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Indian Navy hand-out. for Navy Day 2009


Jul 6, 2009
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The Indian Navy – 2009
1. Indian Navy (IN) started out at independence as the RIN with a
small flotilla of 33 ships of which there were two frigates, four sloops,
one Corvette and the others, small utility yards and crafts. Until 1965,
our ships were largely of British origin. The years 1965 to 1971 saw
Russian acquisitions being added. Today most ships are built in India
with a few ships being imported. However, we are yet to attain selfsufficiency in many areas of weapons and sensors.
2. The Indian Navy comprises 130 surface combatants including
16 submarines. The total number of aircraft are 190. The details of
various aircraft in the IN inventory are as follows:-
(a) Fixed Wings - 71
(b) Helicopters - 119
3. Basing of Ships. The details of command wise breakdown of
ships and submarines are as follows:-
(a) WNC. There are 20 Fleet ships, 09 submarines and
25 other ships based under WNC.
(b) ENC. There are 24 Fleet ships, 07 submarines and
22 other ships based under ENC.
(c) SNC. There are 09 ships based at Kochi.
(d) ANC. There are 14 ships based at Port Blair.
4. Induction Planned in 2010. The ships likely to be inducted in
2010 are under:-
(a) Two Shivalik Class.
(b) Six FACs(WJ).
(c) Two Survey Vessels.
(d) One Fleet Tanker.
5. Sagar Prahari Bal. Post 26/11 terrorist attack at Mumbai,
the entire issue of Coastal Security was addressed by the CCS.
Naval assets including 80 Fast interceptor Craft, were approved for
induction to augment coastal security. A dedicated specialized force,
called Sagar Prahari Bal (SPB) for Force Protection functions at naval
harbours is also being raised as per approval of the CCS. The force
would comprise 1000 personnel (61 officers and 939 sailors) and 80
Fast Interceptor Crafts. The details of basing of these 80 FICs are as
Port FIC (13-17
Command Wise
Okha/ Porbandar 5
Mumbai 11
Goa 5
Karwar 10
Kochi 10
SNC-12 Kavarati/ Minicoy 2
Chennai 10
Visakhapatnam 11
Kolkatta/ Paradip 2
Port Blair 10 ANC-10
Kochi(Trg School) 4
Total 80
Perspective Plans
6. The Indian Navy’s perspective-planning in terms of ‘forcelevels’
is now driven by a conceptual shift from ‘numbers’ of platforms
- that is, from the old ‘bean-counting’ philosophy - to one that
concentrates upon ‘capabilities’. In terms of force accretions in the
immediate future, we are acquiring ships in accordance with the
Navy’s current Maritime Capability Perspective Plan. There are
presently 40 ships and submarines on order. Our preferred choice of
inducting ships has been through the indigenous route. There are
presently 34 ships and submarines on order from Indian shipyards
and the induction programme is continuing apace.
7. Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) is progressing the
construction of our most ambitious ship yet – the Indigenous
Aircraft Carrier (IAC).
8. Mazagon Docks Limited, Mumbai, our premier warshipbuilding
yard, is engaged in the construction of three Kolkata Class
destroyers and three stealth frigates of the Shivalik Class, apart
from six submarines of the Scorpene Class.
9. The GRSE has already delivered all three of the large
amphibious ships. As many as ten water-jet Fast Attack Craft, too,
are being built here, of which the first four have been inducted into
the Navy till date. The yard is also constructing four advanced Antisubmarine
10. Goa Shipyard Limited, which has built a number of Offshore
Patrol Vessels for the Navy and the Coast Guard, has four
advanced versions of this Type under construction. The yard is also
building our second Sail Training Ship.
11. Over the years, we have taken a conscious decision to
encourage other shipyards, including private yards, to enter the
specialised field of warship-construction. The response has been
encouraging. A private shipyard, Alcock-Ashdown Gujarat
Limited, has been entrusted with the construction of six catamaranhulled
survey ships for hydrographic duties.
12. However, even with all this, our average rate of induction is only
three to four ships a year. This is inadequate to maintain our present
force levels and some inductions from abroad have to be made to
bridge the gap. These include the carrier Vikramaditya and three
follow-on ships of the Talwar Class from Russia, and, two
Replenishment-Tankers from Italy.
13. While we currently have Government approval to maintain force
levels above 140. In the interim, Mid-Life Upgrades (MLUs) of 18
ships has been approved and the ships are being upgraded
accordingly. After their MLU, ships of the Rajput Class as also those
of the Godavari Class will emerge as potent 21st Century
14. Arihant. Arihant, which is the first submarine under the
Advanced Technology Vessel Programme (ATVP), was launched on
26 July 2009 at Visakhapatnam. It demonstrates a quantum leap in
the shipbuilding capabilities of the country. It is a nuclear powered
submarine which is indigenously designed and constructed. The
endurance of the submarine is only limited by the endurance of the
crew, food and provisions that it can carry. The submarine is now
undergoing wide ranging trials in harbour to prove that the various
systems fitted onboard perform as per their design. This will be
followed by extensive sea trials, before it is commissioned into the
Indian Navy.

15. This Fiscal Year (FY 2009-10), the Navy received
Rs 19576.34 Crores, amounting to 13.82 % of the Defence Budget
(Rs 1,41,703 Crores).The percentage of the GDP that is approx
2.35% - in comparison with most other countries. Of this, 60.65% (Rs
11873.78 Crores) is the allocation for Capital Schemes, while 39.35%
(Rs 7702.56 Crores) is the Revenue allocation. Of the Rs 11873.78
Crores allocated for capital expenditure, the bulk (Rs 11438.88
Crores) is earmarked for modernisation projects, and Rs 434.90
Crores for Land and Works.

�� Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) 10
- P-28 (ASW Corvette) – 04
- Fast Attack Craft (FACs) – 06
�� Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) 01
- Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC) – 01
�� Alcock Ashdown Gujarat Limited (AAGL). 06
- Survey Vessels – 06
�� Mazagon Docks Limited (MDL) 12
- P-15A Destroyers – 03
- P-17 (Shivalik) – 03
- P-75 (Scorpene) – 06
�� Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) 05
- Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) – 04
- Sail Training Ship – 01
- Talwar follow-on (Russia) – 03
- Vikramaditya / Gorshkov (Russia) – 01
- Fleet Tanker (Italy) – 02
Our shipyards have been providing about 3 to 4 ships annually.
�� LRMP : P-8 I Boeing
IL-38 retro-fitted with the ‘Sea Dragon’ suite
�� MRMR : 11 Dorniers ex HAL Kanpur
06 being procured through global tendering
�� Helos : 16 MRH to replace Seakings (A/B)
47 ALH to replace Chetaks
�� Fighters : 16 MIG 29K
�� Training : 17 AJTs ex HAL

For full information plz read from below :-

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