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Indian Media is on fire after Imran Khan’s warning to Narendra Modi

bro that is your wishful thinking because in you feel jealous you don't have leader like him.

ABSOLUTELY NOT! I can assure you 100%. I am not jealous at all. In fact, I did not see / find anything in him that would make me feel jealous.

And, I don't think that the word "LEADER" is suitable to be used for him.

Look at the reasons below, why don't feel any jealousy at all:

1) Modi appeared to be an uneducated person in these clips.
2) His style of speaking did not reflect that he is capable to lead more than 1-billion people.
3) He comes across as an unsophisticated person.
4) He appears as a zealot (like our Zaid Hamid) and not a leader.

I hope you understand.

Just wait couple of years and you will see.

No offence is intended.

what Hindu extremist party . why should we be ashamed if we are Hindu and support nationalist party which is for progress for all Indian irrespective of religion .you speak as if you are so kind hear-ted and you have never done any wrong .
believe be there is no Pakistan phobia it is just irritation that we want to grow and you are dragging us down.
leave media aside just watch your media you will get your answer.as far as IK is concerned if you believe in him good for you.
but bro let him deliver then speak about his caliber.

I agree with you that you should not be ashamed of being a Hindu and you have the right to support a nationalist party.

But ! ..... before this pride and support .... you must have integrity and honesty inside you. Without these two virtues you will loose your humanity and you will end up with someone who started the fire inside the train in Gujarat and then blamed Muslims (...or the one who locked the Samjhota express carrier from outside and then blew up the train .....). These facts have been established by your own institutions. If you had (or have) the integrity and honesty you will not be proud of Modi as the PM of India ...... instead, you would ask for justice for those thousands who were massacred on his watch.
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Modi and Imran are a perfect match. Imran has shagged everything that moves and Modi wants everyone to see him as a 60 year old virgin. WTF!


Double beef patty burger on a Modi post? That has to be some sort of a sin in RSS guidebook.
Modi and Imran are a perfect match. Imran has shagged everything that moves and Modi wants everyone to see him as a 60 year old virgin. I mean..... WTF!
thats politics in the sub continent for u...

Double beef patty burger on a Modi post? That has to be some sort of a sin in RSS guidebook.
"burger khao khud jaan jao"
-----------------------------anonymous IK fan(atic):D
But ! ..... before this pride and support .... you must have integrity and honesty inside you. Without these two virtues you will loose your humanity and you will end up with someone who started the fire inside the train in Gujarat and then blamed Muslims (...or the one who locked the Samjhota express carrier from outside and then blew up the train .....). These facts have been established by your own institutions. If you had (or have) the integrity and honesty you will not be proud of Modi as the PM of India ...... instead, you would ask for justice for those thousands who were massacred on his watch.
Yeah. Right. :coffee:
People like Imran Khan, Bilawal Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif 'warns' and Indian media replies(not Indian leaders).......that's their importance.....:lol:
because indian media thinks that india is super power but indian leaders know the truth.:cheers:
because indian media thinks that india is super power but indian leaders know the truth.:cheers:
Then what are your leaders waiting for, they should stop barking at India and wagging their tails to U.N and America for help and actually do something to take back what you think is yours.....
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Indians why are you complaining about this statement? This was the first times since bhutto that a mainstream pakistani politician spoke against india in a public rally while we see in india pakistan bashing happens in each rally with faar worse statement given like
'Pakistan ki charbi bar gaye hai..'
'Pakistan ko pakistan ki bhasha mein samjhana ho ga'
'5 ki jaga 50 sar kaat ke lao'
And to those indians complaining why did his dharna fail then listen its stronger than ever today in the by elections pti supported candidate won and everyone knows next year is election year. His dharna has for the first time awaken the people to stand up against this system with examples such as throwing rehman malik off and the 3000 strong protest outside UN.PTI ZINDABAD imran khan zindabad
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Indians why are you complaining about this statement? This was the first times since bhutto that a mainstream pakistani politician spoke against india in a public rally while we see in india pakistan bashing happens in each rally with faar worse statement given like
'Pakistan ki charbu bar gaye hai..'
'Pakistan ko pakistan ki bhasha mein samjhana ho ga'
'5 ki jaga 50 sar kaat ke lao'

And to those indians complaining why did his dharna fail then listen its stronger than ever today in the by elections pti supported candidate won and everyone knows next year is election year. His dharna has for the first time awaken the people to stand up against this system with examples such as throwing rehman malik off and the 3000 strong protest outside UN.PTI ZINDABAD imran khan zindabad

Because Indians and their leaders only know how to criticise others and not having enough patience to hear crticism against them..whats so hard to understand about it? ;) they act like they have their pants on fire literally whenever any Pak leader gives a single statement against them
ABSOLUTELY NOT! I can assure you 100%. I am not jealous at all. In fact, I did not see / find anything in him that would make me feel jealous.

And, I don't think that the word "LEADER" is suitable to be used for him.

Look at the reasons below, why don't feel any jealousy at all:

1) Modi appeared to be an uneducated person in these clips.
2) His style of speaking did not reflect that he is capable to lead more than 1-billion people.
3) He comes across as an unsophisticated person.
4) He appears as a zealot (like our Zaid Hamid) and not a leader.

I hope you understand.

Just wait couple of years and you will see.

No offence is intended.

I agree with you that you should not be ashamed of being a Hindu and you have the right to support a nationalist party.

But ! ..... before this pride and support .... you must have integrity and honesty inside you. Without these two virtues you will loose your humanity and you will end up with someone who started the fire inside the train in Gujarat and then blamed Muslims (...or the one who locked the Samjhota express carrier from outside and then blew up the train .....). These facts have been established by your own institutions. If you had (or have) the integrity and honesty you will not be proud of Modi as the PM of India ...... instead, you would ask for justice for those thousands who were massacred on his watch.

Modi won the elections and delivered $ 33 B. He's communal but that's out what you are point out here. Otherwise as a leader he is capable.
Modi won the elections and delivered $ 33 B. He's communal but that's out what you are point out here. Otherwise as a leader he is capable.

I think one has to understand the meaning of the term "leader"... before applying it to anyone.

Winning an election and delivering $33B is not the part of definition of "Leader" in any perspective or paradigm.

A leader is not divisive / communal - a leader unites.

A leader has a vision and brings people to his vision - Modi has no vision

A leader promotes and exudes peace - Modi does not.

A leader has intellect - Modi is not known for his intellect.

A leader is progressive - Modi is not

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