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Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi


yes Everyone's free to move around in India.

But, what do we do If the original inhabitants have no proper Infrastructure? no opportunities for local children??

Mumbai is capital of Maharashtra first and then national financial whatever.

28000 farmers committed suicide in Maharashtra

4000 Tax paying Mumbaikar's Die in train accidents anually

No clean water for mumbaikars

No security, terrorists come in and bang our a$$, our cops died because bullet proof jackets were flawed, no assault rifles.

Farmers face load shedding whereas those illegal slum inhabitants get electricity 24 hours

Railway recruitment exam info is only published in newspapers of Bihar, Why not assam, tamil, etc? Is this your inclusive growth?????

your strategy of throwing Mumbaikars out of Mumbai?

As middle class population grows, demands of homes increases, Housing in Mumbai is now out of reach for middle class; so in the name of affordable housing Government announces flats for Mumbaikars @ 300,000 to 500,000..
Good, but where are these houses coming up? it takes approx. 2-3hours travel time to reach mumbai from these project site.
where as those illegal migrants are getting redeveloped flats at dharavi, its heart of mumbai, prime property.. an staggering 15000 crore is been spent to make flats for illegal migrants...

take money from tax paying Mumbaikars, build houses for non tax paying, poor migrants at prime location in Mumbai, and throw Mumbaikars out of Mumbai.

81% of FIR lodged with Mumbai police is against people from UP-Bihar...

And misery continues even when Maharashtra Contributes 50% of India's GDP

I totally agree with your points, and also wanted to post a thorough explanation of the specific reasons behind these problems but I am not sure if it's the right forum for continuation of this discussion.

I also agree Mumbai is NOT only for Marathis but there has to be a limit that it can accommodate outsiders. And I also feel sorry for the non-representation of non-North-Indian POV in the media.
Firstly This is NOT an Issue to be discussed in a Defense Forum Like This one.

Abu Azami himself is a Black Listed Politician, a Dramebaj type politician. He is the one who tore the "womens bill" in parliament.

Protecting culture is good, but i dont understand how come "a bihari" deterorates a Marathi culture by going to mumbai for a job.
If he does not know Marathi is it his fault ?

Why didnt MNS ask ONLY "Marathi" speaking NSG Commandes to engage at Taj?
Where was Raj when Terrorists were attcking Marathis?
Why This Man from Bihar Regiment was to sacrifice his Life ?


I guess by Protecting Marathi Lives This Man Protected the Marathi Culture..
My friend, showing the Chest for Bullets is a far greater valor than breaking Mike to hear words in Marathi.

Could we protect our Culture had the South Born, Muslim Kalam NOT Developd the Agni ?
Could we have won the Kargil, had Manoj Pandey not been there could we have won the Kargil... Did he Not Contribute to Save the Entire Indian Culture Including Bihari and Marathi ?

Bullets on Border dont ask your Mother Language, They Hit Indians and Indians Not Just Marathi Speaking or Bihari Origin Indians.

United we Stand Divided We Fall.

He is a mallu from Kerala.
From my personal observation, people from South India who don't speak Hindi tend to be far more nationalistic than people from UP and Bihar, who tend to consider patriotism as 'naive and stupid'.

This might not be accurate for the entire population, but I'm just letting you know my personal experience.
I am from Andhra pradesh and living in chennai , i think we should respect local language and culture ..............If MNS done this out of marathi love it is understandable but what if its just vote bank politics
Jai X, Jai Y is not relevant.

As our elders have told us only Satyamave Jayate.
First of all the title " Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi" looks mischeivous trying to give it an anti muslim touch.It was planely MNS attacking a legislator of north indian origin for taking oath in Hindi in the land of the marathas.
I didn't see anything wrong in what was done by MNS in the Maharashtra assembly. It was a display of arrogance by Abu azmi to not take time to learn to read a simple passage in Marathi.
Many people of his own constituency are marathi speaking people.He has become a goddam legislator in maharashtra,probably lived there for decades couldn't he learn a language in all these years. Mr.PV Narsimha Rao an ex PM of the country spoke 15 !! languages.Couldn't this guy learn one language ;the language which is the native and official language of the state in which he is a legislator?
But he didn't .The reason (though many would call me "Raj Thackrey" :hitwall::hitwall:I will express what I have observed in north indians) being just because hindi is the declared national language , they think it is superior to all the other languages in the country.the call every other language a regional language.They think it is the duty of every citizen of the country to understand their language.
Hindi was a language spoken by the elite of delhi and the suroounding areas. when india obtained independence the language spoken by the most number of people was telugu which is a classical glorious language with rich heritage of literature and rigourous literary traditons.. But instead they made Hindi the national language.After making it the national language standard grammar was created and imposed al across india. The north indians who spoke various languages like awadhi , kosli etc(all these were just spoken languages.no proper standard grammar or literary heritage)readily accepted hindi, for
1.it was close to the languages /dialects they spoke
2. They didn't loose any heritage by embracing it as they had none in the first place.
There are five classical languages in the country.Sanskrit,pali ,Tamil,Kannada ,telugu. But instead of any of these Hindi has been made the national language. Hindi is not superior to any of these nor to marathi , bengali, malayalam . And no Hindi will never be accepted as national language by the people even though it is designated as one.It is still a regional language as any other regional language.the regional language of the northern regions of the country. The north indians complain about the persecution they face from english.Persecution of what-a not more than 60 year old language.But they say we are regionalistic when we say we don't want to speak hindi bcoz then we will have to face persecution of both hindi and english on our languages which are also classical languages in some cases.
Someone long ago said regarding our nation that we will have to choose between one language and many states & many languages and one country.. I feel he couldn't have been more precise.
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First of all the title " Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi" looks mischeivous trying to give it an anti muslim touch.It was planely MNS attacking a legislator of north indian origin for taking oath in Hindi in the land of the marathas.
I didn't see anything wrong in what was done by MNS in the Maharashtra assembly. It was a display of arrogance by Abu azmi to not take time to learn to read a simple passage in Marathi.
Many people of his own constituency are marathi speaking people.He has become a goddam legislator in maharashtra,probably lived there for decades couldn't he learn a language in all these years. Mr.PV Narsimha Rao an ex PM of the country spoke 15 !! languages.Couldn't this guy learn one language ;the language which is the native and official language of the state in which he is a legislator?
But he didn't .The reason (though many would call me "Raj Thackrey" :hitwall::hitwall:I will express what I have observed in north indians) being just because hindi is the declared national language , they think it is superior to all the other languages in the country.the call every other language a regional language.They think it is the duty of every citizen of the country to understand their language.
Hindi was a language spoken by the elite of delhi and the suroounding areas. when india obtained independence the language spoken by the most number of people was telugu which is a classical glorious language with rich heritage of literature and rigourous literary traditons.. But instead they made Hindi the national language.After making it the national language standard grammar was created and imposed al across india. The north indians who spoke various languages like awadhi , kosli etc(all these were just spoken languages.no proper standard grammar or literary heritage)readily accepted hindi, for
1.it was close to the languages /dialects they spoke
2. They didn't loose any heritage by embracing it as they had none in the first place.
There are five classical languages in the country.Sanskrit,pali ,Tamil,Kannada ,telugu. But instead of any of these Hindi has been made the national language. Hindi is not superior to any of these nor to marathi , bengali, malayalam . And no Hindi will never be accepted as national language by the people even though it is designated as one.It is still a regional language as any other regional language.the regional language of the northern regions of the country. The north indians complain about the persecution they face from english.Persecution of what-a not more than 60 year old language.But they say we are regionalistic when we say we don't want to speak hindi bcoz then we will have to face persecution of both hindi and english on our languages which are also classical languages in some cases.
Someone long ago said regarding our nation that we will have to choose between one language and many states & many languages and one country.. I feel he couldn't have been more precise.

Well, I feel there is no harm in learning a language.
Azami is NO God of Good Character, No Taking of Sides.

But, How justified it is to FORCE someone to accept what is by default given by Constitution.

I have visited most parts of India atleast 70% except NE, No where i have found people believeing that Any Language is "Superior" to any other.
Yes, Its illogical to talk about a language being superior to another, and i agree Hindi or Any language is equally Important.
Hindi is unique in India coz like English you will find Hindi understanding People in Most States unlike regional languages which are Mostly understood in That State Only.

Having said this, A Qs. just popped up in my mind, When in India we Dont have a consensus and the political ability ( perhaps deliberate ) to sort out issues related to language ; We Cant accept one Language being Spoken Which is All Good by Constitution ; How can we even Think that Pakistan will Cooperate To Solve Kashmir Issue ?

Its a naked truth, but i want to know how justified is the effort to resolve Cross Border Issues with our neighbours who leave no chance to create a dispute when we , Indians dont have the honesty enough to even "Tolerate" another Language ?

Im sorry to say this, but i feel hurt with this.
It Hurts my Pride when i Think that India is still suffering with "Language" Wars How Can it then Solve "Border" Issues ?

I have my relatives in Maharashtra ( Natives ) i never ever imagined that i'll have to face such "language" wars .
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