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Indian muslim :Javed Akhtar's India & Pakistan

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My reply was to TROJAN, a Pakistani Muslim, who was calling me a Hindu Convert because I'm an Indian Muslim. I was merely letting him know that since I have Pashtun blood in me, part (half) of my ancestry can be traced back to Pakistan. I'm just as much of a "Hindu convert" as he (she?) is.

And yes, majority of Muslims of the subcontinents (including Pakistanis) have ancestors that were Hindus. That's just how it goes. We don't need Pakistanis like TROJAN calling people "Hindu Converts" as if it is some sort of an insult.

Lastly, I don't think all Pakistanis are insane. Just people like Trojan. But it is true that no sane person would want to live in the Pakistan that exists today (the one of daily bomb blasts and violence).

we also criticised him for judging the faith of any Muslim whether he converted from atheism, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism whatever etc

Sure it is true that we are not getting much tourists because of security situation which is not good right now and many peoples outside Pakistan assume that we are getting dozen bomb blast in all cities of Pakistan everyday lol

You should understand that we still love Pakistan even after all these bomb blasts and violence and you have no right to insult our country on our forum by calling insane to anyone who visit or live there otherwise you will be in same categories of peoples whom you are criticising
And I'm assuming your mother is a Pakistani?

How many tourists does Pakistan receive annually? How many of those 'tourists' are non-resident Pakistanis?

Like i said, nobody would like to visit (or even live in) Pakistan AS IT EXISTS TODAY.

Yes, she is a Pakistani. Not sure how that matters. You were saying no one would want to visit Pakistan.

The number of tourists has decreased by around 40% but is still around 500,000. You'll still frequently find non-Pakistani tourists in some of the north areas, and cities such as Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi.
Yes, she is a Pakistani. Not sure how that matters. You were saying no one would want to visit Pakistan.

The number of tourists has decreased by around 40% but is still around 500,000. You'll still frequently find non-Pakistani tourists in some of the north areas, and cities such as Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi.

She is a Pakistani. That is why she's visiting Pakistan. Maybe she has family there.

500 000 is very little. Wouldn't be surprised if majority of those were people of Pakistani descent.

All I'm trying to say is, as long as Pakistan is in a state of turmoil, no one is going to want to visit. I know many Pakistanis here in Canada myself, who don't intend on going back to Pakistan until the situation changes.

Anyways a useless argument, will stop replying to this now. You guys are taking what I said out of context.
^ Mehwish we are just asking you to not speak on behalf of others by saying no sane person. Just talk about yourself. You said you will never come here and you are most welcome :)
Again, majority of Pakistanis were originally Hindus. Saudis say the same thing about you guys. All you need to do is replace "Indians" with "Pakistanis".

I don't think so. Perhaps those who migrated from india after the partition and all the present day indian Muslims. You were hindu and converted but you can't extrapolate. You have no evidence to support this statement. Where as Pakistanis can claim otherwise and and cite the Umayyad Caliphate. Don't feel ashamed that you realized that once you were a hindu and point fingers that everybody else was too. And you are not a Pashtun. Don't try to disgrace the country and an ethnicity too. :rolleyes: boy you indians have a HUGE infeority complex problem.
Are you a Pushtn tribal? Are Pushtuns not converts? Do you know how and when they were converted?

BTW, many Indians look at you with contempt. They think you are uncivilized brutes killing each other.

No Pashtuns are not converts. And we don't care what you black people think of us. You people were slaves to us. We treated you people like trash.. Remember??? better ask your parents and get a history lesson. And we still consider you back foots as such.
I don't think so. Perhaps those who migrated from india after the partition and all the present day indian Muslims. You were hindu and converted but you can't extrapolate. You have no evidence to support this statement. Where as Pakistanis can claim otherwise and and cite the Umayyad Caliphate. Don't feel ashamed that you realized that once you were a hindu and point fingers that everybody else was too. And you are not a Pashtun. Don't try to disgrace the country and an ethnicity too. :rolleyes: boy you indians have a HUGE infeority complex problem.

that may be your opinion. but your opinion is not fact. i suggest you go read some history. I won't speak about pashtuns because they migrated to the region afterwards, but the people of punjab, sindh balochistan, they were originally hindus who converted to Islam. Same goes for most Indian Muslims, and Bangladeshis.

We do not have an inferiority complex. If anything we laugh at you guys today, and thank Allah everyday for separating you from us.
No Pashtuns are not converts. And we don't care what you black people think of us. You people were slaves to us. We treated you people like trash.. Remember??? better ask your parents and get a history lesson. And we still consider you back foots as such.

The theory of Pashtun descent from Israelites is currently being studied by Navras Aafreedi and Shahnaz Ali of India.[72][73]

"Pathans, or Pashtuns, are the only people in the world whose probable descent from the lost tribes of Israel finds mention in a number of texts from the 10th century to the present day, written by Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars alike, both religious as well as secularists."[74]
—Navras Aafreedi, academic at the University of Lucknow and member of the Afridis

Israel is planning to fund this rare genetic study to determine whether there is a link between the lost tribes of Israel and the Pashtuns.

"Of all the groups, there is more convincing evidence about the Pashtuns than anybody else, but the Pashtuns are the ones who would reject Israel most ferociously. That is the sweet irony."[74]
—Shalva Weil, anthropologist and senior researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Pashtun pk @ You are disgrace to pashtun peoples and i am sure you are Afghani who is living in Pakistan as asylum seeker but your knowledge of history is zero. Do you know that most Arabs were pagans before they were converted into Islam and others were either jews or Christians. What was the religion of pahstuns before they were converted into Islam? Or they were not existed before Islam? You should stop making fool out of yourselves

What i don’t like about you is your racism and judgement on other Muslims based on their skin colours and you know very well that Islam is against discrimination of Muslims based on their skin colours or religion of their ancestors. Muslims converted from Hinduism because they thought that islam preach equality and is against having proud on caste system, ethnicity and colour and as they never met someone racist like you and Since you are showing racism here then let me remind you the last sermon of prophet Muhammad(PBUH)

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.

Quran also teach us

"O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Quran 49:13)
No Pashtuns are not converts. And we don't care what you black people think of us. You people were slaves to us. We treated you people like trash.. Remember??? better ask your parents and get a history lesson. And we still consider you back foots as such.

Why racist against black people? Aren't there Sudanese, Somalian, Egyptian, Algerian and Libyan Muslims?

No Pashtuns are not converts. And we don't care what you black people think of us. You people were slaves to us. We treated you people like trash.. Remember??? better ask your parents and get a history lesson. And we still consider you back foots as such.

Well it is a fact. Many of us look at you as uncouth uncivilized brutes that never got a chance to get civilized.

Especially after you were converted!

You were and are treated as trash by everybody throughout history. You had no past, have no present and no future.

Now it is Taliban treating you as trash and blowing you up or many of you are Taliban. Either way, no good.

You people have always been slaves and uncivilized brutes. I pity you.

Read about what even Babur wrote about you. He calls you cowards who came to him to surrender with grass in their mouths (to show that you were his cows). He created hills of your skulls when he was trouncing you on the way to India.
Why racist against black people? Aren't there Sudanese, Somalian, Egyptian, Algerian and Libyan Muslims?


They got the worst of both worlds. In fact most of these people show us that their claims of the reason for converting is oh so shallow and lies.

Funny part is, the other racists think of such people as the bottom of the heap, lower than the lowest of race pyramid.
Well it is a fact. Many of us look at you as uncouth uncivilized brutes that never got a chance to get civilized.

Especially after you were converted!

You were and are treated as trash by everybody throughout history. You had no past, have no present and no future.

Now it is Taliban treating you as trash and blowing you up or many of you are Taliban. Either way, no good.

You people have always been slaves and uncivilized brutes. I pity you.

Read about what even Babur wrote about you. He calls you cowards who came to him to surrender with grass in their mouths (to show that you were his cows). He created hills of your skulls when he was trouncing you on the way to India.

So have you now become Babur's fan all of a sudden?
Well it is a fact. Many of us look at you as uncouth uncivilized brutes that never got a chance to get civilized.

Especially after you were converted!

You were and are treated as trash by everybody throughout history. You had no past, have no present and no future.

Now it is Taliban treating you as trash and blowing you up or many of you are Taliban. Either way, no good.

You people have always been slaves and uncivilized brutes. I pity you.

Read about what even Babur wrote about you. He calls you cowards who came to him to surrender with grass in their mouths (to show that you were his cows). He created hills of your skulls when he was trouncing you on the way to India.

Its not right to blame all pashtuns or Afghans for his racism. The mountains of Afghanistan although beautiful in their own right remain as free and as wild as the Afghans. An unconquerable land and an unbeatable people. And although many nations have tried to conquer Afghanistan, Great countries like Britain and the Soviet Union, Afghanistan remains Afghanistan. :)
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