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Indian Lt. Colonel among 11 soldiers dead in Fidayeen attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir

Nope. If you want to get fooled by Horus, I don't mind. But Omar is hard core Indian and practically a Sikh. He goes to Gurudwaras etc and often ridiculed as a Sikh openly in the Valley. Please talk to the people in the Valley, the world is open. And the hatred (I estimate 40% of the population) they have is not for India but for Hinduism. If India was an Islamic mulk, 99% would not have felt bad staying in India. You don't stay here, so you don't know.

It is only you guys who are fooled on Kashmir issue. Not us.

For "hard core" Indian Kashmir's accession to India is conditional and is linked with article 370. You remove article 370. Bye bye accession :)

Omar Abdullah reiterates his stand on accession, calls its conditional - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site

I might not be living in occupied Kashmir but I have friends on internet who are from Indian occupied Kashmir.
Expect more vicious attacks .

we have to be very vigilant now ...

not only vigilant but we will also give them a befitting reply once we are done with these polls.
We aren't inetersted in your 'belief'. If the people of Kashmir havea problem they'll protest when the CM takes oath. As for you....paraye ke shaadi mein awaraa begana.

There are many problems with your assumption. First off, it is not your land, it is something that you have occupied illegally. And from therein stems all your problems. Apparently the people of Kashmir have a problem with you, hopefully they will make you realize soon enough.

Indian Forces doing with Kashmiris :taz::guns:

Kashmiri retaliate and do with Indian Cricket pad Army :sniper:

Indian Govt Reaction :pakistan: (Behind) :crazy_pilot:

Indian Media reaction :angry: :pakistan: (behind) :big_boss: (ISI) :argh:

Indian Public become :fie: :undecided::pissed::suicide: (ISI)

Pakistani Public :hitwall: :yay::yu: :haha:

at the End Kashmiris :bad:
It is only you guys who are fooled on Kashmir issue. Not us.

For "hard core" Indian Kashmir's accession to India is conditional and is linked with article 370. You remove article 370. Bye bye accession :)

Omar Abdullah reiterates his stand on accession, calls its conditional - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site

I might not be living in occupied Kashmir but I have friends on internet who are from Indian occupied Kashmir.
I am absolutely not fooled at all.

See this is election time. Omar is going to lose. This is his last try to gain as much votes as he can. Even then he shouts only for autonomy. :coffee: The ground realities are very different. :)
I am absolutely not fooled at all.

See this is election time. Omar is going to lose. This is his last try to gain as much votes as he can. Even then he shouts only for autonomy. :coffee: The ground realities are very different. :)

Election time??? So much for "hard core Indian". :lol:
While the violence is tragic, alleging that the attackers were "Pakistan backed", with the violence continuing as we speak, is at best irresponsible, and at worst just a continuation of the poisonous anti-Pakistan hate-mongering propaganda promulgated by Modi and his BJP "elephant head transplanting ancient Indian" idiots to brainwash even more Indians.

And on the issue of the allegation that these militants are "Pakistan backed", if the Indians actually believe it is true, then it clearly points out the fact that Modi, his BJP leadership and all those "military sources" ranting in the media as having "inflicted massive losses on Pakistani forces during the Indian ceasefire violations" and "we gave Pakistan a jaw breaking response" etc. etc. were talking out of their rear-ends.

Either way, Modi and the military establishment are taking the Indian public for a ride and consider them fools that will keep buying their nonsensical propaganda. Indians should have gotten a clue from the "ancient Indians had cosmic weapons, space travel, plastic surgery" etc. nonsense spouted by Modi, that the Modi government would have no problems in living in a fantasy world and distorting the truth.
Election time??? So much for "hard core Indian". :lol:
A politicians primary allegiance is always to the kursi. Well, almost. Omar is no exception. :D He mentions 'pliant regimes' meaning - Mufti, his main opponent.
A politicians primary allegiance is always to the kursi. Well, almost. Omar is no exception. :D He mentions 'pliant regimes' meaning - Mufti, his main opponent.

Then he is no hard core Indian to me. ;)
Who else should we blame ? How long will you people be completely oblivious to your wrong doings while fighting the same terror at home ?
The local separatists, much as you insist that the complex TTP assaults on military bases and GHQ don't have any possible Indian involvement.
"Both the 4th Geneva Convention and the United Nations Charter affirm the right of occupied people to employ armed struggle against military targets."

There are many problems with your assumption. First off, it is not your land, it is something that you have occupied illegally. And from therein stems all your problems. Apparently the people of Kashmir have a problem with you, hopefully they will make you realize soon enough.

There is one problem with your assumption. First off it's our land and we don't care what you think. How we relate to the people there, how we sort them is really our business. And let it be clear...anyone who dares to bring a situation of disaffection will face serious consequences. It is wiser for you to focus on your own problems (Balochistan and Sindh) than intrude into our spheres. If people in your establishment are involved in this attack, you can fully expect a reply elsewhere. It really is more rational for you not to be involved in these things.
Not as much as you perhaps, who is so inspired by India that he keeps the PM of India as his avatar. :P

I only change avatars not statements. A policy followed by "hard core Indians" like Omar. :D

There is one problem with your assumption. First off it's our land and we don't care what you think. How we relate to the people there, how we sort them is really our business. And let it be clear...anyone who dares to bring a situation of disaffection will face serious consequences. It is wiser for you to focus on your own problems (Balochistan and Sindh) than intrude into our spheres. If people in your establishment are involved in this attack, you can fully expect a reply elsewhere. It really is more rational for you not to be involved in these things.

Another delusional post.

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