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Indian MoD refrains media from speculative reporting on Laddakh

An utter failure of civilian government and its policies, now Indian military is taking charge issuing directives to shut up media as well as taking lead in negotiations with China.
So first they intentionally "leak" footage and rumors to start another Indian media frenzy about a conflict with China and divert attention from domestic economic and social problems and now that the talks are essentially over they shut it down.
I believe, game is bigger than the standoff. Game is all about GB & Kashmir. Lots of international players will join the table soon I hope ( Ladkah area wont become next Libya, Sryia if more countries join) . Its all about who will dictate the next business/manufacturing route to Europe and how. Lots of Plan A/B/C are cooking and being made since last few years all along.

1. Best case is if India and China share the route, money and benefits from each other.
2. If both dont agree. i guess, Neither will get benefits and Route wont be sustainable. India along with west has enough cards at bigger level to spoil the game.
3. I guess, hidden table talks for next few months will be to agree on some common terms and stick to those for next 10 years.

rest all ( e.g troops movement, camps, Artillery movement etc. ) is just a front face. Real game and talk is on the above main topic. If both side agree in next few months. else Both sides already have their backup plan.

For larger good. Mutual sharing of benefits is best wish for the entire south Asia.

if Business route can unite three country ( India, China, Pakistan) . I think nothing can be better than this. and i would name few more countries on the route ( Afghanistan, Iran etc.). But need a strong leader to that account and share benefits of route among all share holders and unite all countries for this one cause.

in my personnel opinion i dont think either Xi or Modi has that strong leadership ( think for helping others and greater good ) in it to make the Route successful.
Media black outv enforced by military actually makes sense

The army does not want tv crews and satalite images on tv globally showing troop and equipment movement so easily so the entire world can see this in openly.

The Chinese are doing it to rattle India showing their tanks troops missles in their war of nerves but reality is they just want Indians to back down and not fight.

India is preparing to fight to regain the status quo that's why there is a media black out. The less we show the better options we have if we have to fight .

Big difference in mentality
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