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Indian Navy grows stronger

Don't arms race with us. You won't win. We make money from arms racing, you lose money.

No arms race....I think Subs are one of the most potent naval and land platforms available.......YOu do too otherwise you wouldn't invest in so many Subs
No arms race....I think Subs are one of the most potent naval and land platforms available.......YOu do too otherwise you wouldn't invest in so many Subs

Man, China has the plan to build 12 Type 096 SSBNs and 20 Type 095 SSNs in this decade.

Does India want to follow this trend?
ndia should do make a deal for 75 SUBs from Germany and Russia...lets say it costs 100 billion dollars it would be well spent....
Well, it will take 50 years for us to build them....and you are forgetting a fact that technology changes, almost every decade or more a new gen of technology comes....

but yeah i would refer India going for 33 german subs with 3 subs in 1 billion$ with total upto 11 billion$. We should forget about ToT, we already have tech to build SSK from Scorpene. If we are going for tot again then it means we haven't learnt anything from Scorpene and that means we wasted our money of our taxpayer in the name of ToT transfer.
Well, it will take 50 years for us to build them....and you are forgetting a fact that technology changes, almost every decade or more a new gen of technology comes....

but yeah i would refer India going for 33 german subs with 3 subs in 1 billion$ with total upto 11 billion$. We should forget about ToT, we already have tech to build SSK from Scorpene. If we are going for tot again then it means we haven't learnt anything from Scorpene and that means we wasted our money of our taxpayer in the name of ToT transfer.

Tot is not for us......Buying it outright is a better idea....in fact let us build 3 low end ones....and the rest by Germany.....this would give us some experience but at the same time....allow Germany to make it for us faster....Maybe the germans would assist in designing a Sub that could be continuously upgraded for a long time...but thir would take great diplomatic effort...You never know Germany may go along...
Indian navy will overtake many navies(UK,France,Japan) in this decade for sure.

Their economies are stagnant in which India is not. With money comes technology. I don't know about it happening in this decade for sure though. As it will depend on how the military planning goes and how your government allocates its spending.
Tot is not for us......Buying it outright is a better idea....in fact let us build 3 low end ones....and the rest by Germany.....this would give us some experience but at the same time....allow Germany to make it for us faster....Maybe the germans would assist in designing a Sub that could be continuously upgraded for a long time...but thir would take great diplomatic effort...You never know Germany may go along...

I think India should buy some from Germany and than do some joint venture ones instead of going alone. Building a high end diesel sub is an important and sophisticated technology and we do not want India to have a repeat of Arjun/LCA experience.
China has 60 and counting.....

But most of their subs are outdated ones that are more like an under water coffin. They have have a handful of modern ones. So in this regard, the size should be roughly equal between India and China except Chinese SNs.
Don't arms race with us. You won't win. We make money from arms racing, you lose money.

What? Who is talking about arms race? Thats a strange thought!!! Arms race with a country which don't have any quality weapons?!!!! lol Making low quality cheap weapons in large number doesn't mean anything.
Man, China has the plan to build 12 Type 096 SSBNs and 20 Type 095 SSNs in this decade.

Does India want to follow this trend?
Seriously mate it is not achievable and if made it possible....hats of to you guys....
What? Who is talking about arms race? Thats a strange thought!!! Arms race with a country which don't have any quality weapons?!!!! lol Making low quality cheap weapons in large number doesn't mean anything.

We all know what we're talking about. Comforting yourself by pretending others have low quality weapons is a sign of a deep inferiority complex. It is a sign that the British and other whites, who have dominated India for 200 years, are still dominant in the minds of some Indians.

It's all economics. India suffers capital flight the same way other developing countries do, and it also suffers capital flight from its purchases in cash of foreign weapons. On the other hand, countries that can produce their own weapons stimulate their economy by producing weapons.
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