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Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi

^I'd love to see what Biharis do when lakhs of people migrate to their state, refuse to speak Bihari, and start dominating local politics.

At least Bihar doesnt have farmer suicides.

Who cares if people migrate from Bihar to Mumbai? Biharis are Indians. Maharashtra is in India. Indians can live wherever they want, stand in elections in any state they wish and speak in any of our national languages. Be it Hindi, English, Marathi, Bengali, etc etc etc.

throw them out? why? because they asked for their rights?
so, If I open my mouth at my home and discuss my problem with my family, I'm a traitor?
why can't you look at the problems we are facing? why is it that you blindly believe what the media projects you?
Seriously, If I can't discuss my problems with you Nemesis, where should I go??

Look, my point is, why does this rubbish about Biharis or Marathas or Bengalis or Punjabis even matter? We are all Indians first. Yes, we have our local cultures and we should be proud of it. But that should not supersede our Indian identity.

This regional nationalism that some people in India (Not only Maharashtrians but also Bengalis, Punjabis, Assamese, etc) project can have serious consequences for us later.

Now you are calling Marathis traitors for trying to protect their culture from the onslaught of votebank politics of UP/Bihari migrants who come and settle in Maharashtra in their droves but don't bother to learn a word of Marathi. I guess taking cheap-shots comes very easy to some people

Why should they learn Marathi? Is it written down somewhere that those who live in a particular state must learn the local language? Does that mean that only Marathi speakers should be allowed in Maharashtra? Or Bengali speakers in Bengal or Punjabi speakers in Punjab? If that is the attitude we continue to project, we can all say goodbye to the republic of India. We won't last long.
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Those who are calling Raj Thackeray a traitor are either engaging in slander, or are extremely insecure and don't trust the patriotism of their fellow citizens.

Raj Thackeray may be a goon, a thug, and a demagogue. But he's not a traitor.
Nemesis - don't fool yourself. A Tamil from Tamil Nadu loves his language and his culture. If you are willing to overlook this simple fact and try to impose a uniform culture in the name of unity, then you will end up achieving the opposite result.

India's motto is Unity in Diversity, not Unity by Uniformity. Keep that in mind.

A state MLA from Maharasthra has a duty to learn Marathi and respect Marathi culture. If he cannot do that, then he should be called a traitor, not the Marathis who are trying to protect their language.
^Precisely. When in Maharashtra, try to atleast pretend to respect the Marathis. If you cannot do that, then you are creating trouble purposefully.
He wasn't slapped for being a Muslim, but because he was taking oath in Hindi instead of Marathi. MNS says nothing against the Muslims and it is a party formed primarily against Bal Thackerey's anti-muslim Shiv sena. So pls don't make it a atrocity on Muslims issue or something.
He was slapped for being Muslim. Two other MLA's took oath in English and Sanskrit were not attacked by MNS. The fact that a Muslim from UP refused to obey their diktats enraged the MNS.
^Genius, that's because the MNS agitation is against Hindi, not against English or Sanskrit.

You are unnecessarily creating controversy where there is none.
I don't understand. Are you trying to argue that Bihar is not a shithole, or are you trying to argue that displaying utter contempt for the local language and culture in the state assembly of Maharashtra is equivalent to "playing by the rules".

Nobody comes to Bihar/UP and forces them to speak Tamil.

Consequently, there is no justification to send a cheap political message from the Samajwadi Party (which is by the way among the most disgusting political outfits of that equally disgusting state called Uttar Pradesh). If you are in the Maharashtra assembly, the least you can do is take your oath in Marathi. If you cannot do even that, then you don't deserve to be called an MLA from the state of Maharashtra.

Now you are calling Marathis traitors for trying to protect their culture from the onslaught of votebank politics of UP/Bihari migrants who come and settle in Maharashtra in their droves but don't bother to learn a word of Marathi. I guess taking cheap-shots comes very easy to some people.

Firstly This is NOT an Issue to be discussed in a Defense Forum Like This one.

Abu Azami himself is a Black Listed Politician, a Dramebaj type politician. He is the one who tore the "womens bill" in parliament.

Now you are calling Marathis traitors for trying to protect their culture from the onslaught of votebank politics of UP/Bihari migrants who come and settle in Maharashtra in their droves but don't bother to learn a word of Marathi. I guess taking cheap-shots comes very easy to some people.

Protecting culture is good, but i dont understand how come "a bihari" deterorates a Marathi culture by going to mumbai for a job.
If he does not know Marathi is it his fault ?

Why didnt MNS ask ONLY "Marathi" speaking NSG Commandes to engage at Taj?
Where was Raj when Terrorists were attcking Marathis?
Why This Man from Bihar Regiment was to sacrifice his Life ?


Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, 31, was killed while engaging terrorists on Friday morning at the Taj hotel, an NSG spokesperson said.

Commando Chander received fatal bullet injuries during gunbattle at Nariman House, the official said.

Six other commandos were also injured during the encounters with terrorists at Taj hotel, Oberoi-Trident and Nariman House.

Major Unnikrishnan was with the 51 Special Action Group of the force and was with the NSG on deputation.

He has been with the Black Cat commando force for the last two years.

An officer of the Bihar Regiment, he was commissioned in the Indian Army in June 1999.

I guess by Protecting Marathi Lives This Man Protected the Marathi Culture..
My friend, showing the Chest for Bullets is a far greater valor than breaking Mike to hear words in Marathi.

Could we protect our Culture had the South Born, Muslim Kalam NOT Developd the Agni ?
Could we have won the Kargil, had Manoj Pandey not been there could we have won the Kargil... Did he Not Contribute to Save the Entire Indian Culture Including Bihari and Marathi ?

Bullets on Border dont ask your Mother Language, They Hit Indians and Indians Not Just Marathi Speaking or Bihari Origin Indians.

United we Stand Divided We Fall.
^Nonsense post.

I can drag up names of Marathi army officers who served in Kargil in order to win a cheap political point.

Why are you trying to convince me that India is one country? I don't need any assurance of the same. So don't insult me by writing those "patriotic" posts.
^Nonsense post.

I can drag up names of Marathi army officers who served in Kargil in order to win a cheap political point.

Why are you trying to convince me that India is one country? I don't need any assurance of the same. So don't insult me by writing those "patriotic" posts.

Well, Thank You.
I said what i had to.
Why are you insulting Bihar ? :hitwall:

Maratha nationalism of Indian nationalism? States should realise that they are part of the whole and stick to the rules
MNS people are also Indian nationalists. Maratha nationalism and Indian nationalism are not exclusive.
He was slapped for being Muslim. Two other MLA's took oath in English and Sanskrit were not attacked by MNS. The fact that a Muslim from UP refused to obey their diktats enraged the MNS.

Muslims from UP refused to obey MNS?
I never heard about any Muslims from UP, Muslims from Bihar etc political groups.

Maybe, MNS has some issues with the Mumbai Muslims regarding this years voting, but MNS is not known for any Muslim specific rhetoric like SS is. And btw they attacked him for using Hindi, and that's a statement from one of the perpetrators. So, what you stated as a fact-- is only your opinion, for me.
Bal Thackeray, who is as nationalistic as they come, also railed against the Hindi-speaking MP.

Now if you call Bal Thackeray a traitor, then you're completely misunderstanding the concept of Indian Nationalism.

---------- Post added at 09:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 PM ----------

Bal Thackeray, who is as nationalistic as they come, also railed against the Hindi-speaking MP.

Now if you call Bal Thackeray a traitor, then you're completely misunderstanding the concept of Indian Nationalism.
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