This is a great news, I hope this is just the beginning of a bright future in Iran-India ties.
As soon as I saw this title, I automatically knew we would have certain members feeling paranoid over this news. These people seem to not understand how proper nations function. A proper nation develops ties, whether in military economically etc with all the countries it can. Iran is not developing ties with India because it is trying to isolate Pakistan.
This is what Pakistanis members should understand. India is rising power, both economically and militarily, and add that to the fact Iran-India have had relations for thousands of years, then only deluded individuals would think Iran would abandon that relation because of the emotions of some internet warriors.
Even Pakistan officially does not say anything against Chahbahar and Iran's relations with India, this is because the officials of Pakistan are not as deluded as member on this forum and also, they understand that their words mean little to Iran and that Iran-India relations will increase at full speed regardless of some petty feelings.
What makes this even more absurd is that
some Pakistanis are acting as if they're fully loyal to Iran that Iran should return the favour and abandon India for them.

Not only has Pakistan harboured American bases whom are an enemy of Iran, but Pakistan has also aided Irans other enemies like saudi arabia. Pakistan needs to concentrate on becoming a stronger economy and have more to offer, but even then, Iran would not choose one over the other. There is no reason why Iran cannot have relations with both Pakistan and India.