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Indian Migrants Amongst Those Found Dead Illegally Crossing Into USA !!

Hi, I can tell you confidently that scores of Indians are illegally crossing both north and south borders. It’s not uncommon for these deaths to occur.

This is what gets me about the Indians. They're the only people on the planet that have inferiority complex and will try to one up you. Like they know they’re lying when presented with facts but they will continue to argue about semantics.

Pick any social media post anywhere about something negative about India or positive about Pakistan, Indians are the only people that will argue until they die that a) negative news about Indians or India is false, or b) they will spam Pakistani positive content with negativity and try to bring Pakistanis down

Thanks God Pakistanis are fully aware now and the biggest part to ending this aman ki (TAM)asha goes to the Indians themselves to chanted the minds of the Pakistanis. Every action has a reaction and our people figured out how nasty Indians are that there’s no point of peace with them.

Indian behavior stems strictly from severe inferior complex. My close friend is a White American and even he pointed this out to me. Prideful and egotistic with nothing to back it up.
This is a bit strange... died crossing into the US from Canada ?

"Police said one of the bodies found was that of a child under three. The child was found with a Canadian passport and was a member of a Romanian family."

if they (the Indians) got to Canada legally as well, they should have stayed there. Canada offers a lot more free stuff than the US generally and is much easier to immigrate to and get a PR and then become a citizen. Once you have a Canadian passport, its a breeze moving or traveling to the US freely.

very sad.

This is not case of Dunki or crossing the ocean on a boad or running away from harsh economic conditions..
typically Gujaratis in US are well settled and own multiple subways,donkun douts,motels,gas stations ,groceries and all types of businesses..They need trusted people to manage their businesses..cos most of them run 24/7 ,cash intensive and have multiple locations.. In the past they used to sponsor greencards thier extended families or relatives ,bring them to US ..train them in business ,make them a minorty partner and hand over operations and then repeat it bringing another family
But from last 15 yrs the green card waiting time has grown to 10 yrs..so they are using other legal and illegal methods to bring people from Gujarat..and pay as high as $100k to agents to bring people ..99% of them are successful in landing in US and 1% may be caught or meet the fate
This is not case of Dunki or crossing the ocean on a boad or running away from harsh economic conditions..
typically Gujaratis in US are well settled and own multiple subways,donkun douts,motels,gas stations ,groceries and all types of businesses..They need trusted people to manage their businesses..cos most of them run 24/7 ,cash intensive and have multiple locations.. In the past they used to sponsor greencards thier extended families or relatives ,bring them to US ..train them in business ,make them a minorty partner and hand over operations and then repeat it bringing another family
But from last 15 yrs the green card waiting time has grown to 10 yrs..so they are using other legal and illegal methods to bring people from Gujarat..and pay as high as $100k to agents to bring people ..99% of them are successful in landing in US and 1% may be caught or meet the fate
I met a Sikh Uber driver who told me he paid $45k to get smuggled across the Mexico US border.
No, I feel the same way.

but your comment was in poor taste.

my comments had nothing to do with deceased, it was for all Indian who come to Canada only to go to U.S.
I know you feel stupid now LOL
my comments had nothing to do with deceased, it was for all Indian who come to Canada only to go to U.S.
I know you feel stupid now LOL
Sure, chextia behaviour.. but in light of the tragedy, was no need to point it out.
All deaths are regrettable, specially people dying in their pursuit to feed their family. I am against Bangladeshis coming to India illegally, I am against Indians going anywhere illegally.

There are countries with too many people and there are countries which are dying due to dwindling populations. Policies must be framed to allow more immigration otherwise people would do whatever it takes to better their condition in life.
As for this Indian family, it is tragic. But also bizarre that they would attempt such a risky crossing. Canada pales in comparison with America when it comes to economic opportunities but still a great place.
I met a Sikh Uber driver who told me he paid $45k to get smuggled across the Mexico US border.

That's a lot of money!! Most people from the south of America either pay very little to smugglers or simply wade across some river and claim asylum. True, they get caught and sent back but after repeated attempts people make it through. There are literally many millions of illegals in America for a reason.

Here is an interesting story to tell PDF. A personal experience.

In the early 2000s, I was in Canada as a Resident but I also had to option to move back to America, which I did because Canada seemed to offer so fewer opportunities. I had made the right call. Anyway, there was this illegal Pakistani there. A guy in his 50s. He was from the Hazara area. Barely spoke English. He said he had paid about $20,000 (American) to be smuggled into Canada. I don't know his details. BUT he asked me if I could be his translator for his asylum work. I agreed to help him. His appeal was bogus: Claiming that he was under threat in Pakistan because he or his family was refusing to join fighters to go into Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) and so he needed asylum. He had some news clippings in Urdu about the Kashmir Cause which I translated into English for him.
He lost his appeal. But in the few years he was in Canada, he ran a successful convenience store business--enough to recoup his immigration costs and made a decent amount. I can never forget as he was being evicted from Canada back to Pakistan, but Canadians were gentle on him. No handcuffs etc. He looked at me with envy, saying without saying this 'You can live legally in Canada. You can live legally in America. But look at me'. I was crushed!! I felt great anger at the Canadians! This guy was no burden. On the contrary, he worked his butt off and paid taxes!
The world is so unfair. I know this. I was born into privilege in Pakistan. He wasn't!
Geez..people dying in the hot sun in deserts after jumping the southern border and now people in the north freezing to death in forests.

It used to be people fleeing Cuba and other Caribbean countries found adrift boats.
That's a lot of money!! Most people from the south of America either pay very little to smugglers or simply wade across some river and claim asylum. True, they get caught and sent back but after repeated attempts people make it through. There are literally many millions of illegals in America for a reason.

In India, people fantasize western life but face the harsh reality upon arrival. If I had $45K USD, mai cement aur steel ki dukan deta.
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