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Indian Navy and Indian Media Again Brag About Tracking a 2300 Tons Surface Ship That is Visible from Miles Away

The Vedic hyperloop technology can detect anything and everything that is not hidden by clouds. For detecting in clouds, a hyperimposition of radars with a superstealth cracking doubleshot Gomutra layer is needed. In both cases, the radar carriers must be mounted on two ripe and juicy lemon bases for most effective results.
Modern radars are capable of tracking ships from 100's of miles what's a big deal. Indians race is devoid of any joy in their life no wonder they are lower in the international happy people list. They only get a kick when they get shafted or anything to say bad about Pakistan what a sad existence no wonder Bollywood does well in India. Indians instead of tracking our ships and wasting their time be better off if they put trackers on their rapists and cheating wives.

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