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Indian Media to be banned from showing file footage of Babri Mosque demolition

News channels to follow guidelines on Ayodhya

If the news broadcasters' attempt to self-regulate themselves works, you will not be seeing endless footage of the Babri Masjid demolition playing on news bulletins this week.

The News Broadcasters' Association (NBA) issued specific guidelines to its member-channels on their coverage of the Allahabad High Court's judgment in the Ayodhya title suit, expected on September 24. In view of the “ultra-sensitive nature of the case…The telecast of any news relating to it should not be sensational, inflammatory or be provocative,” said the statement issued on Friday.

The guidelines on visuals made it clear that “no footage of the demolition of the Babri Masjid is to be shown in any news item relating to the judgment” and “no visuals need be shown depicting celebration or protest of the judgment.”

Similarly, there is to be no speculation about the judgment before it is pronounced, or of likely consequences after the verdict, which could be provocative. Instead, all related news “should be verbatim reproduction of the relevant part of the said judgment uninfluenced by any opinion or interpretation,” said the statement.

Editors have been asked to take extra care in vetting all reporting at the highest level. The NBA asked for “strict adherence,” warning that any violation “may attract strict action.” The heads of major channels said they would comply with the “spirit of the guidelines,” though it was up to each channel to decide the methods to implement them. Several channels have already carried special programming on the verdict, going over the history of the case and replaying the demolition footage.

These guidelines come after the Union Cabinet appealed for peace and order to be maintained in the aftermath of the judgment. Leaders of political parties and religious bodies have also been calling for a peaceful acceptance of the verdict.

However, channels emphasised that this was a voluntary initiative on their part and not in response to any governmental instruction. “It must be understood that this is compliance out of self-regulation, not due to any government pressure,” said Arnab Goswami, Editor-in-Chief of Times Now. “It shows the immense maturity of the news channels today. It dispels any notion that they are irresponsible.”

“I don't think this should be seen as censorship,” said Rajdeep Sardesai, Editor-in-Chief of the IBN18 network. “It simply means we must absorb the basic principle of self-restraint...one of the important lessons we have learnt.”

The Hindu : News / National : News channels to follow guidelines on Ayodhya

Government has no problems
Channels have no problems
citizens have no problems..
Some people here on the other side has serious problems
. :rofl:
when Indian dont have any problem. i dont know what is problem for pakistani's . and no channel have been banned . and this guideline where first implemented after 26/11 so that news channel should follow certain guidelines and every news channel agreed to that . when our media don't have problem actually in india there are 600 new channels no one is complaining
Are 10 pages necessary for this discussion.?? :rolleyes:

As Benny said Govt has no problems,Court has no problems,Channels have no problems,People (of India) have no problem...so whats the fuss.?

I think the TS should see some of the debate going on in the Indian channels about Ayodhya and how every party,people and religious organisations have said that they will accept the court's verdict and they want to move on.

But some people here just dont want to move on I guess - but then does it affect India or the Indians.? :no:
But some people here just dont want to move on I guess - but then does it affect India or the Indians.? :no:

Adding to that -
Does it affect Pakistan and Pakistanis - HELL NO!!!

Afterall we are at Pakistan Defence Forum - where no India centric thread are allowed if they have nothing to do with Pakistan.
Generally I am against govt. imposed bans on anything and I have even fought against Indian editors here who have supported banning Pakistani news channels in Kashmir. However, if the broadcasters agree to a self-imposed ban which can result in minimal chaos and prevent loss of life and property, then I support it. As far as Pakistanis talking about freedom of the press are concerned - err - gee - we would love to have a press as free as yours I guess. From Z.A. Bhutto putting Cowasjee in prison to imprisoning Najam Sethi - you indeed have a great history of giving journalists a free rein.
When you know that showing footages can remind people of old memories which has the potential of disturbing the peaceful atmosphere and can create further wedges among people then there is nothing wrong in such a move.

We need to be sensible, blind media freedom is of no use.
The people should be reminded... they should never forget it.
The people should be reminded... they should never forget it.

Even if they did forget it - rest assured, the judgment will make all and sundry remember - with or without footage being aired. I still remember the riots in Bombay which followed. Terrible.
The people should be reminded... they should never forget it.

People should be reminded of what? That Arab invaders had destroyed an ancient Hindu temple in Ayodhya and built a mosque over it? That this was only one of the many Hindu temples destroyed by Muslim invaders in India and one of numerous churches and temples destroyed worldwide by Muslims? Are you sure they need reminding?
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We should start living in present. What is the point in reminding of the past and worrying about the future.
wooooooo hooooo........

shooting outside a Mosque in Delhi......

Ayodhya decision out soon.........unrest most likely to follow

Look like the common wealth games will be in jeoperdy especially aftet the recent anger by International teams over accomodation conditions..........
The people should be reminded... they should never forget it.

What will be your stance if say a particular news channel in Pakistan repeatedly airs the bombings on Shias/Ahmediya etc again and again thus creating an atmosphere where ethinic riots can break out.?

would you be saying the same thing then also.? or you will be saying "Move on people" .?

wooooooo hooooo........

Anything to be happy here.? :what:

shooting outside a Mosque in Delhi......

Indian Mujahedin,a terrorist group has claimed responsibility.

Ayodhya decision out soon.........unrest most likely to follow

Unfortunately for you,both AIMPLB (All India Muslim personal law Board) on one hand and RSS,VHP,BD on other hand have categorically said that they will abide by the Court's verdict ,whatever it might be.

Look like the common wealth games will be in jeoperdy especially aftet the recent anger by International teams over accomodation conditions..........

If you think India will also be placed along with Pakistan (where no international team tours) then sadly you are mistaken.
Not very bright at catching the sarcasm eh..

if such were to be the case, then clearly, neither are you :rofl:

Yeah just to deter dime a dozen self proclaimed experts serving their personal agendas in the light of a controversial case. Avoiding any inflammatory discussions and statements. As visible in discussion on this forum itself, which started off with a speculative heading and leading to become a question-mark on civic liberties and fundamental rights and finally landing at Pakistani members launching into a India bashing tirade (serving personal agendas of self proclaimed experts).

mere :blah::blah::blah:

not much else. Anything that doesn't suit YOUR agenda is called ''india bashing tirade''

a real defeatist approach on your part, towards a debate. Narrow things down to that! Isn't it? :coffee:

Context is simply inflammatory reporting of a controversial event and over analysis by commentators driven to further their personal objectives.

you're obviously a very insecure person

no need to further debate with kids.....come back when you are more composed
wooooooo hooooo........

shooting outside a Mosque in Delhi......

Ayodhya decision out soon.........unrest most likely to follow

Look like the common wealth games will be in jeoperdy especially aftet the recent anger by International teams over accomodation conditions..........

You almost seem to be taking sadistic pleasure in your neighbour 's misery.
I guess god is watching, no wonder your country is in the current state mess.
The people should be reminded... they should never forget it.

they dont want their pride hurt in the face of commonwealth games and all; one shooting already took place. Even to this day, these hindustanys still seem to be quite insecure over the strength of their societal social fabric. They seem confident that communal tensions will hit the ceiling again over a video of the (most unfortunate) destruction of the Masjid.
I dont know if the following is the waste of time or not but here it goes:

1. GOI has full rights and authority to bar channels/newspapers/other media sources from showing disturbing content which can stir up communal tension. For India , communal fighting is worse than war and when we can ban or regulate TV channels during wartime , it only makes sense to do the same when their is a risk of communal fighting.

2. We dont need to talk about media freedom in Pakistan or China.We can claim that they have more regulation and they will claim that Indian govt is not perfect because she imposes ban etc when she sees fit. However what we should have is a perspective. In years since independence how many times and for how long has Indian media being banned? ( Can't remember any other occasion then declaration of emergency when there was a prolonged ban on media).

3. @Mods
Have read a lot of threads today. From racial abuse to absolute trolling, both the elite and the senior members have been involved in the same.I was banned for a month for de-railing a thread ( that the derailment was started by a senior member who wasnt touched is another issue). I am not expecting to be treated fairly on this forum as I know I am an Indian and that prejudice runs deep . However the state of the forum where Indians are regularly banned for trolling/de-railment while their counter-parts go on to become senior members and ELITE members makes me frown. Ask any sane person and he/she will reply that a few select ELITE members are trolls and nothing else who are more concerned about increasing their post counts. I dont think that anyone should be banned or whatever but I guess before we bestow so-called tags to these people , we should look at the contributions they are making.

Make Bhagat Singh a terrorist , Justify killing of Kashmiri Pundits, Talk about the Orange Media,Extol Hafiz Saeed and that is a recipe for a perfect ELITE member.
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