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Indian man 'survives without food or water for decades'

No offence .i just have something funny to share with u guys....
A few years back my father was posted in DJK and me and my friends heard of a hindu temple in which a fire had been buring miraclously since 300 years.So we decieded to visit the temple due to curiosity and wat we found was a dude shoving logs of wood into the fire in order to keep it burning....heck tht was very darn funny........coz it was famed tht the fire has been miraclously burning since centuries.
Maybe sames the case with this dude...he might be taking his protiens in some other way.using liquids or something?"scam or hoax like idols drinking milk>?

No offence ..but i got a doubt ..if that so called temple can hide the secret for 300 years so how come u find the trick in a single visit,or do u mean to say all others to visited the temple for 300 years were blind..

summary donot be an Alice in the wonder land..:cheers:
Somewhere in the middle of the discussion, I got the brilliant idea of a Jin weapon :P If Bhoots are ever proven, thats going to be the first application for them :P Jins made it to Hollywood this time in the Clash of the Titans.

And dont forget the army of the damned (or whatever) in the LOTR - Return of the King
Oh mein Gott! Well earth is full of miracles. Not essentially that the man might be truthful but if he is indeed, he deserves the world record.
In for posterity's sake!

While people are at it, Jins and Army of the damned and what not, why not throw in some Imperial Stormtroopers or even the Cylons!! ;)

It would be awesome if DRDO can create such efficient soldiers, though I have to admit that I am myself a bit partial to the later models of the Cylons!! ;)


No offence ..but i got a doubt ..if that so called temple can hide the secret for 300 years so how come u find the trick in a single visit,or do u mean to say all others to visited the temple for 300 years were blind..

summary donot be an Alice in the wonder land..:cheers:
Quite plausible in other ways too...

Some sort of large methane reservoir underneath with a small leak fueling the fire. Also never underestimate the blind faith of followers. They see what they want to see. Me and a few friends of mine often go on trips we call "Ghost hunting", and have gone to places where there are famed Arabian ghost stories from centuries. Camped there, walked through graveyards at night, went to an Island thats supposed to be filled only Ghost inhabitants.

Found zilch. Nada, except for a few odd photographs that can be explain in someway.
In for posterity's sake!

While people are at it, Jins and Army of the damned and what not, why not throw in some Imperial Stormtroopers or even the Cylons!! ;)

It would be awesome if DRDO can create such efficient soldiers, though I have to admit that I am myself a bit partial to the later models of the Cylons!! ;)


I vote Cylons and I don't mean the toasters.
Quite plausible in other ways too...

Some sort of large methane reservoir underneath with a small leak fueling the fire. Also never underestimate the blind faith of followers. They see what they want to see. Me and a few friends of mine often go on trips we call "Ghost hunting", and have gone to places where there are famed Arabian ghost stories from centuries. Camped there, walked through graveyards at night, went to an Island thats supposed to be filled only Ghost inhabitants.

Found zilch. Nada, except for a few odd photographs that can be explain in someway.

Sherlock Holmes (2009) recommended.
Autrotrophic Humans Survival With No Food Or Water

Autotrophs: new kind of humans appears who neither drink nor eat

It is not ruled out that they will replace us at a new evolution stage

People all around the world were storming supermarkets and grocery stores on Christmas and New Year's Eve. There was a small group of people, though, who did not even think about eating anything for Christmas. In fact, they do not think about food at all. Such people call themselves autothrophs - they do not eat at all. The term designates an organism that makes its own food. Autotrophs can go on hunger strikes for years and even decades.

Irina Novozhilova, the president of the center for protection of animals' rights, expressed her opinion about phenomenal individuals, who can live without food and water.

"The idea to turn down food as it is appeared long ago. Russian philosophers, particularly Vernadsky, were thinking about a possibility for a human being to live on something non-material. Vernadsky was certain that man is an energetic creature that can nourish himself from the energy of space. Some people can prove it today that it is possible to live a normal life without physical food.

"All living beings on our planet can be divided into two categories - autotrophs and heterotrophs. The majority of plants constitute the first category - they receive energy from non-organic substances - sunshine or air - and process it during the photosynthesis. Humans and animals make the second category: they nourish themselves with other living beings. Therefore, the people, who can live on the solar and space power, are closer to plants than to other humans. There is a group of autotrophs in Moscow. They gather in the Konstantin Vasiliev Museum, where they share experience with others. If a woman breastfeeds her child until it turns seven years old, for example, a child will be able to become an autotroph already by eight - simply and painlessly. A mother neither drinks nor eats, but she has enough milk to feed the baby. There are such women in Moscow. I often interact with people, who reject food completely. At first they become vegans - they exclude all products of animalistic origin from their menu in other words. After that they gradually turn down the vegetal food too. When people stop eating physical food, they also stop consuming any kind of liquid. They drink nothing.

"I would not say that scanty nourishment exerts a negative influence on their state of health. They are rather vigorous and cheerful people. However, I would like to warn everyone that it is impossible to quit drinking water and eating food in a moment. It should be done slowly, step by step, with short-term temporary starvation. A lethal outcome would be inevitable otherwise. A person will be killed either with starvation or their own wastes. The 70-year-old Indian yogi Pralad Djani is one of the most renowned contemporary autotrophs. This man has not been eating or drinking anything for 62 years, since the age of six. Indian doctors examined and tested him: they placed the man in a special room, outfitted the room with surveillance cameras and sealed the bathroom. As it turned out, Pralad Djani's body was functioning absolutely normally. The body was producing urine, although it was being absorbed into the urinary bladder. The yogi said that he was receiving water from air. He also said that there was a tiny hole in the palate, from which drops of "heavenly" water penetrated into his mouth.

"Russia's most famous autotroph's name is Zinaida Baranova. The old lady from the city of Krasnodar is 67 years old. She was approaching her new existence very slowly. At first she gave up meat, then she turned vegetables down. She has been living without food and water for 4.5 years already. Scientists of the Bauman Institute examined her organism and were very surprised to find out that the woman's biological age corresponded to 20 years. Professor Spiridonov came to conclusion that the pensioner was a perfectly healthy lady; all her systems and organs, except for the stomach, were functioning normally. Indeed, she is a very energetic and bubbly person. She got rid of all diseases, even chronic ones. She said, however, that it was rather hard for her to get used to the new lifestyle. She was suffering from cramps, exhaustion, dry mouth, etc. There were moments, when she thought she was dying. The woman's health improved in 1.5 months.

"Doctors say that autotrophs make a fundamentally new type of self-sufficient human beings. It is not ruled out that they will replace us at a new evolution stage. Modern science has already confirmed the ability of a human being to maintain itself. Dietitians were recently saying that the B12 vitamin was naturally contained only in animal foods. Vegans, therefore, were supposed to die, since they could not receive the vitamin. However, doctors found out that the concentration of the B12 vitamin was fine with vegans. The situation became clear, when scientists discovered the synthesis process in the intestines. It became known that human beings could live on their own microflora. Medics have already discovered that the human intestines produce microorganisms that can synthesize amino acids."
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Astrology is more of mathematics than black-magic. Its more of cosmology than crystal-gazing movie stories.

So, you are saying minor Yoga is not Yoga? or, milder version of Yoga, is not Yoga?

It doesn't matter if its minor or total, because basic principals in both are same.

As an analogy - A baby drinks 100ml milk and an adult can drink 500ml milk. Still both are drinking "milk". More or less is personal choice.
I myself keep passing on such ideas like astrology gives the most probable quantum state that the individual would end up in ...
yoga is an ancient health system practiced and perfected over centuries......
black magic is a way of interacting with nature and is just a little bug package intendedly put into laws of nature for administrator(god)
convinience..I regularly come up with such ideas which many consider outlandish.The problem is not appreciation of our rich culture or whatever.
Whatever knowledge(allegedly) was pocessed by ancient rishis might have been the result of applying scientific thought or it might even have been a revealed knowledge.But whatever it is , it is only rational to approach it in a rational way..which is the scientific way.
The ancient knowledge is so extensive that asking people to just trust or atleast be open to the possibility of them being true gives rise to superstition.they must be examined only in a critical way by scientists and in a skeptical way by the society at large.That is better for the society .so let horse do it's work and donkey do it's work.

About yoga....the 200ml and 500ml milk analogy just doesn't work.There is a lot more to even the physical aspect of yoga(one of the many many aspects of yoga ) than the flexibility and breathing exercises currently being marketed.first find out what yoga is ...and then you wouldn't have any problem with me saying the currently practiced yoga lacks glory. The mind being replaced by body that too in such a feeble way....it's an insult to the rishis to call the thing currently being practiced as yoga.
Why should I be outraged just because a person of another religion verbally questions certain practices in mine - practices which may not make sense?

Heck, IMO Hinduism is vast enough that criticism is accepted and tolerated.

If I should feel insulted, it is either that (a) my religion is too weak (b) or my understanding of it is too weak.

It's just like I would expect Muslims to accept it, if I critique Islam.

Not everything is an insult to your religion guys.
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