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Indian Media Frustrated Over Pakistan's New Manless Drone "Buraq"

why aren't we mass producing these?

Not the laser was a bit far off, but I guess it had the guys at Treyarch going gaga over the idea of rogue drones.

On the topic, Its as if the Indian media purposely makes an effort to hire the complete opposite of guys that would end up at IIT or IIM. The proverbial bottom rung of the Indian IQ chain is picked out to serve as journalists and anchors.
no, they don't get it as much as your useless forces(rangers) have.... BSF don't have to run like rangers do when CIA drones fly over ranger's outpost

i really love when pakistans fools(think tanks) cry like babes when india achieve something.
Dont worry this is our bollywood media..They are trying hard to prove their superiority by drones after we got rafale..We have more drones with better quality.Anyway the best they can do with this drone is to kill own people & name millitants..We have seen how so called rangers play hide & seek in the border..

:sleep::sleep::sleep: dude its just Rafale you acting like its f22 raptor or some sh>t like that lol. Your Su30 are better than Rafale and guess what we didnt loose sleep over it.:victory1:
Dont worry this is our bollywood media..They are trying hard to prove their superiority by drones after we got rafale..We have more drones with better quality.Anyway the best they can do with this drone is to kill own people & name millitants..We have seen how so called rangers play hide & seek in the border..

ok dude rafale is the next best thing after God himself just bcz India bought it i wonder if USA is shittting in their pants bcz French made rafales. Dude drink some water and think. Ask your fellow indian members. You have no idea what you are saying so i wont waste my time. But please for your own respect sake ask your fellow indians who are smart and know about this stuff(and i know there are plenty of smart ones) how would rafale perform if pitched against F22. PLZ do yourself this favour and dont make a fool out of yourself let me tart you with this rafale a 4.5 gen aircraft f22 a fifth gen. Thanks and have a blessed day
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ok dude rafale is the next best thing after God himself just bcz India bought it i wonder if USA is shittting in their pants bcz French made rafales. Dude drink some water and think. Ask your fellow indian members. You have no idea what you are saying so i wont waste my time. But please for your own respect sake ask your fellow indians who are smart and know about this stuff(and i know there are plenty of smart ones) how would rafale perform if pitched against F22. PLZ do yourself this favour and dont make a fool out of yourself. Thanks and have a blessed day
ok dude rafale is the next best thing after God himself just bcz India bought it i wonder if USA is shittting in their pants bcz French made rafales. Dude drink some water and think. Ask your fellow indian members. You have no idea what you are saying so i wont waste my time. But please for your own respect sake ask your fellow indians who are smart and know about this stuff(and i know there are plenty of smart ones) how would rafale perform if pitched against F22. PLZ do yourself this favour and dont make a fool out of yourself let me tart you with this rafale a 4.5 gen aircraft f22 a fifth gen. Thanks and have a blessed day
What a retard,without crying come with some fact!!F22 is no doubt the superior bird but rafale is the only 4..5 gen contender to today's most stealth technologies..Rafale carries SPECTRA survival system which is a software base stealth technology indeed its body look like non stealthy..Only RAfale carries this kind of technology in the world till today..But no doubt Rafale is better than f16:lol:
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:sleep::sleep::sleep: dude its just Rafale you acting like its f22 raptor or some sh>t like that lol. Your Su30 are better than Rafale and guess what we didnt loose sleep over it.:victory1:
:D that's what I said . Poor Indians only can buy Sukois Rafale Pakfa . Not Advanced Burrrrrrrr'Q' UFO :coffee:
ok dude rafale is the next best thing after God himself just bcz India bought it i wonder if USA is shittting in their pants bcz French made rafales. Dude drink some water and think. Ask your fellow indian members. You have no idea what you are saying so i wont waste my time. But please for your own respect sake ask your fellow indians who are smart and know about this stuff(and i know there are plenty of smart ones) how would rafale perform if pitched against F22. PLZ do yourself this favour and dont make a fool out of yourself let me tart you with this rafale a 4.5 gen aircraft f22 a fifth gen. Thanks and have a blessed day

You are very true bhai :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Rafale is 3rd gen fighter which can drop bombs like Burrrrrrrr'Q and (j)F -(1) 7:pleasantry:
What a retard,without crying come with some fact!!F22 is no doubt the superior bird but rafale is the only 4..5 gen contender to today's most stealth technologies..Rafale carries SPECTRA survival system which is a software base stealth technology indeed its body look like non stealthy..Only RAfale carries this kind of technology in the world till today..But no doubt Rafale is better than f16:lol:
your sorry As> came from claiming rafale better than f22 and 35 to matching it with f16. Just quote me any where when i ve compared f16 with rafale. Docheba<.i am just laughing at you retard putting up a video of rafale performing at dubai airshow and claiming its better than f22. Anways i am an American of Pakistani decent so i can still shit on ur little punY as< Dic>head.

You are very true bhai :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Rafale is 3rd gen fighter which can drop bombs like Burrrrrrrr'Q and (j)F -(1) 7:pleasantry:
A>> crac> look at what your contrymate who is i guess supersmart claims rafale out performss or outclass f22, I wonder why American dont just dump f22 and jut buy rafales mayb americans dont have money like India or mayb americans are not as smart.

:D that's what I said . Poor Indians only can buy Sukois Rafale Pakfa . Not Advanced Burrrrrrrr'Q' UFO :coffee:
Yup poor indians Fkin wanabs superpower.For the country that i was born in you still aint sh>t douche.
your sorry As> came from claiming rafale better than f22 and 35 to matching it with f16. Just quote me any where when i ve compared f16 with rafale. Docheba<.i am just laughing at you retard putting up a video of rafale performing at dubai airshow and claiming its better than f22. Anways i am an American of Pakistani decent so i can still shit on ur little punY as< Dic>head.

A>> crac> look at what your contrymate who is i guess supersmart claims rafale out performss or outclass f22, I wonder why American dont just dump f22 and jut buy rafales mayb americans dont have money like India or mayb americans are not as smart.

Yup poor indians Fkin wanabs superpower.For the country that i was born in you still aint sh>t douche.
When you claim India is jealous of BurrrrrQ then what's in comparison between Rafael and F22 . Actually which is true that Rafale pilot had a lock over F22 during war game. Just Google Bro. Am not lying .

And You my friend sitting in US and takes crappie about India must go back to your country and say the same and look at your difference between us . US is advanced in all aspects no denying it. But Rafale is very advanced as F22 in many aspects which now India get its on to.

And yes we are Super Power wannabes . What's wrong in that ? When we put our hard work to make it happen unlike beg for money just to run their country like others . And US had its own dark days .SO does Russia EU China etc But our intent is to become a super power and many would say It's very possible for India . Will the same can be said to Pakistan ? Even for joke ?
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