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Indian Media saving face : After IAF Shoots Down Pakistani Jet, Imran Khan Begs India For Talks

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No we have guts to hot pursuit your jet without fearing for own life .
Heart of a lion

Yes your f16 downed more costlier then our puny mig21 win win for us.

Where is the evidence? If what you say is true then please post the links here. If not then you are lying and making it all up.
I can't believe this. Indian media is more controlled then even media in Soviet Union. They are peddling bare faced lies. Wtf?

Indian jets get shot down and they are reporting that Pakistani jets got shot down.

@scorpionx @Srinivas @jamahir other Indians please explain?

We also shot down an F-16. So there is no need to escalate from there.
If you guys are winning then why your pm asking for peace we have definitely killed your f16 and he knows he cant take more losses.
Look he just want peace and is afraid of any further escalation, whereas no one in india is asking for peace we want war.

I bet Indians are so brain washed like north korean that if indian gov claim it just destroyed UFO that was after MODI's @zz and you guys will still believe that sh1t without hesitating.
If you guys are winning then why your pm asking for peace we have definitely killed your f16 and he knows he cant take more losses.
Look he just want peace and is afraid of any further escalation, whereas no one in india is asking for peace we want war.

Lool are you retarded Indian I know you are cowards from day one but I'll reiterate stop drinking cow cola otherwise you will continue to get a bloody nose your fm in China was begging to deescilate and you got 2 fighters downed and onto of that we have captured your pilots now show some kind of shame and self respect
Pakistan is AMAZING. We take on a nation that is more than 7x bigger than us who is backed by Russia and America, thrash them and shoot down their fighter jets ..........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:........NO OTHER Nation on earth can do that against those odds............:azn:
Lool are you retarded Indian I know you are cowards from day one but I'll reiterate stop drinking cow cola otherwise you will continue to get a bloody nose your fm in China was begging to deescilate and you got 2 fighters downed and onto of that we have captured your pilots now show some kind of shame and self respect
What do you expect her to say in front of foreign media its all about positive image but do our modi ji asked for peace no.
We will end this.
We Pakistanis got our chance...
Now I think its not a good idea to push any further.

You guys don't know how god will treat our ego from this.
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