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Indian Military Picture Thread



Whoa that's my bro's father-in-law!!
damn, how did we never hear about this? and how is it that both india and pakistan had their ships come so close to each other? They mustve been in international water

Not just close, there was contact- the PNS rammed the INS causing damage to the later's helo deck.And it was quite big news at the time.
^^ interesting how CRPF (especially COBRA) have adopted MARPAT camo!

+ any more such pics??

Cake for RPGs.

We don't know what capacity they will used in, it could be policing duties or light assault or part of the presidents convoy or whatever. And that could be said of many vehicles, I'd dare say I'd rather be in a Marksman than one of those standard issue TOYOTA pickups the PA operates which are ridiculous!
Are you guys supplying too Chilean rebels??? I dont understand the need for that comment on Indian Military picture thread?

You will understand if you decide to use your head. I , meant that those flat panel exit doors make a vehicle extremely vulnerable to RPG strikes , because flat panels offer no deflection , hence all momentum translates into impact force penetrating such a door like a hot knife through butter.Israelis learned the hard way after a Merkeva was blown up by RPG strikes.

We don't know what capacity they will used in, it could be policing duties or light assault or part of the presidents convoy or whatever. And that could be said of many vehicles, I'd dare say I'd rather be in a Marksman than one of those standard issue TOYOTA pickups the PA operates which are ridiculous!

No need to bring PA in & Toyota pickups are used for routine transport not for ops. Army uses APCs.

PA has recently bought these Cobras.

You will understand if you decide to use your head. I , meant that those flat panel exit doors make a vehicle extremely vulnerable to RPG strikes , because flat panels offer no deflection , hence all momentum translates into impact force penetrating such a door like a hot knife through butter.Israelis learned the hard way after a Merkeva was blown up by RPGs strikes.

remind me if light bulletproof vehicle were designed to withstand RPG's. I though these vehicles were meant for police operation which provide protection against small arms fire and grenade attacks.
remind me if light bulletproof vehicle were designed to withstand RPG's. I though these vehicles were meant for police operation which provide protection against small arms fire and grenade attacks.

Depends on the quality of the vehicle. A Simple design change can make a difference , just recently producers have started to realize the importance of deflective surfaces to lessen the impact of projectiles which starves them of their energy by deflecting their trajectory hence the power of Impact is reduced.

Check this.


Cobra 2.5

Depends on the quality of the vehicle. A Simple design change can make a difference , just recently producers have started to realize the importance of deflective surfaces to lessen the impact of projectiles which starves them of their energy by deflecting their trajectory hence the power of Impact is reduced.

Check this.


Cobra 2.5


Astronaut why have you brought the RPG aspect into it? Thar is not even what the Marksmen was designed for- it was designed for Indian police units in the post-26/11 environment to allow response units to move rapidly and have a vehicles capable of withstanding AK-47 bullets and fragmentation grenades when they got their. Bringing in RPGs into the equation is more than a little unfair and pointless as the vehicle was never meant to repel such weapons as a primary design point. It is like saying the vehicle isn't very aerodynamic or very chic!

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