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Indian man 'survives without food or water for decades'

Why should I be outraged just because a person of another religion verbally questions certain practices in mine - practices which may not make sense?

Heck, IMO Hinduism is vast enough that criticism is accepted and tolerated.

If I should feel insulted, it is either that (a) my religion is too weak (b) or my understanding of it is too weak.

It's just like I would expect Muslims to accept it, if I critique Islam.

Not everything is an insult to your religion guys.

I think no body is taking it as an insult. I know its unthinkable to believe that a person can live with out water and food for that long but there can always be a possibility. Do you think all the doctors who is observing him since 2003 would not have conducted some kind of tests on him? How can a person fool everybody for as long as seven years?
Are medical science testing hm since 2003. He cant make fool of medical science including nasa team
Are medical science testing hm since 2003. He cant make fool of medical science including nasa team

If this is true, there will be no hunger in India! Any sane guy can tell that the news is a creation from Indian Media and only Indian believe such things.
Breaking the assumptions is innovation...lets DRDO medicos comes with the results..how it will be helpful is up to time.
Breaking the assumptions is innovation...lets DRDO medicos comes with the results..how it will be helpful is up to time.

I hope it is true too!

However, unless it is proven and stated in science journel, it is still a BS.
I hope it is true too!

However, unless it is proven and stated in science journel, it is still a BS.

as of the latets news, he is under observaition for last 10 days continuously.... and he has not eaten or drunk anything ....
as per the doctors any person who does not drink water for 5 days his kidney fails....

So far he is proving right
it is possible 4 the persons involved in the meditation,as in the indian history,we can c a lot of characters who has done meditation even on standing on one foot 4 thousand of years,wat abt eating nothing.if it is real then he is not an ordinary person
it is possible 4 the persons involved in the meditation,as in the indian history,we can c a lot of characters who has done meditation even on standing on one foot 4 thousand of years,wat abt eating nothing.if it is real then he is not an ordinary person

yes,interesting u raised the issue here.There are numerous instances in Hindu Puranas,holy Scriptures where Sadhu ,Sanayais or Rishis who used to go in deep meditation invoking gods name for hundreds years long ,in some cases standing in one leg that their body become part of nature ,tree starts to grow over their body.

And in the end ,god himself has to appear before them due to the meditative power and give his blessings.
There are similar stories. I don't think they will learn anything useful from him though. Scientists have tried it before. Science demands proof that can be established.

Some holy men are said to be older than 100 years. Some walk/sleep/sit on beds of nails. Some even sit on live fire.

It's all about "mind over matter" ...by conquering yourself (through self discipline such as meditation) you can conquer matter.
There are similar stories. I don't think they will learn anything useful from him though. Scientists have tried it before. Science demands proof that can be established.

Some holy men are said to be older than 100 years. Some walk/sleep/sit on beds of nails. Some even sit on live fire.

It's all about "mind over matter" ...by conquering yourself (through self discipline such as meditation) you can conquer matter.

Hmm, not surprising at all, probably benifits from daily practice .
"Iam a lover Not a Fighter" Time to change it dude, "Iam a fighter not a Lover" There, I put that correct for you.:agree:

Come on man, whats wrong with my post ?

"Practice made Perfect" No ?

No need to get personal pal.

Btw, this topic is probaly the third or fourth on this forum.
Come on man, whats wrong with my post ?

"Practice made Perfect" No ?

No need to get personal pal.

Btw, this topic is probaly the third or fourth on this forum.

I know this is the 4th thread on the same topic... Mods, merge it or delete it pls other wise me and greyboy are gonna Go on a hunger strike till this gets merged, I am from India so I Should be able to survive.:D

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