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Indian Muslims on the creation of Pakistan

I don't know of any jehadi group from UP or Bihar. But talking of poverty, there is no reason to believe that Muslims in these parts have been left because of their religion. The poverty is widespread into all religions, Muslims more because of socio-economic history and lack of education. But that is purely administrative fault, not of any discriminatory nature. In fact, you see the pseudo secular parties of India have been 'looting' the votes of Muslims, promising them development and then showing them the thumb when elections are done. Just like terrorism, corruption too knows no religion, it only knows self-interests.

But that is all beginning to change now. Bihar, under new governance, is making significant strides in development, and you will for sure see significant changes in the area in the years to come.

administrative faults are for the whole nation not a part of nation (if u consider them a part of ur nation).
in pakistan administrative faults fall on everyone majorities n minorities both .
and some body wrote overhere 'wat pak has done for subcontinent muslims,pakistan has made there situation worse"
if talking abt the area of subcontinent that is now pakistan ,we ppl are flourishing in every ,i admit the speed is real;ly slow but the indian muslims are really living in bizzare condition.
the ques points towards something ............pak creating trouble for indian muslims. Because its a hindu majority state and wat ever pak do in the continent is taken as islamic terrorism that ultimately fall on poor muslims . THATS WAT PAKISTAN IS DOING.
the interesing part was how jinnah able to create this illusion that muslims wants partition even he never been to subcontinent for most of his life...

why pakistan was born?
thec rule of congress in 1935-38 made muslims think to get partition and mr if ur lil brain is not working i wanna tell u that 1 person alone cannot make a state and mr jinnah was not a hipnotizer or else !!!
Our grand parents are still alive and we better know why this happened . hindus were dominating becuase of their numerical majorityand didnt wanted to create pakistan to take revenge of 900 years of our rule .......or else they were mad for not letting us go .
. Hindus were dominating becuase of their numerical majority and didn't wanted to create Pakistan to take revenge of 900 years of our rule .......or else they were mad for not letting us go .

Thats ZH thinking.

Jinnah's requests were ignored because the Congress did want to distribute power for any reasons,they wanted it as centralized as possible.

This was interpreted by Jinnah in a different way.The rest is modern history and present reality ,which both Pakistanis and Indians are happy with.
Thats ZH thinking.

Jinnah's requests were ignored because the Congress did want to distribute power for any reasons,they wanted it as centralized as possible.

This was interpreted by Jinnah in a different way.

yes jinnah wanted to have seats for muslims ........ but im not talking abt political problem of power but the scenario created by local hindus showed how much they hate muslims ......... they used to beat drums at time of prayers as a norm , they were making muslim kids bow in front of picture of gandhi ,the killings of muslims in congress ruled areas was increasing ( as its still happening in india ..... the massacre of gujrat etc etc etc ) .
may be these things dont bother u but muslims were assaulted and they learned the hard way ........ that the immediately want pakistan .

and wats that ZH will u explain ???
yes jinnah wanted to have seats for muslims ........ but im not talking abt political problem of power but the scenario created by local hindus showed how much they hate muslims ......... they used to beat drums at time of prayers as a norm , they were making muslim kids bow in front of picture of gandhi ,the killings of muslims in congress ruled areas was increasing ( as its still happening in india ..... the massacre of gujrat etc etc etc ) .
may be these things dont bother u but muslims were assaulted and they learned the hard way ........ that the immediately want pakistan .

and wats that ZH will u explain ???

Any proof to state your humorous claim? :cheesy:
Even if i will be dieing with hunger in Pakistan and india will offer me 200billion dollars still i will prefer a single glass of water in my country over that 200 billion

i think there was no need to start this kind of thread as it is going to hurt both sides.

The thing is Pakistan has separated from india and its been 63 years now.so there is not a single possibility of us getting back together and thats the bottomline
part of my family is still in India..
Pre partition they livid in a large mansion in Lucknow.. still there today..
and were quite famous there..
after partition..
The difference in the living standards of the family here..and those that chose to stay behind is very wide.
Most of the cousins here live in large houses..drive expensive cars..wear the best...
Those that stayed behind.. have had to sell portions of that compound off to make a living...
People make statements here that we left "huge" properties...back in India and look where are we here..
what they dont mention is how their relatives who chose to stay behind are doing...they are nowhere compared to their relatives in Pakistan..and that is the diff that counts.
And this applies across the spectrum..not just a personal exp.
the interesing part was how jinnah able to create this illusion that muslims wants partition even he never been to subcontinent for most of his life...

You really need to read before commenting on fathers of nations. The Quaid spent 4 years first abroad studying law 1892 to 96. Then from 1932 to 36 (due to perosnal tragedies like the death of his wife as well as disillusion at what he saw as hindu congress). These were the only periods he spent in England in total 8 years. 8 years hardly make "most of his life".

as for creating an illusion that muslim wants partition

"In the 1940s, Jinnah emerged as a leader of the Indian Muslims and was popularly known as Quaid-e-Azam (Great Leader). In the Constituent Assembly elections of 1946, the League won 425 out of 496 seats reserved for Muslims (and about 89.2% of Muslim votes) on a policy of creating an independent state of Pakistan."

All-India Muslim League - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim league won the elections in the muslim majority provinces aka Sindh, Punjab, NWFP etc.

In conclusion: read before commenting on great men of history.
part of my family is still in India..
Pre partition they livid in a large mansion in Lucknow.. still there today..
and were quite famous there..
after partition..
The difference in the living standards of the family here..and those that chose to stay behind is very wide.
Most of the cousins here live in large houses..drive expensive cars..wear the best...
Those that stayed behind.. have had to sell portions of that compound off to make a living...
People make statements here that we left "huge" properties...back in India and look where are we here..
what they dont mention is how their relatives who chose to stay behind are doing...they are nowhere compared to their relatives in Pakistan..and that is the diff that counts.
And this applies across the spectrum..not just a personal exp.

Usually those who struggle, come out more strongly. It's not Pakistan specific. Ask those Indians who had to migrate from West/East Pakistan to India.
There is a myth that all Indian Muslims wanted Pakistan. Facts are otherwise. No wonder there are almost equal number of Muslims who decided to live back in India. Here is letter from Indian Muslims to UN; QUOTE]

Good for Indian muslim but we are glad to be sperated from India. We thank Allah and millions of who sacrifice for this great nations.

We too
Usually those who struggle, come out more strongly. It's not Pakistan specific. Ask those Indians who had to migrate from West/East Pakistan to India.
yes millions moved from west and east Pakistan to India and several families who came from Pakistan to India struggled hard and now their decedents are very rich.for example sindhis.
yes millions moved from west and east Pakistan to India and several families who came from Pakistan to India struggled hard and now their decedents are very rich.for example sindhis.

So ipso facto.
The partition was actually a good thing.
It got us lazy Hindustani's to struggle.
While I am sad that many cultures died in the process of partition e.g. hindu sindhi culture and delhi's muslim culture. Most of the temples have been destroyed in what is now Pakistan. Many families got divided.

But I am happy that India has done well to protect its heritage. Thankfully you don't see mosques being destroyed in India. Even when one unused structure was destroyed in 92, there was a lot of noise against it.
You don't see blasphemy laws in India. You don't see books teaching hatred for religions or historical figures in India.
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