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Indian Nuclear Arsenal at risk of taken over by insurgents

well for the remaining argument Pakistan has to focus on what Mr. Obama is saying here-below....and forget other things....nuclear weapons..blah blah..blah....:)...listen below.....and stop obsessing..:)

6JjAeDWpqYQ[/media] - obama tells pakistan to stop obsessing with india

Well Obama and people who support his :blah::blah::blah::blah: should shut up and go to the CIA HQ and take a look at the pictures of the Indian troops & armor location & then read something about the Indian Cold Start Doctrine, hopefully if they have sane kind of brains they will realize that Pakistan is right as 70-80% of the Indian troops and 100% armor is right on the border with Pakistan, and that their Cold Start Doctrine is specifically made for Pakistan, and that their Prithvi Class Missiles are Pakistan specific, so if they see these facts their sane minds may realize we are right, but if their minds are insane, we will keep seeing above like statements by Obama and posts by our respected Indian members.
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The "our own" people theory is being challenged very strongly since there really is very little "Indian" about them.

And what is very little "Indian" about them??

Anyway, India better reassure the world that it has everything under control. Although the first place to get nuked from a naxal A-bomb would be India itself, but imagine the likelihood of misunderstanding and if India bombs Pakistan or China in response?

Dude you are clearly going overboard with the naxal threat. Making mountains out of moles here. The Naxals hide in jungles and only venture out in remote areas - they hardly fit the profile of terrorists who can take control of highly secure nuclear installations.

Not to mention that the Naxals would probably not put nuclear fallout into consideration.

Does India have a similar thing as to the NCA with the nuclear authority resting upon President/PM or is it with the local army guy controlling the nukes?

It is Pakitstans case that the army controls the nukes. It is a commonsense proposition that in a democratic country like India the nukes are firmly under civilian control. Atleast in India case we still havent had reports that the Indian PM was briefed about the existance and extent of the Indian nuclear programme in Wasgington, unlike what happened to Benazir Bhutto when she was the PM.

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