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Indian Muslims Should be Allowed to Migrate to Pakistan.

India has higher per capita than pakistan. GDP of Pakistan is comparable to a city of India i.e Mumbai.

Many pakistani muslims would throng to India if ever India opens its doors for them just like your singers and artists are dying to come to India.

You wish it had higher per capita, with Indian rupee on downfall the per capita is similar. And that despite shame full performance of Pakistani economy in last 5 years. Before it Pakistan always had higher per capita then India.
As we all know that Pakistan was created as a state not just for the Muslims of present day areas and regions that make up Pakistan but rather for all the Muslims of the sub-continent. Therefore Pakistan should allow Indian Muslims to migrate to Pakistan permanently and take up Pakistani nationality who wants to do so. Its more imperative for Pakistan as Muslims because the illegitimate Israel being non-muslims and jews has kept its doors open for any jew wanting to migrate to Israel.They even have established a separate govt department which facilitates those wanting to migrate to Israel. Moreover India also willingly accept hindus from Pakistan who wants to migrate to India for any reason and give them Indian nationality. So Pakistan should also keep its doors open for Indian Muslims irrespective of whether there's demand to migrate to Pakistan or not as a matter of principle.

Question for you:

Who's going to cloth, shelter, and feed millions of these people? When our current infrastructure is already under strain?
By the way Modi and BJP should now think twice before wrecking any more atrocities on the muslims as Pakistani Taliban are always on a look out for any opportunity to wage jihad these days and India would definitely be a hot cake if any such opportunity ever arise in the future.
You wish it had higher per capita, with Indian rupee on downfall the per capita is similar. And that despite shame full performance of Pakistani economy in last 5 years. Before it Pakistan always had higher per capita then India.

of course,it was till the 1990's when we overtook you,and the gap has been widening since then..

and do some research on google,this gap is going to widen further..
the reality is indian muslims cannot raise voice simply because they see what is happening to minorities in pakistan... and realize they have been given a better deal..

It is same minorities in India too, it was confirmed by super Shahruk Khan's experiences and not quite happy with India system. ;)
Question for you:

Who's going to cloth, shelter, and feed millions of these people? When our current infrastructure is already under strain?

The same being who's clothing, sheltering and feeding the 180 million of this land ie ALLAH.
As we all know that Pakistan was created as a state not just for the Muslims of present day areas and regions that make up Pakistan but rather for all the Muslims of the sub-continent. Therefore Pakistan should allow Indian Muslims to migrate to Pakistan permanently and take up Pakistani nationality who wants to do so. Its more imperative for Pakistan as Muslims because the illegitimate Israel being non-muslims and jews has kept its doors open for any jew wanting to migrate to Israel.They even have established a separate govt department which facilitates those wanting to migrate to Israel. Moreover India also willingly accept hindus from Pakistan who wants to migrate to India for any reason and give them Indian nationality. So Pakistan should also keep its doors open for Indian Muslims irrespective of whether there's demand to migrate to Pakistan or not as a matter of principle.

no they shouldn't, they should stay in india
By the way Modi and BJP should now think twice before wrecking any more atrocities on the muslims as Pakistani Taliban are always on a look out for any opportunity to wage jihad these days and India would definitely be a hot cake if any such opportunity ever arise in the future.

pakistani taliban are opportunists who seek easy target... they will attack us only if they have finished you... or you agreed to all their demands.. :)
You wish it had higher per capita, with Indian rupee on downfall the per capita is similar. And that despite shame full performance of Pakistani economy in last 5 years. Before it Pakistan always had higher per capita then India.

Indian economy opened up in 1991. Since then it has always been on an upward growth path . There's no chance of pakistan catching up on India.

You may like to see the value of pakistani rupee before commenting on Indian rupee. Despite the worst performance of Indian economy due to inefficient govt it is still growing at a rate of 6%. India is not standing at the door of IMF with a begging bowl you see.
I am not talking about your country i am talking about Pakistan.

pakistan is my country,.

By the way Modi and BJP should now think twice before wrecking any more atrocities on the muslims as Pakistani Taliban are always on a look out for any opportunity to wage jihad these days and India would definitely be a hot cake if any such opportunity ever arise in the future.

fck the taliban, these terrorists scums aren't fighting for muslims, they have their own goals in minds, muslims have their own countries to protect them, they dont need rag tag terrorists who blow up mosques, schools and hospitals to protect them.

and in india another gujarat type of riotings isnt going to happen again.
The same being who's clothing, sheltering and feeding the 180 million of this land ie ALLAH.

who are these beings? people are starving in pakistan, our children are on the streets with ripped clothes, becuase of your talibans friends investment in the country is down, our tourism industry is gone.
So then this American flag is only for decoration?

im a pakistani american, pakistan if my mother country and america is my adopted country, im a citizen of both countries and my parents own and run businesses in both countries and pay tax in both countries.

i do more for pakistan by staying in america then a pakistan can do by staying in pakistan.
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