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Indian Military Picture Thread


is that a akash missile the missile which u have written from raveena tandon to nawaz sharif something simmilar will be written to our missile when we install them on our fighter jets.
is that a akash missile the missile which u have written from raveena tandon to nawaz sharif something simmilar will be written to our missile when we install them on our fighter jets.

nope its a 1000pound laser guided bomb
T 90 TANK IMAGE normal version on top , upgraded below

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Army troops during a wargame



What new features they added in upgraded version

The T-90M Bhishma is a customized, improved version of the T-90S which India developed with assistance from Russia , Israel and France all of whom India has very close ties with.The tanks are equipped with the French-designed thermal sights and utilizes India's Kanchan explosive reactive armored plates.In April 2008, the Indian Army sent request for proposals to Rafael, BAE Systems, Raytheon, Rosoboronexport, Saab, and Germany’s IBD Deisenroth Engineering for an active protection system for the T-90S.
The T-90M features the ‘Kaktus’ embedded explosive reactive armour (ERA) package on its frontal hull and turret-top (the T-90S has ‘Kontakt-5’ ERA), is fitted with an enhanced environmental control system supplied by Israel’s Kinetics Ltd for providing cooled air to the fighting compartment, has additional internal volume for housing the cryogenic cooling systems for new-generation thermal imagers like the THALES-built Catherine-FC thermal imager (operating in the 8-12 micron bandwidth).In all, India plans to have 1,640 T-90M tanks in service by 2018-2020.
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