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Indian news: China's Video of Galwan Valley Clash Showcases Indian's Army Bravery

Does Indian media have "media integrity" or "media reputation" in mind at all? Or Indian masses would rather to hear "fake good news" than truth?

Voice of America questioned the authenticity of the Galwan photos and tagged the Indian Foreign Ministry on Twitter hoping that they’d debunk it but got… wait for it… no response!


Voice of America questioned the authenticity of the Galwan photos and tagged the Indian Foreign Ministry on Twitter hoping that they’d debunk it but got… wait for it… no response!
I don't understand why VOA is making such a bad embarrassment against India. What kind of response VOA is expecting? The Indian government officially denies these photos? Then PLA will release more and longer pictures/videos to continue the party. I bet the PLA PR department is waiting for this badly.

VOA, as owned by the American government, should be an ally to India, right?
I don't understand why VOA is making such a bad embarrassment against India. What kind of response VOA is expecting? The Indian government officially denies these photos? Then PLA will release more and longer pictures/videos to continue the party. I bet the PLA PR department is waiting for this badly.

VOA, as owned by the American government, should be an ally to India, right?

I think they legit wanted a counterpoint to what they perceived as propaganda from GlobalTimes. Too bad they didn’t do the proper research.
I don't understand why VOA is making such a bad embarrassment against India. What kind of response VOA is expecting? The Indian government officially denies these photos? Then PLA will release more and longer pictures/videos to continue the party. I bet the PLA PR department is waiting for this badly.

VOA, as owned by the American government, should be an ally to India, right?
America never treat indians as equal. The colonial mentality of non white as Inferior still persist.

The american even resort to go PAF inventory and count the number of F-16 available to humiliate indian lies of F-16 shot down by IAF in 2019. Do u think US care about how indian feel? They just hang a carrot in front of indian to do their anti China bidding.
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Any high IQ cute boys, please explain, why these pictures/videos are not published in any major News papers in china or abroad?
I agree completely. Let’s make a Kickstarter for it. Zack Snyder fans got a four hour Snyder cut of Justice League after petitioning WB and I’m sure that we can get the Galwan tape by petitioning the Indian Army.

That's a very appropriate example! The Indian version, if it ever comes out, will be a Bollywood movie for certain. lol
Those pictures are fake but this one is real according to Indians.

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it is meant for their idiot people... they think F-15 flying over wales is a PAF air strike in Afganistan..
If these pictures are not fake ? what is the reason, PLA is not releasing these pictures and video's officially in Global Times/some news papers?

may be they dont think indian army is worth it?..

to them indian army must be some monkeys with guns

PS has the indian army denied this?...
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jameeen chali jai perception nai jaana chayeh mitrrrrunn!!!!

assspread the phake newj mitrrrunnn! keep the bollywood spirits high!

wah Modi g wahh!!! Hindutava wahhh!!!
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