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Indian Muslims are out to prove their loyalty once again.

India's fight is against terrorists, not against Pakistan, and not at all against Muslims.

It is against Pakistan and Muslims, case in point, the Pakistani flag is being burnt in this video, and places in India with Muslim-sounding names are getting their names changed to more Hindu-sounding ones.

Thank you for your open display of religious bigotry and racism.

Tit for tat, I'm sure you understand.

Incidentally, that is precisely what you are doing.

No it's not. I couldn't care less if Muslims from India disliked Pakistan, but for them to actively side with and assist India is what annoys me precisely because of the reasons I have given.

They happen to be Muslims.

You can use whatever terminology you like, they're Muslims who are fighting for their freedom, for any other Muslim to oppose this shows that they do not understand Islam.

and they will go to jail for it.

You elected one as your PM so I highly doubt it.

Daily reminder that not only will Indian Muslims gladly fight and kill Pakistanis, but they'll also win the highest battle honors while doing so......

View attachment 540565

Except Muslims from India are grossly underrepresented in your army:


"According to CNN IBN’s Minority Report, of India’s one million soldiers only 3 percent are Muslims, or roughly 29,000 soldiers in all. And if the troops serving in the Jammu & Kashmir Light Infantry (JAK LI), are subtracted (50 percent of whom are Muslim troops), that percentage is much lower. With only 29,000 fit for the army out of 150 million Muslims in the country, the ambiguous silence of the government tends to validate the suspicion of discrimination."

Their protesting against Pakistan and Pakistani actions does not mean that they support outrageous conduct in India against Muslims

Yes it does, this is clearly linked to the Kashmiris who are fighting against their oppressors. They're siding with the oppressors of Muslims, and that's the issue.

* enemies of Pakistan.

No, Muslims.

India is fighting Kashmiris from it's own state, they're not Pakistani.

And you have a license that allows you to make these determinations?

If you knew anything about Islam you'd easily be able to determine that my conclusion is the correct one.
A section of Kashmir Sunnis. Not everyone.

That's where your wet dream ends. Funny how they were silent for all throughout 50s, 60s, 70s etc when everyone went there and had a good time and they were peaceful and friendly.

Take your propaganda elsewhere. All Kashmiris are united in the freedom struggle, even Sikhs and some Hindus support it.

There is no disunity among Kashmiris, 95% of whom are Muslims.
We have, of course, the glorious example of your joining hands with the American

Against the Communists.

Sure, the establishment may have supported them in their efforts in Afghanistan, but we've always been against that, as has some of the establishment itself.
I thought burning flags were a thing of the past :feminist::feminist:

Indeed, the war is fought with tomatoes now.

As I always say these Muslims are Indians and b*astards to boot. Look at the Kashmiri's ~ only few million. They have more then half a million soldiers on top of them but they still chant pro Pakistan slogans. There is 160 million of these Muslims and if they showed even half of the adversity the Kashmiri's are showing they would bring India on it's knees.

Indeed. The 'ghairatmund' muslims of British India went to form East and West Pakiatan. The beghairat stayed behind and became second class citizens who don't even have balls to defend their religion when insulted. They will always have to prove their loyalty to Hindu masters
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First tell me, does your formula apply to KSA too? Because they sided with America against another Muslim country during gulf war.

In support of Kuwait, a Muslim country that Saddam invaded.

But to be quite frank, I actually agree with Saddam's decision to invade Kuwait. They engaged in slanted drilling to steal Iraqi oil, they had it coming.

These people are delusional and think themselves champion of the ummah.

We have the world's 2nd largest Muslim population. Like it or not, our opinion matters more than others.

India have more Muslims than you

That's a common myth. The numbers are close, but Pakistan has more.

and who are you to proclaim

He's not proclaiming anything. He's just repeating what the Quran and Sunnah say.
Since you replied to my comment inside it.. if that is the rt way to put it... hence i am replying by copying ur comments below and underlining them.
Post # 196:
I was VERY specific. I took your example and applied it to myself, and found it seriously defective. How much more specificity did you hope for?

Yes, you are correct. U did answer me straight by the following comment

Post # 175:
Brilliant effort.
I tried to apply this formula and failed. Whether I am among a crowd of Pakistanis, or a crowd of Indians, my opinions don't change. I haven't found any others who change their opinions the way you say either. It seems that you live in an unreal land of dreams. I suggest you go back to sleep

Now, this above message was in response to my comment/post # 75 of this thread. Read my post 75 again and see how your comment above answers any of the comments raised by myself.

Now to the second part of your answer in post 196:
And changing your mind is not an option? You are eternally right, and anyone who challenges your opinion is eternally wrong?
If you read my post # 75 and other post in this thread then you would see that i clearly said indian muslims are patriots where as many posts on this thread and in other threads claim otherwise...which is essentially not true. I even commended / praised indians loyalty to their region or to their countrymen.
In my other posts on this thread i have also said many times that both countries do mischief, both cause harm and injury and both are equally to be blamed. You still think I am narrow minded and not willing to change my opinions.
For your satisfaction let me say it again.... Your hurt can not be of higher magnitude to ours when the scenario is reversed... both countries have caused harm and injury to each other and each other's countrymen. For the sake of discussion lets say that jaishe muhammad was tasked by pak government. lets agree on it provided you are willing to agree what RAW, baloch insurgent puppets and TTP are your puppets.
Point is.... based upon the above assumption it was our turn to catch u unguarded and u got hurt. Why cry a river as we are just returning the favor.

Now we can go round and round in circle discussing it and arguing over it. Point remains the same i.e. we both need to show restraint, solve our core issues and then think of proceeding in future with each other as neighbors who have to bear each other. You can not expect to subdue us, coerce us and hoodwink us into looking at your narrative only. You may be true 50% or lets say 60% at times but the same holds true for us too.

As always, i pray that sanity prevails. Good day sir

No reason brother to entertain the idiocies of Indian trolls. They live in their own world. Better we discuss among ourselves and educate each other with facts than to diverge into a back and forth with them.

Do you stand arm in arm with those Pakistani Pashtuns that want the Pushtun dominated areas South of the Durand line to go to Afghanistan?

We are the same on both sides of the border.

We are also the same from Kashmir to Balkh, Lahore to Mazar e Shareef, Karachi to Kandahar.

Durand Line is not natural because Pakistanis and Afghans are one nation, and have been throughout history.
If that makes you sleep at night. :cheers:

Modi Bhakts don't get to decide what is reality or not.
You are not God....thus you cannot order squat or deliver squat.

I really don't think you know how organised religions like Islam work.

It was God that liberated your eastern wing from your emotional proclaimer clutches....so best be humble.

It was also God that let millions of them die, which pretty sharply displays how moot your point is.

I fully agree with you but we don't consider you Islamic that's the point.

Because you confuse what the establishment does and supports with what the people do and support. They're not the same.

Remind me: why do Muslims wear their pajamas so short?

Because it's haram to keep them below the ankles. It's considered a sign of arrogance.

Such hilarious religious bravado never faced reality throughout history.

Tell that to all the people from your watan who joined the Muslim armies as they ravaged your nation. It's pretty well known that Mahmud Ghaznavi had plenty of Indians fight in his army, they even had their own quarters in Ghazni.
It is against Pakistan and Muslims, case in point, the Pakistani flag is being burnt in this video, and places in India with Muslim-sounding names are getting their names changed to more Hindu-sounding ones.


Equate over-reactions after a ghastly incident, for which there was not a single word of sympathy, of shared anguish, or of sadness? with normal responses and reactions? You might have been joking, if we hadn't understood already that we are dealing with a humourless grim agglomeration.

Ed: It is against Pakistan's support for terrorism, not against other aspects of Pakistan; it was never against Muslims, the picture shows Muslims burning the Pakistan flag.

As for places' names being changed, name three.

Tit for tat, I'm sure you understand.

No, I don't. It's one-sided. Even, for instance, if you take our two cases. It has always been one-sided.
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Equate over-reactions after a ghastly incident

That's the issue. They're over-reacting because they somehow think Kashmiris are wrong in their fight for freedom.

As for places' names being changed, name three.



"there are demands to rename Azamgarh district as Aryamgarh; Faizabad as Saket; Aligarh as Harigarh; and Muzaffarnagar as Laxminagar."

This is after Allahabad became Prayagraj.

It's one-sided.

Whatever you say Joe.
No it's not. I couldn't care less if Muslims from India disliked Pakistan, but for them to actively side with and assist India is what annoys me precisely because of the reasons I have given.

In other words, being proven wrong upsets you.

That's the issue. They're over-reacting because they somehow think Kashmiris are wrong in their fight for freedom.

LOL. They are over-reacting because they resent Pakistani interference. Otherwise there would have been no Pakistan flag in the picture.



"there are demands to rename Azamgarh district as Aryamgarh; Faizabad as Saket; Aligarh as Harigarh; and Muzaffarnagar as Laxminagar."

This is after Allahabad became Prayagraj.

Not even two? :rofl:

Whatever you say Joe.

Oh, you mean you have a difference of opinion? Name someone who has abused Pakistanis, the way you abused Indians? Be careful now, you flunked the name-change question.
Were those Pakistani Hindus performing a Satyanarayan Puja for the success of Imran Khan also doing just chaplusi to protect their lives and properties from Pakistani extremists or are they loyal to Pakistan?
you are correct

the minorities unfortunately are bullied or pressured to express their solidarity and prove their patriotism more than the rest but still fall victim like the Indian Muslims have recently.
including the Kashmris all around India and once again another Pakistani inmate has been beaten to death in Indian jail
LOL. They are over-reacting because they resent Pakistani interference. Otherwise there would have been no Pakistan flag in the picture.

Again, why are they protesting against Pakistan? Answer: Because Pakistan is assisting Kashmiri rebels who are fighting for their freedom.

My point still stands.

Not even two?

Perhaps I should have clarified, there are suggestions to have these names changed.

Name someone who has abused Pakistanis, the way you abused Indians?


If you want to believe your community is the victim, go ahead Joe.
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