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Indian man 'survives without food or water for decades'

I know this is the 4th thread on the same topic... Mods, merge it or delete it pls other wise me and greyboy are gonna Go on a hunger strike till this gets merged, I am from India so I Should be able to survive.:D

HaHaHa, boy, thats a really good one, nice talking with you pal.
No food for one month, even a year (although unheard of) if he meditated himself into a suspended state? Maybe

No Water or liquid whatsoever for one year, even one month = impossible

His constant fasting has most likely confused his sense of time..

This is one of many stories like it none of which has turned out to be true or at least not nearly accurate. They are clearly overstating there achievements.

It's all about "mind over matter" ...by conquering yourself (through self discipline such as meditation) you can conquer matter.

You can influence your body somewhat. And some people can truly achieve amazing things with discipline.
You can not "conquer" matter though. If I shoot you in your head, no matter how hard you meditate or how senior a scholar you are, you will die.
No food for one month, even a year (although unheard of) if he meditated himself into a suspended state? Maybe

No Water or liquid whatsoever for one year, even one month = impossible

His constant fasting has most likely confused his sense of time..

This is one of many stories like it none of which has turned out to be true or at least not nearly accurate. They are clearly overstating there achievements.

You can influence your body somewhat. And some people can truly achieve amazing things with discipline.
You can not "conquer" matter though. If I shoot you in your head, no matter how hard you meditate or how senior a scholar you are, you will die.
That made my day.

No food for one month, even a year (although unheard of) if he meditated himself into a suspended state? Maybe

No Water or liquid whatsoever for one year, even one month = impossible

His constant fasting has most likely confused his sense of time..

This is one of many stories like it none of which has turned out to be true or at least not nearly accurate. They are clearly overstating there achievements.

Do you have any sources to prove it ?
Bravo!!!! The old man is under examination for last six days when he didn't eat or drink anything but still very much healthy and normal. :victory::victory::victory:

82-year-old man says he hasn't had anything to eat or drink for 70 years
Argentina Star
Saturday 1st May, 2010

82-year-old man says he hasn't had anything to eat or drink for 70 years

The Indian military's research wing is examining a man who claims to have not had anything to eat or drink for over 70 years.
India’s Defense Research Development Organization, a branch of the Indian military, whose scientists design drone aircraft, missiles and bombs have turned their attention to an 82-year old man who claims not to have had anything to eat or drink for over 70 years.

Prahlad Jani has been kept in isolation at a hospital in Ahmedabad, Gurjarat to ascertain the extent of his abilities and discover how they might be transferred to soldiers. He has not had anything to eat or drink for six days now and is showing no adverse signs of hunger or dehydration.

“If his claims are verified, it will be a breakthrough in medical science,” said director of the Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Sciences, Dr G Ilavazhagan.

Dr Ilavazhagan added that his capabilities could help authorities train soldiers to go longer periods without food or water in adverse conditions, or help keep disaster victims alive until help arrives, though he was vague on the details of how a training scheme for either situation would be undertaken.

What is remarkable, however, is that after six days, Mr Jani appears unaffected by the fact that he has not eaten or drunk anything, or passed any urine or a stool. He remains in good health and is active, according to his doctors, who say that by 15 days they should see some muscle wastage, fatigue and dehydration.

15 days is the agreed period of the study, beyond that, organ failure becomes likely due to dehydration.

Mr Jani is regarded as a ‘breatharian’ who lives on a ‘spiritual life-force’. He credits his ability to go without food or water to a goddess who pours an elixir through a hole in his palate.

Highly regarded by some as a holy man, and derided by others who claim him to be nothing more than a village fraud, Indian authorities will know in another 9 days whether they have in their care the resource for their next generation of elite soldiers.
I know him, he is from my city. he many times has passes these 'tests'.
I'm 100% confident.
I know him, he is from my city. he many times has passes these 'tests'.
I'm 100% confident.

Brahmastra, this is just unbelievable. Think of what the possibilities can be if we understand the reasons !!!
I know him, he is from my city. he many times has passes these 'tests'.
I'm 100% confident.

This time it is different because it is DRDO which is a Govt of India org. Above all if they can find anything that will only help our soldiers. :yahoo:
no, I don't think we will easily find reasons.
I'm not sure but I think you guys(Non Gujju) learn about him from last week but we I know him/read about him from more than last 10 years.
Not only Indian but team of America and GERMAN DOCTORS ALSO TESTED HIM but they didn't find any breakthrough .Not atleast so far.
He already opened his pandora box that he gets all his strength from salaiva and uses meditation to boost his strength that is salaiva.

Watch the video that I posted earlier.

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It's BS... If you understand biology and how food is needed to fuel muscles and rebuild cells, this is going to be impossible.

Forget that if you understand this basic notion that "Matter is neither created nor destroyed, it just changes from one form to the other", you'd know this is impossible.
It's BS... If you understand biology and how food is needed to fuel muscles and rebuild cells, this is going to be impossible.

Forget that if you understand this basic notion that "Matter is neither created nor destroyed, it just changes from one form to the other", you'd know this is impossible.

He is under constant watch in a sealed room for last six days according to news reports. How do you explain that? What about other countries doctors examining him, those also didn't find anything wrong with him after long observed starvation? :yahoo:
It's BS... If you understand biology and how food is needed to fuel muscles and rebuild cells, this is going to be impossible.

Forget that if you understand this basic notion that "Matter is neither created nor destroyed, it just changes from one form to the other", you'd know this is impossible.

Its energy that isn't created or destroyed but it just changes from one form to the other.
It's BS... If you understand biology and how food is needed to fuel muscles and rebuild cells, this is going to be impossible.

Forget that if you understand this basic notion that "Matter is neither created nor destroyed, it just changes from one form to the other", you'd know this is impossible.

We dont know what we dont know.. Its just like before Columbus, the thought of sailing west from Europe to get to India was as ridiculous as this news item

Now I find it as hard to believe as you do. However, all paradigm change discoveries shatter/upturn all existing beliefs and theories.. Like Quantum physics did with Newtonian physics wrt sub atimic particles.. So wouldnt mind someone explore this more from a scientific direction. What's to lose.. At worst, it will be another scam.. How wrong can you go??

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