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Indian naval fleet docks at Iran’s Bandar Abbas port

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This is off topic but they invaded us and we fought back. The war started with Iraq air force bombarding our cities without provocation.

It is time for peace. Asia is the economic and power hub of the future. Let's get the glory back to where it belongs.
India is the country responsible for unstable Asia and you are blindly serving them.
There is no peace with India before solution of Kashmir and Afghanistan.

Our missile power is. And that is enough to keep them back
They have anti missile and anti rocket shields (Iron Dome).
Just fire and loose you missile arsenal at sky.
India is the country responsible for unstable Asia and you are blindly serving them.
There is no peace with India before solution of Kashmir and Afghanistan.

They have anti missile and anti rocket shields (Iron Dome).
Just fire and loose you missile arsenal at sky.
then maybe you should ask them to attack us already! No need to hesitate according to you.
If they fear to attack you why you don't attack isreal to liberate Al aqsa.
They are your biggest enemy.
Because there are better means like strategy and diplomacy. Warfare is the last resort.

Have you heard Netanyaho propaganda against Iran recently? no, know why? because Iran's diplomacy has out maneuvered him and stripped him off his weapon which is crying wolf. This is much better way to deal with them so that the world can see the reality for themselves.
Some more pictures.

This is a great news, I hope this is just the beginning of a bright future in Iran-India ties.

As soon as I saw this title, I automatically knew we would have certain members feeling paranoid over this news. These people seem to not understand how proper nations function. A proper nation develops ties, whether in military economically etc with all the countries it can. Iran is not developing ties with India because it is trying to isolate Pakistan.
This is what Pakistani members should understand. India is rising power, both economically and militarily, and add that to the fact Iran-India have had relations for thousands of years, then only deluded individuals would think Iran would abandon that relation because of the emotions of some internet warriors.

Even Pakistan officially does not say anything against Chahbahar and Iran's relations with India, this is because the officials of Pakistan are not as deluded as member on this forum and also, they understand that their words mean little to Iran and that Iran-India relations will increase at full speed regardless of some petty feelings.

What makes this even more absurd is that some Pakistanis are acting as if Pakistan is fully loyal to Iran that Iran should return the favour and abandon India for them. :lol: Not only has Pakistan harboured American bases whom are an enemy of Iran, but Pakistan has also aided Irans other enemies like saudi arabia. Pakistan needs to concentrate on becoming a stronger economy and have more to offer, right now Indian ties are more important and strategic to Iran due to India's growing power. But even if Pakistan had more to offer, Iran would still not choose one over the other. There is no reason why Iran cannot have relations with both Pakistan and India. So stop being petty.
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This is a great news, I hope this is just the beginning of a bright future in Iran-India ties.

As soon as I saw this title, I automatically knew we would have certain members feeling paranoid over this news. These people seem to not understand how proper nations function. A proper nation develops ties, whether in military economically etc with all the countries it can. Iran is not developing ties with India because it is trying to isolate Pakistan.
This is what Pakistanis members should understand. India is rising power, both economically and militarily, and add that to the fact Iran-India have had relations for thousands of years, then only deluded individuals would think Iran would abandon that relation because of the emotions of some internet warriors.

Even Pakistan officially does not say anything against Chahbahar and Iran's relations with India, this is because the officials of Pakistan are not as deluded as member on this forum and also, they understand that their words mean little to Iran and that Iran-India relations will increase at full speed regardless of some petty feelings.

What makes this even more absurd is that some Pakistanis are acting as if they're fully loyal to Iran that Iran should return the favour and abandon India for them. :lol: Not only has Pakistan harboured American bases whom are an enemy of Iran, but Pakistan has also aided Irans other enemies like saudi arabia. Pakistan needs to concentrate on becoming a stronger economy and have more to offer, but even then, Iran would not choose one over the other. There is no reason why Iran cannot have relations with both Pakistan and India.

very well summarized, i fail to understand why so much insecurity by some members on friendship between other two nations
I am not talking about economical relations.
I am talking about national security, demography and military alliance.
How can a muslim country provide access to Bharti ships or invite them.

Most muslim countries do. Indian navy has visited almost all major muslim countries in the past few years. Especially in the gulf countries.

Think about it for a while.

Indian Navy ships in Oman for joint exercise - Oman - Muscat Daily

India and Saudi Arabia to Conduct Joint Naval and Military Exercises and Help Eliminate Piracy

Video: Indian navy joins UAE for group exercises | The National

Indian Navy ships to visit Qatar | Brahmand News

Indian Navy Vessels Visit Jakarta, Indonesia | Naval Today

India-Indonesia Exercise CORPAT Concludes : Press Release : Indian Navy

LOL. Now ask yourself whether every muslim country is wrong about India, or could it be that only you are. Stop playing the "oh, but we are muslims" card. It is way past its expiry date. Nobody falls for that canard anymore, if they ever did. What makes some countries worth being friends with is not their religion, but their behaviour.

BTW, I never saw Pakistanis raising a hue and cry when the Indian navy visited practically every major muslim country. But when it's Iran, suddenly questions about religious kinship is being raised. Gee, I wonder why that is. Why is it that Pakistanis didn't accuse Saudi Arabia or UAE of fraternizing with their enemy, but only Iran? I have a theory, but I guess I don't have to mention it. It is obvious.

@Daneshmand @Blackmoon @The Last of us @Serpentine @Arminkh
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@Serpentine; I think you need to clean up this thread..... look at post# 69 for instance. No reason that this thread should be allowed to become a "trollers paradise".
It is our headache to counter our enemies.
You better promote your religion in iran.

Is something seriously wrong with you ?
Iran has a trade and strategic relationship with India.
Where did you drag Religion into it from. Why are you so troubled by such a sense of insecurity ??

Now get this into your head, if you can........
Iran does not and will not give Bases to anybody.......... not even India.
India does not and will not give Bases to anybody......... not even Iran.
Both Countries are Proud Sovereign Countries.

Now just think which Country in the neighborhood has given and is talking about giving Bases on its Soil to other countries............. right from the 1950s, by the way ?
@engineer saad

This was just the APPETISER ; these ships are just small frigates of our navy (3850 TONS )

NEXT time we will send our 7500 TONS DESTROYERS


Iran-India joint military naval exercise

تمرین مشترک نظامی ارتش ایران و هند در آبهای خلیج فارس و هند

فرمانده منطقه یکم نیروی دریایی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران در بندرعباس با اشاره به ورود ناوگروه کشور هندوستان به بندرعباس از برگزاری تمرین مشترک نظامی در خلیج فارس و اقیانوس هند طی روزهای آینده خبرداد

خبرگزاری بین المللی تسنیم - تمرین مشترک نظامی ارتش ایران و هند در آبهای خلیج فارس و هند
Thanks friend..

Iran-India joint military naval exercise

تمرین مشترک نظامی ارتش ایران و هند در آبهای خلیج فارس و هند

فرمانده منطقه یکم نیروی دریایی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران در بندرعباس با اشاره به ورود ناوگروه کشور هندوستان به بندرعباس از برگزاری تمرین مشترک نظامی در خلیج فارس و اقیانوس هند طی روزهای آینده خبرداد

خبرگزاری بین المللی تسنیم - تمرین مشترک نظامی ارتش ایران و هند در آبهای خلیج فارس و هند
I deleted most off topic posts I saw, I have to go now.

@engineer saad is thread banned for turning this thread into an India-Pakistan fighting.

Do not post anything about Pakistan in this thread (which will naturally start a chain trolling between Indian and Pakistani members), anyone who violates the rules will be thread banned.
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