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Indian Military Picture Thread

Bro,I wanna tell you in the most humble way possible that there is very less anyone can educate me about on the Indian Special Forces from any forum.I have given 7 years to web world and real world to find about the Indian SF.I know very well about their roles.

I am the only Indian who reported before The Hindu that Indian SF beheaded Pakistani soldiers 2 years ago.You can check my contribution in the Indian SF thread from the beginning.Not even a single time have i reported anything wrong.

When i saw something i say it for a reason...leave it i am just pisssed off these days.

Training camp information is RAW hard work and has nothing to do with SF.
army get its information from SF and Military intelligence, not from RAW. RAW and army has very poor record of exchange of intelligence. i think you read the book "indian special forces- history and future" it highlight -ve things about indian special forces. the author is not a special force personal he command our special forces. you may note that many thing he says is wrong. he said US special forces size is only 15,000 actually it is 50,000. he get many information from news report and other source in internet.
army get its information from SF and Military intelligence, not from RAW. RAW and army has very poor record of exchange of intelligence. i think you read the book "indian special forces- history and future" it highlight -ve things about indian special forces. the author is not a special force personal he command our special forces. you may note that many thing he says is wrong. he said US special forces size is only 15,000 actually it is 50,000. he get many information from news report and other source in internet.

I have already read the book.

RAW shares information with MI and IB.
Bro,I wanna tell you in the most humble way possible that there is very less anyone can educate me about on the Indian Special Forces from any forum.I have given 7 years to web world and real world to find about the Indian SF.I know very well about their roles.

I am the only Indian who reported before The Hindu that Indian SF beheaded Pakistani soldiers 2 years ago.You can check my contribution in the Indian SF thread from the beginning.Not even a single time have i reported anything wrong.

ok you said SSg is only unit deployed as a real special forces. for last 20 years it is true. but paracommandos and SSF are providing training to Mukti bahini in 1971. SFF conducts covert operations in pakistan to suppress khalistan movement is the true method how a special forces must be employed. can you point out any one thing that a special forces do which indian special forces had not done?

I have already read the book.

RAW shares information with MI and IB.

i am not saying that they did not share information. but amount of sharing is too low.
you may know that during 26/11 there is RAW officer in the plane that nsg is transported. but they did not even share ant think to nsg.
Yeah,i was about to mention that.The last deployment of SG that i know about was in Kashmir handling *** and LOC operations.Cross border operations are common in Kashmir by both IA and PA but 'think tanks' on PDF think they know otherwise even when they know little about the LOC.

Comming to the SG deployment we are talking about late 90s and early years of this century.I dont know what they are upto these days.

Bro, I don't know how highly you value my perspective/views but let me tell you that I have heard pretty much first hand that the SG is still VERY active in JK and beyond today.

Training camp information is RAW hard work and has nothing to do with SF.
You're right about that and one of the tools in RAW's toolbox are SG as well as low-level informers and spys. As SF operators, the members of SG are more than capable of undertaking recon and infiltration missions.
Bro, I don't know how highly you value my perspective/views but let me tell you that I have heard pretty much first hand that the SG is still VERY active in JK and beyond today.

Very highly,i respect you as a friend and you being abroad also didnt reduce the love for your country...SG is still active in JK i know but i dont know if they have crossed the border beyond 5 kms ever.
You're right about that and one of the tools in RAW's toolbox are SG as well as low-level informers and spys. As SF operators, the members of SG are more than capable of undertaking recon and infiltration missions.

Those are speculations bro,Indian intel is not what you think it is...they knew the address of Dawood but didnt kill him..Lets judge them by their doings and not what they are capable of doing.

I as a indian citizen think that the govt is incompetent along with the various intel agencies.A nation 4 times smaller than us with a fcked up situation leaves us with a bleeding nose and we say we are the best.

Sorry for not being politically correct today bro but...compare India and China and India and pakistan...with India being the superior in the second case and superior in the second...Dont you think Pakistan is more gutsy than India.

We are so strong than Pakistan yet it does what it wants to in kashmir...and we(the nation of 1.241 billion) beg in front of China.Not many are gonna like this but the facts are not gonna change.

And bro what about COBRA..in a recent operation they had surrounded 200 naxals what happened..nothing!!

ok you said SSg is only unit deployed as a real special forces. for last 20 years it is true. but paracommandos and SSF are providing training to Mukti bahini in 1971. SFF conducts covert operations in pakistan to suppress khalistan movement is the true method how a special forces must be employed. can you point out any one thing that a special forces do which indian special forces had not done?

Yeah,SF units raid enemy behind the borders.Indian SF doesnt.Hafiz Saed and Dawood are alive and have millions of pakistani supporting them.Tell me when indian SF is gonna kill them.

i am not saying that they did not share information. but amount of sharing is too low.
you may know that during 26/11 there is RAW officer in the plane that nsg is transported. but they did not even share ant think to nsg.

That RAW officer was JP Dutta who was the head of NSG.You are mixing things up.
Very highly,i respect you as a friend and you being abroad also didnt reduce the love for your country...SG is still active in JK i know but i dont know if they have crossed the border beyond 5 kms ever.

Those are speculations bro,Indian intel is not what you think it is...they knew the address of Dawood but didnt kill him..Lets judge them by their doings and not what they are capable of doing.

I as a indian citizen think that the govt is incompetent along with the various intel agencies.A nation 4 times smaller than us with a fcked up situation leaves us with a bleeding nose and we say we are the best.

Sorry for not being politically correct today bro but...compare India and China and India and pakistan...with India being the superior in the second case and superior in the second...Dont you think Pakistan is more gutsy than India.

We are so strong than Pakistan yet it does what it wants to in kashmir...and we(the nation of 1.241 billion) beg in front of China.Not many are gonna like this but the facts are not gonna change.

And bro what about COBRA..in a recent operation they had surrounded 200 naxals what happened..nothing!!

You're right bro, and this is why I say it is about the lack of political will. Call it Nehruvian ideology, pacifism or whatever you want but the fact of the matter it is these outdated mindsets present at the very top of the entire Indian political class is cr@ppy on this front.

But I do genuinely believe that the coming years you will see this change as fresh blood enters into mainstream politics. The current batch are, perhaps, too soft for India's own good.
You're right bro, and this is why I say it is about the lack of political will. Call it Nehruvian ideology, pacifism or whatever you want but the fact of the matter it is these outdated mindsets present at the very top of the entire Indian political class is cr@ppy on this front.

But I do genuinely believe that the coming years you will see this change as fresh blood enters into mainstream politics. The current batch are, perhaps, too soft for India's own good.

Fresh blood..are you kidding me?Who Rahul Gandhi?

I have already told you about my interaction with SPG guy and what they think about Rahul ji and Sonia ji and how they waste govt money.

I dont want to waste my time here arguing with Congress suckers.
Fresh blood..are you kidding me?Who Rahul Gandhi?

I have already told you about my interaction with SPG guy and what they think about Rahul ji and Sonia ji and how they waste govt money.

I dont want to waste my time here arguing with Congress suckers.

Please, not this RG fool- beyond him and even Modi. I'm talking about 10+ years down the line and not just at the the very highest levels but in cabinet and MP positions.
bro do you know SAD?? personals for SAD is selected from DELTA force And seal team 6. SFF is getting similar training of para commandos. SG is the most well equipped and well trained special forces in india, which get training of marcos, and paracommandos and also get some advanced training in covert operation in israel.

SFF is elitist of elite, who works behind enemy lines in both war & peace times silently. They are highly-2 skilled masters of deception. They are also chosen from MARCOS, NSG, Paramilitary & Garud caders. I think this information is enough for the day.
Please, not this RG fool- beyond him and even Modi. I'm talking about 10+ years down the line and not just at the the very highest levels but in cabinet and MP positions.

Manmohan is still wisest choice for at least next 05 years. Don't rant about condition of current Indian economy, It was slow down was purposefully intentional. Mohna, Montek and Chidambram are master of economics and knows what they are doing. They are driving and building our economy brilliantly at very strong base, while avoiding short sighted attractions/gifts to score some cheap points offered by global. At least, reject International corporation's stooge and religious hypocrite like 'NaMo'.
SFF is elitist of elite, who works behind enemy lines in both war & peace times silently. They are highly-2 skilled masters of deception. They are also chosen from MARCOS, NSG, Paramilitary & Garud caders. I think this information is enough for the day.

are you sure?
There are stories of '62 war, where SFF operated behind enemy lines and created a Tibatian guerrilla force to sabotage Chinese supply lines. SFF was also doing NSG job, when NSG was not in existence. Operation 'Blue Star' was conducted primarily by SFF with support of IA. They have known strength of a brigade and works directly under RAW.

Its not SF, but SFF (Special Frontier Force). Special forces are totally different and are from regular Army, Navy and Air Force Units i.e. Para Commandos, MARCOS and Garud.
There are stories of '62 war, where SFF operated behind enemy lines and created a Tibatian guerrilla force to sabotage Chinese supply lines. SFF was also doing NSG job, when NSG was not in existence. Operation 'Blue Star' was conducted primarily by SFF with support of IA. They have known strength of a brigade and works directly under RAW.

Its not SF, but SFF (Special Frontier Force). Special forces are totally different and are from regular Army, Navy and Air Force Units i.e. Para Commandos, MARCOS and Garud.

it is wrong sff is created after 1962 war. yes there are reports that SFF had conducted limited unauthorised raids inside chinese territory in 80s.

There are stories of '62 war, where SFF operated behind enemy lines and created a Tibatian guerrilla force to sabotage Chinese supply lines. SFF was also doing NSG job, when NSG was not in existence. Operation 'Blue Star' was conducted primarily by SFF with support of IA. They have known strength of a brigade and works directly under RAW.

Its not SF, but SFF (Special Frontier Force). Special forces are totally different and are from regular Army, Navy and Air Force Units i.e. Para Commandos, MARCOS and Garud.

sff is trained like special forces of army and navy. but consist of tibetan resistance and gurkhas. SG is totally different as it consist of men from all around india. sff is the only special force of india which consist women for combat.
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