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Indian Media is on fire after Imran Khan’s warning to Narendra Modi


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Forced to shake hands with the Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, Pakistani cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan had feared “this adulterous moment” could have had serious repercussions on his political ambitions.

The incident, which took place in 2006, finds mention in Khan’s biography, Imran versus Imran — The Untold Story, authored by a young Indian writer, Frank Huzur.

Referring to a public function held in New Delhi, the book points out that the organisers invited Modi to share the stage with Khan, who was not aware that he would be in the same session as the Gujarat CM.

A handshake that 'nauseated' Imran - Hindustan Times

Come on jiger stop propaganda against imran khan dont try to be a PATWARI you people are mentally sick
Sahi unlgi de hay Imran Khan nay. Ab sara hafta Indian media par yehi laga raha ga. Modi jeet gaya, Pakistan har gaya. Teen age attitude.
Initialize Khoh Khoh missile....................

Acquiring target: Islamabad; Imran Khan's container

Doing Zhaddu sweep..................

Target Acquired..

10 9 8 ............3 2 1 Fire

News Flash : Pakistan suffers the armaggadon of Dharna due to India's use of weapon of mass destruction, the ultimate dharnaman , Khoh Khoh Kejriwal.Pakistan is planning to take up this act of using this inhumane WMD's by India on Pakistan to UN general assembly.

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Sahi unlgi de hay Imran Khan nay. Ab sara hafta Indian media par yehi laga raha ga. Modi jeet gaya, Pakistan har gaya. Teen age attitude.

Actually Very wrong timing.

Today election of Maharashtra and Haryana , two big and rich states, have concluded and every media channel is running back to back exit polls which indicate BJP getting majority, or at least getting close to majority, and posting a 1250% gain in Haryana ( from 4 to 50 ).

Everyone would be talking about this at least till 21st ( result is on 19th). Poor Imran would get no media space in India.
Actually Very wrong timing.

Today election of Maharashtra and Haryana , two big and rich states, have concluded and every media channel is running back to back exit polls which indicate BJP getting majority, or at least getting close to majority, and posting a 1250% gain in Haryana ( from 4 to 50 ).

Everyone would be talking about this at least till 21st ( result is on 19th). Poor Imran would get no media space in India.

You see I'm not obsessed with or hate India as a country. But can't say the same for your Hindutva brothers.So I don't care about your elections.
People like Imran Khan, Bilawal Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif 'warns' and Indian media replies(not Indian leaders).......that's their importance.....:lol:

Indian media is really hilarious :rofl:

I love you Imran Khan :smitten:

I watched this video with all the clips and Modi's topi drama.

My conclusion is that he (Modi) is not a man of substance, only an empty drum that makes very loud noise.

His halo of "strong man of India" will clear in the next two years.
I watched this video with all the clips and Modi's topi drama.

My conclusion is that he (Modi) is not a man of substance, only an empty drum that makes very loud noise.

His halo of "strong man of India" will clear in the next two years.
bro that is your wishful thinking because in you feel jealous you don't have leader like him.
bro that is your wishful thinking because in you feel jealous you don't have leader like him.

Yea right Narindra Modi one of the many Indian PMs who uses war mongering & the Pakistan card just to please the Hindu extremist parties in your country..never wants peace only wants the same war mongering we've been hearing since many years....just this shows you how big Pakistan phobia is present in India even after all this years..Same old Indian media, Same old India. IK is a one of a kind leader who is honest, not corrupt, who actually wants peace, progress in both Neighbours judging by his past and present. He is a real gem that comes once in 30-40 years.
Yea right Narindra Modi one of the many Indian PMs who uses war mongering & the Pakistan card just to please the Hindu extremist parties in your country..never wants peace only wants the same war mongering we've been hearing since many years....just this shows you how big Pakistan phobia is present in India even after all this years..Same old Indian media, Same old India. IK is a one of a kind leader who is honest, not corrupt, who actually wants peace, progress in both Neighbours judging by his past and present. He is a real gem that comes once in 30-40 years.
what Hindu extremist party . why should we be ashamed if we are Hindu and support nationalist party which is for progress for all Indian irrespective of religion .you speak as if you are so kind hear-ted and you have never done any wrong .
believe be there is no Pakistan phobia it is just irritation that we want to grow and you are dragging us down.
leave media aside just watch your media you will get your answer.as far as IK is concerned if you believe in him good for you.
but bro let him deliver then speak about his caliber.

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