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Indian news: China's Video of Galwan Valley Clash Showcases Indian's Army Bravery

Man I never understand, instead of this stupid conclusions we should be putting pressure on govt to release our side of video. Cause both side records , camera r not expensive, they r dirt cheap.
Well they have not released it officially in any news paper. It is like zero causality to 4 dead. They will eat crow again.
Man I never understand, instead of this stupid conclusions we should be putting pressure on govt to release our side of video. Cause both side records , camera r not expensive, they r dirt cheap.
I guess those Indians recording the scene were all captured by PLA, and the Indian videos are now also in China's hands.
Well they have not released it officially in any news paper. It is like zero causality to 4 dead. They will eat crow again.
Who said zero causalty? Indian source?
When it comes to killing Indian army men in South Tibet, their Northeastern rebels do a even better job.

Indian rebels kill seven including colonel, four troops in Manipur
Published at 06:12 pm November 13th, 2021

I guess those Indians recording the scene were all captured by PLA, and the Indian videos are now also in China's hands.

Who said zero causalty? Indian source?

I never get angry at pdf trolls cause maybe my family has army background so I know boasting is normal thing but soldiers don't take fight lightly when a single stray bullet can end you.
If you talk to veteran Pak or Ind soldiers who faught , they would tell u diff story about each other.

You are very new to actual war, when it really starts, both sides will loose in thousands very quickly. I already see the pushing and land grabbing by Chinese has shrunk very rapidly cause of construction of permanent solid shelters.
Take example of kargil, see ground situation before and after kargil.
If swinging a stick is what these shit for brains consider bravery then this guy can qualify as the biggest Indian hero in existence.

Then again Abinandon was a hero. Even if China showed a video of the Indian POWs getting kicked in the balls by little girls practicing Kungfu they still probably can spin it as some sort of a win.
I just need to visit the hospital reason....laughter ribs broken
What ? the freedom fighters call themselves PLA?

Published: 13th November 2021 08:31 PM
GUWAHATI: The People's Liberation Army (PLA), one of the most violent groups in the Northeast, has rekindled the fire of insurgency in a more or less peaceful Manipur.
According to supa Indian, the following pictures showcase their bravery. So Let us enjoy and celebrate the bravery from supa India.
View attachment 792948
They shall be commemorate brave enough to kneel , pull ears and act like 5 years old kid , put down its own pride to act such low in front of their enemy....

It takes lot of courage to be willing to be humiliate in such a way as a soldier. :enjoy:
They shall be commemorate brave enough to kneel , pull ears and act like 5 years old kid , put down its own pride to act such low in front of their enemy....

It takes lot of courage to be willing to be humiliate in such a way as a soldier. :enjoy:

They are shameless, so they can't be humiliated. Kneeling is in their "professional" job description.
Well they have not released it officially in any news paper. It is like zero causality to 4 dead. They will eat crow again.

u are lucky u pajeets are only a pest, pla main goal is USA

why keep lying? Pla clearly said casualties on both sides , we never said we have zero casualty, it’s your fake news india media invention as always.

pla takes no pride beat u pajeets, it’s so easy just like a flip of hand and stepping on a bug. Without u fake news media keep inventing stories, we wouldn’t see these pictures and videos

I never get angry at pdf trolls cause maybe my family has army background so I know boasting is normal thing but soldiers don't take fight lightly when a single stray bullet can end you.
If you talk to veteran Pak or Ind soldiers who faught , they would tell u diff story about each other.

You are very new to actual war, when it really starts, both sides will loose in thousands very quickly. I already see the pushing and land grabbing by Chinese has shrunk very rapidly cause of construction of permanent solid shelters.
Take example of kargil, see ground situation before and after kargil.

bosting is a normal thing? Haha, only for pajeets. what did pla brag? Except indian started the aggression and we finished the battle. And casualties on both sides.

who come up with ridiculous story one single jawan killed 8 pla then dragged another 6 pla down the cliff with him?

Pathetic pajeets sound like pajeet army is the real fighter, who did you fight other than Pakistan?

PLA never been to real war. :cheesy: PLA fought off USA and Soviets while pajeet shitting their pants hearing these names

ok ok, supa powa india winning, india No 1 :rofl:
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PLA soldier honored for during the Galwan Incident.



Only a level two commendation, same as the PLAN marine who captured some Somali Pirates in 2017.
Well they have not released it officially in any news paper. It is like zero causality to 4 dead. They will eat crow again.

No official Chinese response is necessary, since GOI and IA are not the ones claiming "detention of 200 PLA soldiers". Anyway, the image of kneeling IA soldiers pulling ears is viral on the net and GOI doesn't have balls to deny it.

Tell your media to be careful what they ask for next time.
No official Chinese response is necessary, since GOI and IA are not the ones claiming "detention of 200 PLA soldiers". Anyway, the image of kneeling IA soldiers pulling ears is viral on the net and GOI doesn't have balls to deny it.

Tell your media to be careful what they ask for next time.

Next thing you know @SuperStar20 will be blaming @Akatosh for getting jailed for making rape-threat tweets. Had he not been arrested we would’ve seen the photos of 200 PLA prisoners weeks ago.
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