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Indian Media saving face : After IAF Shoots Down Pakistani Jet, Imran Khan Begs India For Talks

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Not including Pakistan, can ANY other nation on earth take on an enemy that is more than 7x bigger than it which is also backed by Russia and america and give it a good hiding?
What do you expect her to say in front of foreign media its all about positive image but do our modi ji asked for peace no.
We will end this.

Lol make sure you come with the tejas jet you couldn't arrange a meal in a kitchen thats how incompetent you Indians are cowards of the highest degree come get your soilder first lol talk is cheap we have shown you already all you guys do is non stop talking
We Pakistanis got our chance...
Now I think its not a good idea to push any further.

You guys don't know how god will treat our ego from this.
But pakistan is unbeatable and india is afraid i guess this is your best shot.
I can't believe this. Indian media is more controlled then even media in Soviet Union. They are peddling bare faced lies. Wtf?

Indian jets get shot down and they are reporting that Pakistani jets got shot down.

@scorpionx @Srinivas @jamahir other Indians please explain?
IP, I have repeatedly said here; Indian media, especially the electronic one is one of the most immature and jingoistic around the world. For the last few years, the quality has dipped so low, that I have stopped watching them. Hell, I miss our good old Doordarshan.
Humble Advice to indians is end this hate now and learn to forgive eachother you and not made for fighting war and it not suits you ik is giving you good offer which is for mutual benefit of public of both nations and this region
I was having a laugh with you guys.
Highly appreciate paf for what they have achieved but you never know what future holds for us.
There are four categories of people
1. Intelligent
2. Average folks
3. Idiots
4. Indians

I hope it will solve your problem

Thanks for this nomenclature. Now I can sleep peacefully. :enjoy:
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