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Indian MoD refrains media from speculative reporting on Laddakh

If the Indian media has not carried out a victory parade by now, it is safe to assume the talks went nowhere and China did not agree to any of India's demands.
Chinese is not moving back from their position on finger 4. China claim up to finger 2 and India officially claim up to finger 8 but recently india changed their map to finger 4.
During recent high level meeting China has rejected india’s request to destroy bunker and other Chinese construction close to finger 4 and move Chinese army back to finger 8.
Pak needs to be fully ready for all consequences...

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I think this confrontation has multiple goals,

1. China has upped its ante. It has announced to India it will use hard power if needed be to safeguard its interests including in Arabian sea and SCS.

2. At Ladakh area, even though there isn't a dash to Leh, it signifies if you screw with our interests in BRI/CPEC we will not stay aloof.

For Pakistan this is just China being more assertive. It doesn't add more into Indian adventurism. It will actually dampen it. Stakes are now suddenly too high for their comfort. Indians don't get suicidal. They will now wait it out. Looking for next flow after this ebb. That flow may come in this ever changing post Covid world.
China needs to know that GIVING ANY TIME TO INDIANS would be once in a century blunder by the Chinese. DO NOT GIVE ANY TIME TO INDIANS or You will suffer immensely China ! Take care of this DISEASE NOW OR IT WILL KILL YOU !
I think this confrontation has multiple goals,

1. China has upped its ante. It has announced to India it will use hard power if needed be to safeguard its interests including in Arabian sea and SCS.

2. At Ladakh area, even though there isn't a dash to Leh, it signifies if you screw with our interests in BRI/CPEC we will not stay aloof.

For Pakistan this is just China being more assertive. It doesn't add more into Indian adventurism. It will actually dampen it. Stakes are now suddenly too high for their comfort. Indians don't get suicidal. They will now wait it out. Looking for next flow after this ebb. That flow may come in this ever changing post Covid world.

There are reports for some troop movement on India side, also activities at airbase on the Indian side.
I think this confrontation has multiple goals,

1. China has upped its ante. It has announced to India it will use hard power if needed be to safeguard its interests including in Arabian sea and SCS.

2. At Ladakh area, even though there isn't a dash to Leh, it signifies if you screw with our interests in BRI/CPEC we will not stay aloof.

For Pakistan this is just China being more assertive. It doesn't add more into Indian adventurism. It will actually dampen it. Stakes are now suddenly too high for their comfort. Indians don't get suicidal. They will now wait it out. Looking for next flow after this ebb. That flow may come in this ever changing post Covid world.
Spot on!

China needs to know that GIVING ANY TIME TO INDIANS would be once in a century blunder by the Chinese. DO NOT GIVE ANY TIME TO INDIANS or You will suffer immensely China ! Take care of this DISEASE NOW OR IT WILL KILL YOU !
On the contrary. Let their open wound fester for as long as possible. Now is the time to wait for Modi to make a mistake.
About time they control this indian media horse. They pitched india against pakistan and failed miserably same might happen with chinese hence ministery of defence shut em up.

Ghoray ko lagam do... Bc maroo gay chinese k hathoon chup ho jao.

Indians fight with their mouths instead lf hands and guns and bullets.

Yehi ilaj hay indian media ka. Pathetic nation primitive mindsets primitive media . Correct is the name INDIA given by the british. Indians...

If they don't control their media they might get a few soldiers killed like pakistan kills everyday on LOC.

And they might get a few aircraft shot down like Pakistan does on LOC.

Did they not say they beat up chinese and that chinese are scared of beating by indians? And they said Chinese are afraid of boforos guns? And sukhoi su 30.

And scared of brahmos ? Who is scared now?
Indian media is goading the ego of China by their irresponsible, over the top reporting. But they are all working with their own agenda, shaping narrative based on which party they support. Now with this gag order from MOD, things will be back to normal and China will loosen its stand to come to the negotiating table as they would also not want to loose a huge market for a few sq kms of deserted land.
On the contrary. Let their open wound fester for as long as possible. Now is the time to wait for Modi to make a mistake.

I strongly disagree. You will never get another Corona disruption, and never an indian economy in worse condition, and never a time when many indian minorities are opening questioning India. This is once in a century opportunity.
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