of course if fantasies and falsehoods are to be promoted...and then are promptly shut down...it is the correct thing to do. The only difference is that u lot chalk it up to the fact that it is a Pakistani forum and it is Indians that are being censored...and therefore it must be something to do with the nationality...
...instead of addressing the fact that ur countrymen peddle all kinds of BS and falsehoods. Is it any wonder that India ranks among the top when it comes to fake news?

Speaking of standing no chance in the real world in the context of spreading BS and falsehoods...there are many threads on this very forum...started by Indians...that have declared all sorts of victories on paper against Pakistan...
...and we all saw how all those feel good made up stories stood no chance in the real world when PAF humiliated IAF.

In any case...whatever ur grievances may be against this forum...u still haven't addressed the points @waz raised...
...whatever happened to Indian policy of "no good Taliban bad Taliban"?
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